Part 16

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     "So... nothing?"

     Keith had caught Lance up on the news. That pit in his stomach was there grinding itself deeper and deeper. An internal voice whined at the casualness of Lance's voice.

     Keith wasn't sure if it was better to have Lance panic or not. At least if he did panic though it meant that he was still fighting. Now it just feels like he's given up.

     "Well fingers crossed Pidge can decode a bit more. Something will line up and make sense. It is just going to take time."

     "Time that I don't have," Lance paused putting down his spoon his gaze shifting out

     They could see Red from there point. Being drug slightly by Blue since Lance was off getting healed. The never ending black that surrounded them slowly creeping by.

     "We need to get home Keith. I've got a feeling they are in trouble. You all are already going to be late as it is. We can't take anymore detours."

     "I know."

     Lance seemed a bit surprised that someone finally agreed with him.

     "That doesn't mean we are giving up on you though."

     Lance scowled looking at his now empty bowl.

     "We care too much Lance we aren't leaving you behind. Plus we need you to help save the world Lance. Voltron can't do that without you."

     Keith felt his hand spasm in his lap. The overwhelming urge to protect Lance was running in full gear. Keith already vowing to himself not to leave his side till they find an answer. He just hoped Lance wouldn't chase him away.

     "I just... need you all to be realistic and prepared for the worse. It's going to hurt but... I want the damage to be minimal when it does happen."

     Keith gritted his teeth.

     Why couldn't he get it through his thick head?

     Kosmo interrupted them with a sigh from under the table. Both looked down to see his eyes moving from one to the other. The exhaustion from the day still heavy. The pods healed you but it wasn't like a proper sleep when it happened. If anything it was more draining.

     Keith stood reaching for Lance's hand. Lance tilted his head confused but accepted it. Keith slipped his head through Kosmo's fur and in a blink they were inside the red lion.

     Blue detached herself letting Lance take full control again. Red purred at having her paladin back. Keith could feel it in his bones. He watched as Lance closed his eyes with a slight smile listening to her talk.

     "You didn't have to come back with me you know," Lance muttered eyes still closed

     "We need more rest. Kosmo will just come get me once you sleep anyway," Keith said kicking off his shoes and removing his jacket

     "Sorry for-"

     "No. I don't accept it. Now get ready for bed."

     Lance snorted doing a mocking salute before turning to wash up.

     Keith sunk into the bed. He realized he was putting himself in a dangerous position. He had feelings for Lance prior to working for the Blade but once he was away the feelings had left too. Spending all this time with Lance... he knew it could trigger them to be reborn. Not that it mattered. Lance loved some girl... who cruelly didn't love him back.

     Keith understood that Lance could take some time to love. It took Keith awhile... but how could you not love him. He was Lance.

     But the reason he was so determined to keep Lance's hope alive. To keep him happy was he did see section of the future. While trapped in the quantum abyss he saw older Lance with who assumed were his nieces. Happy and carefree as he always was swinging them around as the squealed in delight.

     The future may not set in stone... but there was a chance right? That they picked the right choices that the path still lead to a happy Lance.

     It had too

     When Lance joined Keith he was scrolling across his phone. Already in comfy clothes for the night. Kosmo as well ready at the door of the bed. Lance hit the light sliding in besides Keith. There was still that slight awkwardness. Normally they were joined in bed due to the nightmares not so much before.

     Keith shut off the phone setting it besides him. His brain already growing sluggish again. Sleep seemed like a welcoming solution. Lance however was struggling.

     "Is there something you need?" Keith finally asked as Lance stirred once again in the attempt to find a spot

     "My brain is tired but my body isn't ," Lance sounded frustrated as he turned back to his back facing the ceiling

    A memory drifted back into Keith's mind... no a feeling. From his time on the whale. There was a moment he was struggling to sleep and he felt it then. He was out in a matter of minutes.

     "Do you trust me?" Keith sounded so soft in that moment Lance felt his heart skip

     "Are you going to knock me out?"

     "What? No!"

     "Then I trust you," Lance snickered trying time count sheep again

     Lance felt Keith's hand move from under the blankets toward his head. His thoughts emptying in confusion. His eyes immediately fluttered at the sensation of Keith dragging his hand through his hair. Nails brushing at the scalp.

     Lance's whole body tingled. Heat fanned out across his body. Everything seemed more sensitive. This was going to do the exact opposite of what he needed.

     But Lance wasn't going to tell him to stop

     He let his eyes drift close letting the feeling send waves of euphoria to every nerve ending. The hum seemed to send a soothing sensation to his lungs too. For the first time in awhile giving relief to the consistent scratching.

     Keith smirked watching as Lance's breath evened out in a matter of minutes. His body visibly relaxing deeper into the bed with each stroke. He was asleep before he could register it.

     Keith didn't stop his movements however. He let his hand keep Lance locked into the deep sleep. The heat and presence of Lance besides him was doing the very same trick to him. Keith felt his eyes drift with each count of Lance's breath. He quickly followed Lance into the dream world.

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