Part 18

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Pidge chewed on the end of her pen looking at all her notes. So much gibberish hardly any of it really made sense but it was all she had. She had to figure out something. Maybe she would have better luck with some Earth or Altean doctors but she was fresh out of those.

"Am I the only one thinking Lance is lying?" Hunk asked from behind her

She glanced over at him to see him playing with her little trash buddies. They would stack themselves on his fingers before stacking onto one another.

"Lying about what?"

"About the alien girl none of us know about. You know... I know Lance would wander on his own a lot and such to flirt with locals. Obviously being a paladin would have if effects on some but... I don't know I just don't think it's the full truth."

"You think he's still in love with Allura?"

Hunk frowned waving the little trash buddies away as he looked over Pidge's shoulder.

"Well... I don't know if it's really Allura. I think we have all noticed he's been treating her more like a sister or friend."

"Then who?" Pidge looked over to the red lion where Lance and Kosmo were doing whatever it was they do

"Not sure but I think Keith knows who it is. I think that's part of why he's been helping Lance so much recently."

"You don't think it's because of the crush Keith had on Lance before he left?" Pidge pointed out glancing at the Black lion where Keith currently was

"Wait since when did Keith have a crush on Lance?" Hunk asked genuinely surprised

Pidge waved her hand lightly looking toward her notes again, "Before he joined the Blade. The only thing that doesn't match with it though is if Lance's love is for Keith and Keith has feelings for Lance the flowers shouldn't be hurting him as they are."

Pidge adjusted her glasses pulling up a certain page handing it to Hunk.

"You see the closer you are to the one the flowers are for the gentler they are on your lungs and heart. They still grow but at a slower rate to help encourage the pair to bond its less painful and the other person is actually soothing to them."

"Well... Keith has been sleeping over in Red. Lance's nightmares are in full force apparently so Kosmo fetched Keith as they start."

"Yet I haven't seen a difference between when Keith is with Lance and Keith is away from him. The petals just seem to come as they wish."

Hunk sighed giving Pidge back her paper. He leaned his head against the back of the chair in defeat.

"Fine. Not Allura or Keith. So who is it?"

"That's not my job to find out. I just need to remove them without destroying our Lance. That's my job," Pidge said firmly cleaning her glasses

Hunk hummed looking out into the darkness of space.

"Have you heard from Matt or your dad yet?"

Pidge shook her head, "Heard from Shay?"

Hunk shook his head the glum feeling spreading through the cabin.


Keith was looking over some logs as they continued their steady pace through space. It had already been a few days since saying goodbye to Krolia and Acxa as they went on to find the rest of the Blades and allies that the creepy guy on the destroyed planet hadn't already tricked.

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