Return to the mall

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, no. Judging just from how many corpses are flocking around the road we need to take? I'll take it that our group was not very stealthy after leaving. It's not just the front entrance that's overcrowded right now." I whisper as I look at the road that was overrunning with corpses...

"We go from the back then?" Saeko whispers without turning to look at me.

"Yeah, probably." I answer as I pat her shoulder and turn around.

We then walked back all the way to the other side of the clinic. Upon reaching the end, we again checked the road in front of us.

"There are a bunch of corpses that seem to be crawling towards the clinic, probably drawn by the noise we made. They're quite spread out though, and they're all still in the small, uhh, park? What do you call it? It has no trees whatsoever, with just a grassy field and some paved walkways. Also see a couple of cars near the edge of the park." I speak up as I scan the area ahead of us.

"Still, we should be able to run past the corpses, and the road behind them looks clear. Huh, I honestly expected more corpses to be around, but, ehh I'm not complaining." I add as I stare at the corpses that kept shambling towards the clinic.

"After we run past them and reach the street, what then?" Saeko asks as she turns to me.

"Hmmm, we need to turn either left or right, then make another turn on the next intersection, so we can end up going in the opposite direction from where we're going now. The mall is more or less a straight line from the clinic." I answer as I turn to her, she replies with a nod.

And so, after we spend a couple of seconds looking at each other, until it started to get a bit, awkward. We slowly sneaked out of the 'corridor' and started walking towards the small park.

I then also realized why there were not so many corpses walking towards the clinic, or at the street behind them. There was a crapton of them already clawing at the clinic's back wall. Thankfully, they were fairly far away and didn't seem to pay any attention to us. I give Saeko a glance and motion her with my hand before breaking off into a sprint.

We then bolted forward and headed straight towards the road ahead. With Saeko quickly running past me, and effortlessly cut down a couple of spread-out corpses that were in our way...

(I feel like I'm playing a game with cheat codes with her around...)

I chuckle to myself as I run past the fallen corpses, the various abandoned cars and head into the street, where Saeko was waiting for me.

"Left or right?" I ask as I reach her.

"I do not think your plan is going to work Naier." Saeko responds calmly as she turns to me.

"Huh, why? What is the...oh, crabs." My own question got answered the moment I looked at the streets to my left, and right...

Other than that they were both crawling with corpses? A butt-load of crashed, abandoned cars on both streets that would severely limit our mobility. Something that's too much of a danger for my liking...

"The road ahead is clear. Though it seems to be an uphill road, so I can't really tell what might be beyond it." I speak as I look behind Saeko, pointing behind her.

"We do not have much of a choice, do we?" She responds as she tilts her head slightly. I nod.

"Alright, same deal, we go straight ahead, then left or right on the next intersection." I add as I start running, Saeko turning to run next to me.

And so, we both start running up the hill. Which was, well, empty.

(Guess all the corpses got drawn to the clinic.)

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