Part 32

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Launch day and potential surgery day were only a few days apart.

Potential because... Lance still hadn't confirmed anything. He still hadn't said yes or no but they were prepping anyway.

"This is the last day we can do it if you want to be healed enough before going back into space. I can give you till the day before," Mrs Holt had warned him

So he stared... and stared... and was half tempted to toss the stupid papers she had for him

He had listen to Keith and the others he really had.

There was a good chance he would come out of the surgery fine. Still have the memories and feelings of those he loved. Well... minus Keith's. He wouldn't have that.

Or it could all go to shit and he would be an emotionless robot

Or even just die

Pick the potential poison

The other factor was... if he went through with the surgery and just lost the feelings for Keith like they were hoping... what would be the reaction to that?

Would Keith feel guilty? Would he be pissed? Embarrassed? Angry? Would he even want to see Lance again after the war?

Too many potentials

He found it ironic when Keith pushed him to hang out with whoever he loved before the surgery as an attempt... like he hadn't been doing that already.

At night he was often in Keith's bed being protected from the nightmares and guilt that often overtook him. Most mornings, trainings, and meetings he was there next to Keith. He would even drag Keith to some of his family things and the guy never protested.

Then there was also the trainings. It was weird now being stared and constantly watched and judge for things they had been doing alone for so long. Wasn't like it was easy training with a lung full of flowers either.

That was the other thing

It seemed to be getting worse

There were a lot of moments he carefully spent coughing up and pulling bloody red flowers out of throat. It wasn't just flowers anymore either. It was leaves and stems also covered in blood.

It was more difficult to get away with hiding it too. He had passed it off to his family as a space cold. The other paladins now mimicked Keith in the moments he was caught up coughing they could rub his back and offer water.

But he took Keith's suggestion even if he didn't realize he was suggesting it about himself

But he kept Keith by his side the majority of the day

Lance enjoyed being able to tease Keith through the day. Watching him tense and huff caving to mumbling under his breath before retaliating in some form. They spent several moments simply working side by side in silence like a well oiled machine.

Then there were the fans. Which was... well let's just say Lance never enjoyed watching Keith get so flustered and shoot down random girls who approached him. Though when the tides turned on Lance and girls cornered him he would only stare his heart was already taken.

He didn't miss the sour face Keith often made at the comment even if it wasn't for the reason he would like.

"We should do something fun tonight. It's one of our last nights!" Lance said as the entered the dining hall

Other also filtering in. Some buried in their tablets. Others chatting with their friends or family.

Life had been slowly getting back to normal. It was reassuring.

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