Part 38

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Mrs. Holt was the one who came in and sent everyone away. Demanding Lance relax and the others get to work. There was still a lot of prep work to be done before going back to space.

Keith couldn't help the feeling of guilt as he had to turn away from Lance. He would be back later. For now Lance was at the mercy of Romelle.

"So," she started after the room had been cleared giving him a look

He simply shook his head and looked away. He really didn't want to talk about it.

"Lance... you really aren't going to tell him?"

"What's there to tell? Just going to leave him feeling guilty."

It was true. The more and more he thought about. If he were to admit to Keith it was him and the surgery went bad... well he didn't want Keith to live with it on his mind. Keith would. He would never forgive himself even if it wasn't something he could control.

No one can truly control where they want their heart to go.

He didn't want Keith to live with that in his heart. He wanted Keith to enjoy his life. Even if many years later he went on to love someone else or even chose never to love anyone.

He didn't want to be Keith's burden and guilty.

Romelle frowned dropping her head on Lance's shoulder, "I get it... I think. I just could have sworn he liked you back. Like properly human love. The way it works it doesn't matter if they ever speak the words I love you. It just that they realize they love the other. Technically no confessions need to be done. Just the realization."

"Keith never really had many friends growing up. I promise it's probably just that," Lance said patting Romelle's hair

He was interrupted with a heavy cough. A few petals streamed out as well. He was so sick of this.

Romelle picked them up and tossed them gently into the bin. Letting the drift down by themselves.

"Maybe it is just friendship. What would I know about the way humans interact. You are all confusing anyway. The only thing I could think of is that if he does love you he just honestly hasn't realized it but if you are so sure it's just friendship for him..."Romelle glanced over at Lance

"I think so... I might be lucky and be his best friend and I really appreciate the time I've been granted with him. I'm thankful I got to see my family again and that Earth is sorta alright. Hopefully I can help enough for the final battle is all I ask. Can't leave you guys hanging can I?" Lance teased

Romelle gently elbowed his side, "yeah we gotta have our favorite paladin around. We wouldn't survive without you."

Lance only snorted letting himself leaning against the pillows. Romelle poked him and gave him a look before dropping into a rant about how she was still confused on certain Earth customs leaving Lance attempting to explain them.

He appreciated the distraction. It was nice to ramble and argue playfully without letting the worry consume him. Around lunch though Romelle left and was quickly replaced by Hunk and Pidge.

Romelle wandered the halls peeking around corners finally cornering the group she was looking for.

"What are we working on now?"

Heads tilted to her direction before focusing back on the screen.

"We are trying to figure out the latest data. Some of the Blade members are rising from the ashes you could say. They are giving us some information on where we need to start," Keith said knocking Coran's hand out of the way to adjust something on screen

Keith refocused before looking up at Romelle, "Hunk and Pidge?"

She nodded stretching and dropping her chin on Allura's shoulder earning a frazzled look, "With him now. Shiro said he was going in after them right?"

Shiro nodded, "And I think we will be joining as well," Allura added nodding to Coran

Romelle turned to Keith, "So I guess that leaves you toward the end of the day right?"

"Yeah then hopefully everyone will be there at the very end before the kick us out for the surgery," Keith said brightening sections on the screen, "What about here?"

"Air would crush our lungs even with the suits so no," Coran said pointing to a different spot, "That place isn't far and is a moon of it. Should be fine. The air there is tamer."

"Will it really be alright traveling so soon after Lance has surgery?" Shiro asked staring at the numbers

"Well it's not an easy surgery even for us who are technically well more advanced medically. Unfortunately we don't have much of a choice. If Mrs. Holt clears him then we will likely have to watch him and pray the battle isn't too severe," Allura sighed pointing at another moon but earning a head shake from Coran

"I just wish he didn't even have to have the surgery," Romelle mumbled leaving the group suddenly quiet

No one looked at her as she said it but she could feel the slight tension raise between a few. Shiro and Keith sharing a glance as well as Coran and Allura.

"Am I missing something?"

Allura shook her head and sighed again. Honestly to the point Romelle wondered if she even realized she was sighing so much. Must be the stress.

"We've just ran every possible idea. We've consider ever person we know. Even if Lance's love is amongst us  at this point it would be too close a call to hope they loved him back."

"All they have to do is realize they love him though right? At least that is what I was always taught," Romelle added

"Yes but even at this stage the flowers and everything have wrapped itself so tightly even if his love suddenly reciprocated his feelings the realization may kill him anyway. The flowers and vines don't fully disappear they still must come out. They would expel themselves through his throat and with it being so late in his progress that may kill him alone," Coran said tugging the tip of his mustache

"So... he's screwed anyway?" She said glancing at Keith

They all nodded slowly

"You can't actually believe that right? I know I haven't known him as long as you all have but he has more fight then that," Romelle felt a bit of anger ride through her only for Keith's next words snuff it out

"That's the problem. He fought for so long he's exhausted himself beyond the point of return. This very well could be his last chance."

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