Part 43

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Lance finally woke from his dark box. He couldn't tell how long he had been out but judging by the pain in his joints he guessed long enough.

His eyes scanned the room. Lights dimmed. The blinds hiding the window claimed outside was still dark. The monitor next to him beeping steadily.

There was a sleeping form on the couch in the corner. Another sleeping form that seems to have fallen asleep on a laptop by his feet. Then the final one clutching his right hand. Head rested and eyes closed but breaths slightly ragged like their dream was uncomfortable.

So Lance gave the hand a squeeze. 

It jolted but squeezed back groaning slightly. The head turned away from Lance.

Lance blinked down at the mess of black hair besides him. He looked forward again testing his toes wiggling them slightly. The shape at the foot of the bed tilted and glasses slid down slight.

Lance peeked up at the monitor. Nothing fun just numbers. Half of what he didn't understand.

There was another squeeze in his hand and he squeezed back without much thought. His brain still felt scattered. Like he had no leads on what to think.

The hand squeezed again, "-ance"

Lance turned to to the muffled voice as he squeezed the hand back again. It was kinda a reflex honestly.

The mess of black hair rolled slightly looking up at him. The eyes were weird. Dark but hues of purple. Like a mini galaxy.

They blinked a few times before sitting up fully. Glancing around the room before gently whispering to him.

"You are awake. How do you feel?"

Lance blinked trying desperately to connect dots.

"Sore. I'm mainly... what's going on?" Lance whispered back afraid to speak louder then the guy holding his hand

His lips twisted slightly to a frown, "How much do you remember?"

Lance only shook his head. It's like the dots were covered. A look crossed over the guy besides him and he sighed letting go of his hand.

"I'm going to get the doctors alright?"

Lance nodded as the guy stood. He watched as he leaned over and tapped the figure with the glasses in the head. The head peeked up and the guy pressed his finger to his lips. The figure looked over at Lance eyes wide before the eyes snapped back to the guy who was leaving.

Before words could spill from the figure still half asleep the guy only shook his head. The look on his face was a poorly masked visual of disappointment. Then he left.

"Hey Lance. How you feeling?"

Lance refocused on the foot of his bed where the laptop was being moved.

"Sore. What happened?"

"What can you remember? Anything or is it the drugs making things hazy?"

Lance shrugged not missing the look of disappointment. The person at the foot of the bed shuffled over to the one on the couch. Whispering in the ear and soon the couch moved to sit up and look at him as well.

"Hey buddy."

Lance gave a small wave and looked back at the door. The other guy went to get answers right? They could explain to him what happened.

And well there was suddenly a lot of people in the doorway and Lance felt a bit of panic set it

Lance felt himself being poked and prodded. There was a lot of questions but it was like a veil was covering the answers. The original three who were in the room with him pressed against the back wall watching. A look of pain on their face.

"The memory issues really could be from the medication," one lady said tapping at the foot of the bed, "We plan on using the Altean pod to help speed up the healing of your chest and they may also help cleanse the medication from your system."

"It's like my memories are here," Lance pointed to his skull, "But I can't touch them. Something is blocking them."

The woman nodded, "That makes me feel better. It's telling me they don't feel missing just clouded. There is still a chance they are still there then."

There was mixed glances from the group on the back wall.

"Coran is brining the pod here so you don't have to walk. Luckily the stitches are holding well but we don't want to risk moving you," the lady continued

"What exactly happened?"

Eyes all glanced at each other. Like trying to pick an answer without giving him the full one.

"Basically your heart and lungs were being crushed and over run. Then once we relieved the pressure your lungs and heart panicked. Too much room all of a sudden. So we had to change your meds to quiet you down."

Lance nodded slowly but it still made no sense.

The woman looked at her tablet scowling, "We will be back shortly. We are just going to set up a room next door for the pod. It's power system is going to take a second for us to organize."

Before she left she dropped her hand to Lance's ankle giving it a squeeze and a smile, "We are glad you are still here Lance. We are going to do our best to get your memory back."

The crowd left leaving the original three. The guy with dark hair shook his head and moved toward the door, "I'm updating Shiro."

He left leaving the other two to glance at each other before they moved closer to the bed.

"So... no one is going to explain to me what happened?"

"They want to give you the chance to get your memory back on your own and not us just telling you but basically you had a surgery to save your life," the one with glasses tapped the side of them

"Yeah wasn't looking good for a bit but you suddenly calmed down and that's what helped. The surgery went kinda weird but they think it may have gone ok. The issue was moved we are just trying to see the side effects now."

Lance nodded still confused as he looked at the pair. He really wanted some water.

"Were we... friends?"

The guy nodded with a soft smile, "Yeah man. We went to school and traveled a lot together."

"Even the scary one with stupid hair?"

This sent the one with glasses into a giggle fit, "Yes even him. Sorry if he seems distant. It's his way of not panicking."

Lance could only shrug. What did he know.

There was a soft knock on the door entrance and a tall girl with dark skin and long white hair peeked in, "Hey Lance. We are ready. We are going to change you into this and then move you. Would you like them to help you or do you got it?"

She said his name weird

Lance tried to move his body but his chest felt like it was on fire. His wince didn't go unnoticed.

"I got it," the big guy grabbed the suit and waved the others out

He stripped the blankets over and carefully undressed Lance helping him slide the suit on.

"There you go. Alright. Let's get you healed alright," he said patting Lance's shoulder as he stood and looked down at his friend

"Hey Lance," Lance glanced up, "We are really really glad you are alright. Even if this doesn't fix everything we got your back. We promised you that before and none of us are going back on it. Got it?"

Lance could only nod. He really had no idea what was happening. He was really starting to wonder if he should trust these people but his instincts were oddly relaxed around them. So maybe... for now.

The group of nurses came back in and wheeled him in next door. A large pod stood against the wall open and ready.

The woman with white hair pressed several buttons with a sigh before nodding and the group helped Lance in. The moment the door shut Lance felt a bit of panic at the space. Like he was locked in a box again.

But the lady pressed a button and suddenly he was asleep

"Good luck Lance. We are by your side."

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