"Soph, what's taking you?" Scott asked, finally walking over.

"It's nothing. Come on." I took his hand, leading him back to our desk.

"I don't like that kid." he muttered, glaring at Matt over his shoulder.

"I don't either. But it doesn't matter."

"Did he hurt you? I saw him grab your wrist." He lifted up my hand, holding it as if it were a piece of glass. It reminded me just how different Scott was from Matt.

"I'm fine. If he had somehow managed to hurt me, he wouldn't be standing upright."

Scott chuckled, looking at me with a look of awe in his eyes. "You're amazing, you know that?"

I smiled and leaned over to kiss him, keeping my gaze on Matt, who was staring at us with a burning glare. I kept my eyes locked with his as I pulled Scott closer. "According to some people, I'm perfect."

Lunch came soon and then Scott had to go to lacrosse, the first practice of the season.

"I'll come watch." I said, jogging to catch up with him.

"No, stay inside, it's warmer in here."

"I have your jacket. I'll be fine. Besides, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't support my boyfriend?" I teased, giggling as he leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"Again, you're amazing. Stiles, come on!"

Stiles looked up in surprise, his eyebrows furrowing. "What?"


"Erica, do you want to come watch with me? It'll be fun." I offered, still wrapped up in Scott's warm arms.

"Sure. Only if Stiles wants me there though." she hinted, looking over at him.

"I mean, if you want to, you can-do you...want to?" he asked, stuttering around his words.

"Are you inviting me?"


"I would love to."

He grinned at her before reaching his hand out to grab hers. They walked out first, smiles stretched across their faces. We followed after, Scott's arm tossed over my shoulder.

"You still smell like apples." he muttered, tightening his grip on me.

"I thought you liked the apples? I can change shampoos if you'd like." I joked, smiling up at him as we walked out onto the field.

"I love it. We'll be out soon. We just need to get changed. Here, take my jacket. Keep it on, ok?" He handed me his warm hoodie, giving me one last kiss before jogging off to the locker's. I slipped on the dark red hoodie, sitting down next to Erica, who had Stiles's jacket wrapped around her as well.

"Aw, look at us. Supporting our boyfriends and wearing their jackets." I pointed out, linking my arm through hers.

"Hey girls." Lydia called, sitting down next to me. After I'd guaranteed I wasn't interested in Jackson whatsoever, she'd become somewhat friendly. Another brunette girl sat beside her, smiling a greeting at us.

"Hey Lydia. Welcome to the girlfriend squad." I linked my other arms with hers, smiling.

The team came out onto the field and I instantly spotting Scott, talking to Isaac.

"Since when does Isaac do lacrosse?" I muttered to Lydia, watching the two of them carefully. The brunette looked up at his name, her eyes following our gaze over to him.

Under The Full Moon {Teen Wolf}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें