Part 42

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There was a steadily annoying beep that could be detected in the background. Occasionally drawing him a bit more in and focused. He couldn't open his eyes though. Honestly he didn't want to.

But he could still hear that beep

Lance felt like he was locked in a box. With just the beeping and dark to keep him company. Occasionally hearing a rustle of something but his body refused to turn toward it.

There was weight and warmth in each side but he couldn't figure any of it out. Occasionally the beeping would grow frantic and panicked. A pressure would sit on him till it settled again.

But he remained locked in his box

He couldn't tell how long the box kept him trapped but the beep changed its pace from calm to rapid to calm again six times so far. The warmth besides him occasionally shifting but never leaving.

What happened?

Why was he in this box?

Why couldn't he see?

Why couldn't he move?

The beeping grew panicked again. Was that his fault?

What was it?

The pressure on his chest returned. A whisper that sound distant and fake seemed to weave through the cracks.

"His heart and lungs aren't use to the sudden pressure relief. It was so use to be covered in flowers that all the extra room is occasionally sending his body into a panic."

His body what?


Why were there flowers in his chest?

Lance wanted to stretch his fingers. At least maybe that. He stared at them willing them to flinch. They wouldn't budge.

"How long?"

More voices drifted through. He wondered who they were. How long had they been there? How long had he been locked away? How long would he stay here?

"Depends. His body panicked at the change. We still are unsure on the exact consequences to what happened. Allura and Coran said in their history they what happened has never been reported. We don't even know the effects on his memory or emotions yet. We were prepared for his body to panic a bit but the flowers removed themselves too fast."

What flowers?

What happened?

Silence again filtered through with the exception of that beep. The weight and warmth on either side shifting. His left side seemed to move the most. Occasionally the pressure and warmth gone for what felt like hours only to return. The right side never changed. The beep rising and falling over and over. Only glimpses of talks filtering in.

"What do you think happened exactly?"

The pressure on his right suddenly gone

"They said as soon as they cracked his ribs apart the flowers tried to escape. They detached themselves."

"Which means what? His love was returned? That doesn't make sense why then?"

"It may have been a blessing. The flowers were able to escape through his open chest instead of trying to force themselves out of his throat where he would have suffocated. Honestly perfect timing. However this has never been recorded. We don't know the effects. If he will still be Lance or if it was too late."

Too late...

Too late for what?

Lance had too many questions. He wanted out of this dark hell. That stupid beep driving him insane. It grew rapid again. Too rapid. There was a new panic leaking through the cracks. He couldn't see.

"It's too fast."

"We need to calm him."

"Why isn't this working."

"His heart is going to give out."

The beep was no longer a beep. More like a long drawn out dull song. There was more panic. His chest felt like it was being stabbed. It tingled to no hell.

"What about that pod the Alteans have?"

"Too late his heart is stopping we need to get it going again."

"Hey Lance."

Lance blinked. His eyes searching the darkness for this new voice. It sounded close. Like it was trapped with him in the box. Like he knew this one. Like it belonged to him.

"Hey Lance. I know your scared but you need to relax. We can explain then but you have to relax for awhile ok. Take a nap. You deserve it."

What happened?

How can he sleep with the beeping and the darkness. He couldn't move. He was trapped.

"Lance. We are all here. You aren't alone."

He feels alone. He can't see anyone. Why does this voice sound so familiar.

The voice seemed to tune down. More of a whisper but why did it feel so close? Like it was right there? Like it was with him?

"Lance. Relax my love."

It was almost a command. He couldn't ignore it. His heart stopped tingling. The beeping relaxed to beats again instead of a long beep. His throat suddenly cleared a bit.

Lance sucked in and let out a sigh of relief. He could breath again. He still couldn't leave his box yet but he looked over to his right side. Where the warmth and pressure had come back. He wiggled his fingers slightly. They barely moved.

But there was a gentle squeeze in return

"We are here Lance. Take your time. Heal. Rest. We are all here. We will protect you till your ready."

He was safe... he didn't know who they were but the voice didn't seem like one to lie. Not this one.

He wiggled his fingers again. Another gentle squeeze.

"We are here Lance. I am here. I love you. I'm sorry."


Sorry for what?

Lance tried to squeeze in return but his fingers only wiggled. There was a different squeeze this time. Fingers pushing against his lacing them together. Then a gentle squeeze.

"I'm here."

Who is here?

"I love you."


"Relax ok. Get better for us."

What happened?

"I'll stay right here. I'm not going anywhere."

Please please stay.

Don't leave me alone here

It's too dark


"Love you."

Who are you?

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