Chapter 36: |Prince Alexander, The Psycopath|

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" That's..not true.. Will you stop buliding up vain stories..ladies..?"

Perceus opposed to their statements one by one vigorously.

"Then why is Lady Clotho sending you to bring Lady Atropos, Sir Perseus..? Besides, Don't think you can hide it from us.. We all have heard rumours about you visit the palace of the Three fates often.."

"Ah.. That's.."

Damn Queen Clotho..! Why is she putting him into this mess..?

And... That reminds him.. Queen Atropos..! Calling him out often for such a silly reason..? It's no wonder many gods and goddess misunderstand their relationship as intimate. This rumour has also spread to the human world. That's the reason he lost many prospective brides.

All this made Perseus very frustrated.

And, Of course, the main reason is because her relationship with the human prince is very confidential one. As a matter of fact, noone except the original people of the palace and him even knew about the existence of the Cursed Prince, a poor lamb with a pretty face and no power.

"Listen here girls.. There is absolutely nothing going on me and Goddess Atropos alright..? Just because our relationship seems catchy for the rumours.. It doesn't mean that it is real right..? So, I beg of you stop spreading those rumours and please don't talk about me and Atropos like that.. Okay..?"

"Oh.. Okay.."

"Sure.. Sir Perseus.."

The girls nodded their heads in understanding.

Perseus sighed in relief.


One of the girls interrupted in confusion and asked the lad. She was a muse and singing love songs was her rank of specialisation.

"You do like her highness.. Right..? So why are you so opposed to these rumours..?"

The muse asked him.

"Ah.. That's..."

A faint blush immediately tinted over Perseus's cheeks and immediately made the hearts of the girls doki. doki.

"That's .. None of your business.. I must go.."

Hero Perseus stalked away hastily trying hard to control his buring face as the eyes of the five girls grew moe-moe in admiration.

'So cute. How can people not misunderstood when the crush of the hero was this obvious..?'

They all thought and smiled with satisfaction at the same time.


The door knocked and demigod, Perceus entered through her bedroom hesitantly.

"Queen Atropos.. Are you in here..?..."


He did not recieve any reply from the woman sitting in the dark.

Ahh geez. Why do you have to reduce the number of lamp lights in this room to one..? Is this some kind of habit of yours.. Dear Goddess of Death..? Ugh. That's creepy..!"

The warrior complained as he walked towards her and light several other lamp lights.

Queen Atropos looked herself in the mirror and gazed at the grieving heart broken young lady staring back at herself.

She abruptly broke into sarcastic laughter as she recalled the earlier incidents of that week and started.

"Haaah..! Human beings are so difficult, Percy. We fall for one. Then we realise that they already have a fated woman from the oracle of that darn Eros that we just have to give them up. I wonder why it is comfortable being with you, Percy?.. Is it because you are a half god? Hmm.. It must be.."

I Swear, I Am Not A Cinderella |Book 2- The Fairytale Academy|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu