Part 19

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Quick apology for how long it took the next update to get here. For those who didn't hear I changed my schedule around. The idea was to just go ahead and write the rest and edit before posting. Hopefully now the rest of this will be posted smoothly. Ideally I'll update weekly even twice a week just depending on my work schedule! But basically at least it's all written out I just need to fine tune random parts now!

     "Well at least he knows you don't hate him right?" Romelle said picking at something under her nail with a frown

Lance chuckled, "Yeah a took awhile to get that way though. We use to always be at each other's throats."

"And becoming paladins help changed it?"

"Well I think that's part of it. When you spend so much time locked in a castle with someone else you tend to be forced to bond anyway."

Romelle chuckled moving to sit right on the right arm of the pilot's seat.

"There is still something I don't understand about you Lance."

Lance hummed glancing over at the yellow lion which had been lagging behind earlier that day. Luckily Hunk seemed to have fix whatever issue was bugging it. As much as the lions could use the rest they really didn't have the time for it. They needed to get to Earth.

He had been entertaining Romelle with the story of the other paladins. How they all met and just funny stories in general. Anything to help pass the time really.

"The girl you are in love with... why don't you want to find her? Even if it's a small chance. If you loved her so dearly to develop the flowers it would make sense. Not to mention but you seem like rather the romantic type."

Lance sighed wiggling his nose.

"It's more complicated then that."

"What was she already married?"

Lance chuckled, "No not that."

Romelle frowned putting her chin on her palm. She let out a small huff of air as she stared out into space. Lance could feel her wracking her brain.

Lance's phone let out a small ping drawing his attention away from her. A small smile played across his face at the screen. It was Keith of course. He had grown a habit of messaging Lance often. Maybe a bit too often but Lance didn't mind. He often was the one to send him dorky photos to begin with. Now that his moral seemed to be lower Keith opted to be the one sending silly messages now.

K- Did Kosmo leave that weird ball thing with you?

L- yeah on the bed

K- just making sure he didn't lose it

L- or were you just looking for a reason to talk to me ;)

K- funny ha ha Lance

Lance tried to rein in the smile on his face but he knew it probably wasn't possible. When he looked back up he spotted Romelle giving him a funny look. He cocked an eyebrow slightly confused.

"What's with the look?"

"What's with yours?" She returned

Lance frowned shrugging setting the phone down. Only for it to buzz again. Both faces turned to see Keith had again sent him a message. He opened it to see a picture of Kosmo chasing his tail.

The smile returned as he sent a heart back to Keith.

Romelle gasped making a weird silent shrieking noise. Lightly slapping Lance on the shoulder over and over.

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