284: The One Where They Try To Have a Baby

Start from the beginning

I look at the doctor. "Well?" I ask quietly. "You're perfectly fine. Your sperm count is a little lower then it should be but honestly it's nothing to worry about." She tells me. "What about Cheryl?" I ask quietly. "Do you know if she's had an abortion or anything like that in the past?" She ask quietly. "Ah! I don't know about abortions, but a few years ago, she was pregnant but she didn't know and a medication she was taking, one of the warnings on it was to not conceive a child and we accidentally, did that." I say the last part awkwardly. "What medication was she on?" The doctor ask. "Um! I don't remember. She suffers from chronic migraines and it was something for that. She's been off it for a while because it didn't help, she's on a medication that is safe for her to het pregnant-." I stop myself. "Why are you asking me this stuff?" I ask her. "Oh! I tried asking Cheryl and she broke down crying and asked me not to tell you but I'm not her therapist and she's your wife. She's seeing the counselor we have here for stuff like this." I nod. "Yeah, she's really emotional right now. But as stereotypical as it is for woman she's always been a bit emotional and hot headed." I explain. "How did you miss this?" She ask quietly. "Oh! While you were talking to her, I got bored and went to get something to eat." I tell her. She nods. "I was hungry. I'm always hungry since I work out and burn through calories." I say quietly. "We should probably keep talking about the whole reason we're here." I say sitting up. "Right! Cheryl's chances of getting pregnant really low." I take a deep breath. "Why?" I ask her. "We have to do more test. But she can still get pregnant it's just really hard." She explains. "Does she know?" I ask her. "Because I don't think I can look her in the eyes and tell her." I add. She nods. "She knows. That's kinda why she broke out in tears." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "Should we keep trying or is there anything else we could do?" I ask quietly. "We'll have to talk about this with Cheryl you could use a surrogate. You could adopt or we could use insemination." She explains me. "Insemi- what?" I ask confused. "You ejaculate into a cup and we put that in Cheryl so it'll be more accurate." She tells me. "Oh! That makes sense! I like that one." I nod. "So it's like using a surrogate but instead of using someone else's it's Cheryl?" I ask her. She nods. I nod. "Ok! I'll be honest, I'm not the smartest person. I had a bit of trouble with alcohol and I definitely did some things that I caused some brain damage, so have some memory issue and other things." She nods. "It didn't effect your sperm count which is quite impressive actually." I nod. "Yeah, it was 7 years ago, my drinking problem only lasted a year in college then I got kicked out and was lucky enough to stop, my body has had time to recover." I explain. There's a knock on the door and Cheryl comes in. "You ok?" I ask her. She sits down next to me. "Is there anything we can do?" She ask quietly. Our doctor explains what she explained to me. I rub Cheryl's back. "Will it work?" She ask the doctor. "It's more likely then you two having sex." Our doctor explains. I look at Cheryl and watch her try to wrap her head around it. "Do we have the money?" Cheryl ask looking at me. "We have money set aside that my dad left us for something like this." I tell her. She nods. "We can try it." She whispers. I wrap my arm around her head, pull her close and kiss her head.

Cheryl walks out of the bathroom holding a pregnancy test. I look at her. "Cher?" She looks at me. "Are you pregnant?" I ask standing up and looking at the test. I look back at her and hug her. "Holy shit!" I smile. She looks at me. I cup her cheeks. "Hey, we'll get through this!" I tell her. She nods.

9 months later


I look at our daughter. "She looks so much like you." I say looking at Toni. "She has your everything." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I bet she has your heart." She says stroking her hair. "What do we want to name her?" I ask quietly. "I always liked Amber." She whispers. "Middle?" She ask quietly. "Well, if we're going with the whole nature thing then I like Violet." I tell her. "Either last name we use for her will work to." She says quietly. "I like Amber Topaz." I say looking at her. She smiles. "Amber Topaz." She whispers back. "I really like that too." She says before kissing the top of my head. I look at Amber. "Hi Amber." I smile. She looks at me and smiles. "This is why I wanted to have a baby Toni." I say quietly. "Now I get it." She whispers.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now