Dave (chapter 75)

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"Well well well. It's finally nice to meet.... my fiancé" said a man who looked around 26. Just 2-3 years older than me. I was confused. What was he talking about.

"It seems you indeed have your fathers traits. So perfect for a perfect woman. Not to mention first and last of his children. So fine, so perfect. I just can't wait to marry you. Oh right. You have no clue" said the man with shinny Black hair. He's smile so perfect, simple yet defined eyes. The greenest of eyes. Lips like a freshly washed warm pillow. I quickly snapped out.

"See. Your father and my... mother made a deal. I get your hand in marriage and we rule the world together. Your father's genes and my mothers genes put together will be the ultimate key to our success." Said the man. I got up. I walked to Nerezza and saw she was badly injured. She was bleeding. Lucky I'm guessing Bakugo softened her blow to the ground. I held her as she cried.

"How does someone use their fiancé like that? Putting them in danger? I don't know what you want with my daughter and I but I will not allow you to use my daughter or I as a gunnie pig! Whatever my father wanted for me is not his decision. It's solly mine! I decide who I marry and i children with. You are not that person!" I yelled. The man chuckled.

"Aww that's cute. Your father is dead. My mother and I own you now. You're hurt. Your daughter is here with us. This thing can not be broken unless I decide to brake it. See..." the man began walking up to me. I walked to the every corner wall. I didn't want to engage any fights that could endanger my daughter. He laughed.

"Look. If you won't go willingly I'll force you to be my wife and mother of my children. You can keep that rat of yours in your hands." Said the guy. I laughed.

"You know what. Fine.... I'll be your wife." I said smirking. 5 minutes prior I started recording everything. I made sure only Bakugo heard everything.

"I'll be your wife.... only if you can beat me in a fighting match. Till one of us backs down. We have to set ground rules or it's not happening" I stated. He laughed.

"That is? I can't believe I'm allowing myself to hear you out" said the guys. I smiled.

"As you said. Your mother is the second strongest after my father. Which means she's also after a fight with me or however. To test me perhaps? Any how. If I win you'll listen to what I say and you'll leave me and my family alone. If you manage to win I'll be your pretend wife if that's what you need. However I still need to set some ground rules. I will do what I please. You won't force me to do anything I don't like. You won't hurt my daughter. She gets a free life and isn't in your plans. The fight will be on quirks. I'm sure you have more than one isn't that right?" I asked. He smirked.

"Yes it's correct I have more than 1. And fine. I agree with your plans. Till one of us gives up? Right will I never give up I set my heart out to" said the guy. I rolled my eyes.

"You have a healing quirk. Heal her" I said.

"Shouldn't you need it. I see your hurt badly." He said. I scoffed.

"Just heal her damn it. I'm fine. I'm in no need of luck or need healing. All I need is faith" I said. I kissed my heart amulet that Touya gave me. The man healed Nerezza. I thanked him. He rolled his eyes. I smirked.

"You know... by the time I get to you all that on your body will be off and it'll be just you and I naked" said the man. I rolled my eyes. He soon ran towards me and began attacking. I kept moving to the side so he wouldn't touch me. Soon I fell on the floor when I touched his arm for a second. I saw my future if I let him win. I saw myself barely alive. I was so pale and Bonney. I had been tested on everyday. I had 4 children with him. And I also saw Nerezza and a young boy next to her as well. I looked up to see the man standing over me. I gasped as I had tears in my eyes.

"Awww what's wrong princess? You lost fair and square" he said crouching. I swung my leg and knocked him down. I grew vines and roses around his throat.

"Don't.... just don't speak Dave... please. I- I can't be with you so please don't force me... I beg you please. Just don't force me to be with you." I asked begging. He looked up at me as I had him pinned on the floor. He laughed. I had blood running down my face.

"You saw the future didn't you? Well? I told you you'd end up with me didn't I? Poor kids of ours. You probably don't know this but we already have a kid" said Dave I was taken back at what he said I released my quirk and he got on top and started choking me. He started beating me to a pulp. All I knew was I was being thrown to the ground, I had cuts, stab wounds, broken bones. My leg and arm were broken. I couldn't tell what was going on. I was leaning on a rock holding my ribs as I had 4 broken ribs on one side. I was coughing up lots and lots of blood. My vision was blurry. Dave threw a metal arrows at my arms to stop me from moving or using my quirks. I couldn't find Nerezza anymore.

I heard things falling down. I heard Nerezza yelling and crying for my help. I could move at all. I saw Dave ready to kill Nerezza. I couldn't see what I did. All I know is my body got up and ran to Nerezza as I threw her to the side and was pierced in the heart. I coughed up more blood. I soon saw many hero's run in. Some followed Dave. I saw Deku and my friends run to Nerezza to check if she was ok. I was stabbed in the heart with an Arrow underneath a bolder that fell on me. I was bleeding out to death. I saw Bakugos shoes and I laughed.

Bakugo looked down at me and I noticed he had tears in his eyes. I smiled as I wiped one of his tears. I handed him my heart amulet.

"Give this to Touya and tell him I'm sorry for everything. Please watch over Touya, Deku, Shiggy, Lily and Nerezza for me? And hey. Don't cry. This day would have come sooner or later." I said. He shook his head.

"No I'm saving you like you saved me. It's not your time yet. I still have to beat you in UNO! And that match! You're not dying today. You will tell them goodbye. You shouldn't die like this. Not again." He said. It was obvious he was deeply hurt. I was confused at what he meant. I looked at my body and remembered that fake body. I had "died" the same way when I worked in the LOV before. I soon blacked out.

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