Chapter 1

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it was not easy to be an idol and it was not easy to have a girlfriend who is really strict towards on you that sometimes you feel that you are so tired from everything..

But what you gonna do? You just so in love with her and you know you can't lose her...

Well something argument happen between me and my long time girlfriend who is idol too

She was a member of K-pop sensation girl group name TWICE

She was their maknae and you know who is it? It was Chou Tzuyu..

The strict girlfriend ever..

I feel so annoy by her rules and I irritate by her scolds but all of those I take because I have some promises to her..

Her parents know that she is in relationship with me and they already met me personally, I didn't even expect that she was hella rich woman..

My members just keep comforting me since earlier because I'm so done to her..

That's why they give me a drink first and we just sharing drinks here at our living room and sharing some thoughts about being an idol and having a hard time with our own girlfriends..

But Only Taehyung hyung doesn't have girlfriend and we didn't know why..

"Hey Taehyung"


"You don't have a girlfriend since you become an idol, since you going to date someone huh?" Jimin hyung said..

"If I already saw the person who really caught my attention" Taehyung said and drink his beer..

"Really? The question is, is someone already caught your attention?"


"Woohoo" we cheer because Taehyung hyung Finally found the girl who will make him happy

"Can you spill who is that lucky girl?" I said while smiling..

"It's Secret for now, how about you? Since you going to tell us your girlfriend? Who is that huh?" Taehyung said..

Yeah, they didn't know who is my girlfriend and if they know that, they will scold me because they don't want me to date someone from twice because jimin hyung already dating one of them and it was Dahyun..

I just mentioning them that I have a girlfriend and she was truly strict more strict more than my mom..

"Soon or later, you will know her" I said while smiling and Taehyung start to clung on my neck..

"For sure she was hella pretty and looks bossy because she really made our maknae like this" Taehyung tease and I pinch her waist to stop him from teasing me..

Then we start sharing some about our girlfriends and give some advice to Taehyung about having a girlfriend..

He doesn't have a girlfriend since he become an idol and it's already 2021 and it's been soooo long year since he was a single..

We even tell him that there's a lot of female idols liking him but he said those girls are not his type..

That's why he still single because he was picky person..

A/N: happy Tuesday! It was rainy here at my place and soon it will turn sunny

and yeah this is my new NAYKOOK story with some mature chapters will upload soon as possible

I hope you will like it because I'm not so good at making smuts, lol

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