Part 7

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     The voyage home was long and dull. The vast heaviness of space folded around the group feeding their fears, stress, and panic of what awaited for them.

     Lance however had the extra worry of trying to figure out his death. He was already prepping in every way possible. Well he thinks he's is. There wasn't exactly a nice little say goodbye from space hand guide he could follow.

     He cleared his throat again as his hands stroke the lines of his notebook. Knowing his final words and adventures were all there for his family. As for the others, he still wasn't sure how he was going to tell them. He didn't want to add to the stress they were already under.

     He wasn't worried about it this second anyway. They were still flying their lions back home. A long long long long way back home.

     It was rather dull.

     Lance couldn't help but nod off a time or two. He must have closed his eyes a second too long because he suddenly felt things change around him. When he opened his eyes he was surprised to be standing besides Hunk and Pidge.

Bright lights and some guy called... Bob... came to view shouting all sorts of things getting the crowd riled up. Wait... crowd?

Lance looked around some more seeing the others just as confused and he was. He turned toward Allura hoping for an explanation but she only shrugged. The floating creature began talking though Lance wasn't really listening he was too busy clearing his throat when he realized what was happening.

"Did you say we'll be trapped here for the rest of eternity?" Pidge exclaimed from besides him

Lance felt his jaw drop as he refocused his attention to the one in front of him. Here for eternity? Well the others would be he doesn't have much time left anyway but come on. That seems a bit harsh. They were the saviors of the universe after all.

Lance wasn't paying much attention to the rules but suddenly Keith got zipped to the front to draw. Lance struggled not laughing at the fact they stuck a pacifier in his mouth though he had the huge urge to fix his hair. Suddenly the timer started and Keith began to draw. Hunk and Pidge jump into guesses so Lance tries as well. Only to get sassed by Pidge.

They continue Lance throwing anything that came to his mind in desperate attempt to guess something. Keith however was really sucked at drawing... to Lance anyway

"Lance will you stop talking!" Allura finally snapped

Lance flinched falling silent watching in confusion as they began to introduce a new team. Lance clenched his hands to stop the shaking. He was in a panic. That's part of why he couldn't stop talking. He couldn't let his friends stay here for eternity. He had to think of something.

"Windy cave?" Keith's pissed off sigh came from his left

"Hey I'm not a mind reader," Lance retorted trying to refocus

He shook his head only to here Zarkon yell "The dumb one!"

It took awhile for Lance to realize he was talking about him. That feeling of useless dread spread through his core. Great... The dumb one. He should have just left Voltron when he had first thought about stepping aside. He was about to cost them their chance at freedom and they all knew it.

Sure enough it was a disaster.

"I'm just not really good with names. I'll get the next one," he tried to boost his team's confidence in him but he could feel his own fading fast

His hands shaking so bad at this point he couldn't hide it. He quickly covered his mouth as he hid another cough, grateful no petals came up. Bob sent him a quizzical look before he began to show him the Snick. More panic seared through Lance as he saw the creature and quickly begged for the next face to be easy.

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