"NUMBER 7, IN A HUGE LEAP ON THE CHART ! ITS KAMUI WOODS !" As Kamui woods walked towards the stage.

"NUMBER 6, THE SHIELD HERO ! CRUST !!" As the hero appears on the stage.

a smile and tears on his face .

"NUMBER 5, THE RABBIT HERO ! MIRUKO !" As the rabbit appears on the stage, with a smirk on her face .

"NUMBER 4, ITS THE NINJA HERO ! EDGE SHOT !" As edge shot stands on the stage proudly .

"the number 3 hero ! The fiber hero, BEST JEANIST !" As best jeanist looked fully healed.

"NUMBER 2 ! HE KNOWS HOW TO SPEED UP TO THE CHARTS ! WINGED HERO ! HAWKS !" As the hero that threw tsuchiro out of the building was seen.

"finally....., He was the temporary number one... But today ! He will Inherit the spot ! AFTER ALL THIS TIME ! THE FLAME HERO ! ENDEAVOUR !" As the fiery man came to the view.

As they started to explained, that it's not just an event but also a way to show piece to the world.

And it was shocking, that there was a tied hero.

As they were asked to gave out comments :

"Thank you very much, however if it's within my power, I would refuse this offer. This days, we lost many people. And some of them I could not save. And that's why, I will do better..." -ryukyu

(I forgot what they said ;-;)

"I like to honour all of the heroes that came before me, because of them I came become who iam today..." -kamui woods .

"If anyone out there is scamming right now ! Your will need to prepare for me to stab you blind !" -miruko

"Iam not concerned with such numbers, but other than that I would like to thank you. And for cartes my friend, I didn't expect you to leap that high on this year...."
-Edge shot

"Okay... So if we're talking about popularity..."

Tsuchiro was packing when she watches the scene, she was packing her photos that she made a scrapbook with.

As she went back to the screen..

As it was endeavor's turn

"Since this child decided to play the flames, I won't say much. So instead, watch me for what I do..." He said.


The class was out, so tsuchiro takes this time to take her stuff.

Her things, and clothes are already delivered there.

She was only grabbing the remaining clothes she have with her purple luggage .

She puts 25 letters on the coffee table, while the other five she will deliver it on her own.

25 you ask ?

There's 20 people at the class, however she also writes a letter to the big three, eri, and also Kouta .


She was walking with her luggage when she knocked the teacher's lounge, it was supposed to be lunch.

So the teachers had to be there, "konichiwa" she said as she opened the door.

"Oh tsuchiro, what brings you here ?" Midnight asked.

"I want to give my teachers a farewell letter.... I maybe won't came back here Afterall" she sadly giggled.

"Here..." She said pulling out 10 letters.

"Arigatou sensei, arigatou for everything" she smiled sadly.

As midnight hugged her for the last time as they both cried.

"I hope your going to come back sooner or later tsuchiro.." she sniffed.


"Hey kid ! You ready ?" Hawks asked who was Infront of the gates.

Tsuchiro nodded, and looked at U.A. for the last time before walking towards the winged hero.

"Let's go then" she sadly smiled.


"You don't mind having dinner with me and another hero right ?" Hawks asked.

"I don't mind" she said.


Turns out, the dinner was an ambush of a special unexperimented nomu.


As hawks and tsuchiro nodded, hawks using his feathers as tsuchiro uses her butterflies.

As they both fall out of the building.

"I would always think when we can fight with each other, but I guess now is the chance" hawks smirked as his feathers leads all of the people down.

As well as tsuchiro's butterflies, "I never dream of it, not one bit" she bluntly said.

As her wings formed and she's flying again, as well as hawks.



"I NEVER TRIED !" Tsuchiro said as she dodge and attack from a nomu.

"THEN DO IT ! I'LL BE HELPING ENDEVOUR !" As hawks flew up.

Tsuchiro uses 10 butterflies and flew them around the nomu making sure their wings hits the nomu as it's flesh started to cut .

One by one she does that and it it slowly but sure working.


After staying at the hospital for some time, tsuchiro could spread her wings again.

Her wings were badly Injured because of the attack, and her luggage is safe.

She was currently being delivered to the train station where they will meet the representative of the kimetsu academy.

"You did great midoriya, for a young girl you have great potential" endevour praised.

"Ara~ Arigatou endevour-san" she bowed.

As hawks and her waved, "so.. where is the one who will pick me up ?" I asked.

"Are you tsuchiro midorya ?"

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