Part 24

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     Shiro silently lead Keith outside. Behind one of the hold garages that was now used to store some lesser items. Keith leaned against it looking up at Shiro crossing his arms.

     A small storm already building inside him. Unsure about what Shiro's intentions were. Shiro's opinion on Lance's condition had been firm from the beginning. Get the surgery. He had been gentle at first about trying to convince him but it looked like he was running out of patience.

     Then there was the other thing he had brought up right when test of the crew found out. Keith's old crush on Lance. Keith had never openly admitted to Shiro he had gained a crush on Lance. He sorta picked it up on his own. Noting the small things Keith often did when he thought no one was looking.

     Time away from Lance had let the crush wither away. No more then a soft thought of what was. Keith wasn't worried about his feelings now he was worried about Lance. Shiro... had multiple concerns.

     "There are several things I need to address and I don't want you to interrupt me," Shiro began

     Keith narrowed his eyed and nodded resisting the urge to shuffle his feet in the dirt.

     "First... this thing Lance is doing... you have to change his mind. Convince him to get the surgery."

     "His mind is made up at this point Shiro I'm sorry. I have no influence there. I've tried."

     Shiro raised his hand, "This is Lance we are talking about. That boy has so much love to spare there is no physical way he's going to lose all of it. If anything he will learn to actually love like the rest of us and not so intensely," Shiro gave a small smile to Keith

     "That boy has so much love in him he needs to understand that. He's not going to lose all of it just removing the memory of one."

     "What if you are wrong and the doctors mess up?"

     "As terrible as it is... he won't remember it was us who told him to get it... but... I just have a feeling Keith. Something is screaming inside me that he will be ok. I'm trying to have faith here and trust it. We can't afford to lose him. He is valuable to the team. Irreplaceable at this point. He's come so far as a paladin and his teamwork."

     "And you don't want to deal with trying to replace the red lion's pilot again," Keith interrupted earning a glare from Shiro

     "Could you believe me for five seconds that I am not thinking about the mission for once and I am actually worried about Lance and the rest of you. Specifically you."

     Keith paused tilting his head giving his eyebrow a small raise. 

     "Why are you worried about me? Lance is the one who's life is on the line."

     "Yeah and I'm trying to find a way for Lance to live. I'm trying to be optimistic here. I'm trying to think what might work but you..." Shiro paused and sighed rubbing his hand down his face

     "I'm worried about what is going to happen... if he chooses not to do the surgery. The team losing Lance... yeah we lose the red paladin and everything but we lose more then that. I missed a lot being stuck on the astroplan. I couldn't interact with Lance the way I wanted to. I could only try and I could only catch small bits of what was happening. The thing is Lance went through a hard time when you were gone. From what I gathered he was basically left alone and felt abandoned by his own teammates. Then things changed and happened fast. He got sick and you came back and things changed. He gained someone back that was willing to help and eventually everyone found out and tried to help too. He got the support back. Now I think the others realize what was missing during all that time. It wasn't just you and me but they lost Lance. Not physically but the Lance everyone came to love and care for. The Lance that was their friend. They just hadn't realized it yet."

     Shiro ran a hand through his hair. His eyes looking distant as he thought and recollected himself. 

     "Not to mention," Shiro looked back at Keith, "You have been the one with him this whole time. Ever since you got back. You two have even been sleeping in the same bed. Basically together even when you don't need to be. You had a crush on him before... I'm worried for you... if its coming back spending all this time with him... how are you going to handle it if he doesn't get the surgery? How are you going to handle losing him in general?"      

     Keith looked down towards his feet. This was something he had refused to think about. He hated the thought of losing Lance physically... but also if the surgery failed... Lance was right he would just be a zombie. He wouldn't really be Lance. It was just be losing him anyway.

     "This isn't about-" Shiro raised his hand but Keith kept on, "us as a team or anything Shiro. This is purely Lance and the key word there is HAD a crush... sorta happens when you are locked on a ship with only like five other people Shiro. Once I left it was gone. I'm fine."

     "I have every right to worry about you and Lance and the others. I understand Lance's worry about... losing love," Shiro gave a soft smile and Keith wondered if there was a different meaning to it

     "But... what if it works. He needs some kind of light. He needs hope going on that he might be ok. You need to get him to consider the surgery. For his sake... and for everyone," Shiro dropped a hand on Keith's shoulder

     "Plus... none of the others got crushes on anyone besides Lance on Allura and Allura to Lotor... so you can't say much," Keith blushed slightly at his slight taunt

     They were silent for awhile staring at each other as if waiting for the other to crack. Keith sick of silence at this point. He had too much of it when he was stuck on that stupid space whale.

     Keith finally sighed letting his head rest against the wall behind him, "You act like I am the only one who can convince him."

     "I honestly think you are."

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