Can't You Be Nice?

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            All eyes went to Seamus, i snickered at him as his eyes widen "No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head"

            Moody chucked a chalk at him barely missing his head "And hear across classrooms! So which curse shall we see first? Weasley!"

Ron jumped a bit "Yes?"

"Stand" Ron slowly stood up "Give us a curse"

"Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperius curse" Ron answered nervously

            "Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why" Moody walk over to a table, and picked up a spider. He pointed his wand at the spider

"Engorgio" the spider grew like 3 times its size

"Imperio!" He made the spider float around the room and onto people, it was pretty funny.        Malfoy was laughing the loudest and Moody made it go on his face. Malfoy's face was hilarious!! He grabbed my arm telling me to get it off but i just laughed at him.

"Talented, isn't she? What should I have her do next? Jump out the window?" the Spider crashed into the window, the classroom became quiet

"Drown herself?" he brought the spider back onto his hand

"Scores of Witches and Wizards have claimed that they only dad You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub, How do we sort out the liars?"

Moody walked up to Neville

"Longbottom, is it?" Neville nodded

"Up" he slowly stood up slowly

"Professor Sprout told me you have an aptitude for Herbology. Tell me another curse"

"The Cruciatus Curse" Neville stuttered a bit

            "Correct, correct." Moody placed the spider on the desk "Particularly nasty. The torture curse. Crucio!"

            The the spider started to shriek in pain. Neville closed his eyes. I noticed Neville didn't like it at all "Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!"

            Moody lifted the curse, tears in Nevilles eyes threatening to fall. Moody placed the spider infront of me "Perhaps you could give us the Ungorgivable Curse, Ms. Bolton" I shook my head. Moody pointed his wand at the spider "Avada Kedavra!" the spider dropped, dead, right infront of me "Killing Curse, Only one person is known to survive it"

Harry. All eyes went to Harry.

            After class Moody dismissed us and Malfoy carried my things again. This is going to be longgg week..... Harry walked over "Why is Malfoy with you?"

            I sighed "Can i tell him?" i look at Malfoy, he thought for a second and nodded "We made a bet"

Harry raised an eyes brow "What bet?"

"If he could be nice to me for a week he'll leave me alone for the rest of term"

"And if he's not?"

I bit my lip "Rather not say"

            Harry sighed "Okay, but if you do anything to her Malfoy. I will hex you" he walked away to Ron and Mione

                   We went into the dungens and to Potions. Malfoy did the same thing he did in Defense. He sat down next to me with Blaise and Goyle across from us. Snape walked in with his usual emotionless face "Today you will be making a Veriteserum with the person next to you. You have until end of class, begin"

                   I sighed, great Malfoy's my partner..... I opened my book to the right page and went to get the ingrediants we need. But Malfoy insisted on getting them himself.. -20 minutes later- we finished the poition. I raised my hand "Professor, we're done"

Snape walked over "To see if it works drink 1 drop of it"

                   "Not it!!" i said immediantly. Malfoy glared at me but put one drop of the potion into his mouth. Should be good.... "What do you honestly think of Parkinson" Pug face purked up as everyone else listened

                   "I hate her. She's so annoying and clingy! Dead ugly as well, i wish she would just leave me alone" Pug gasped and ran out of class as everyone else laughed. Blaise gave me a high five

"5 points from Gryffindor for making a student cry" Snape said

I glared at him "Can't you be nice for once?"

"Would you like a detention?"

                   I smiled sweetly "Oh, i would looooovvvveee a detention Professor" He just turned around and went back to his desk. Harry and Ron were laughing silently, i winked at them. "That was fun"

"Finally admited it" Blaise said to Malfoy

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Malfoy followed me everywhere! I said i had to go to the loo and he waited outside the door!! Ughh, i tried getting Blaise to make him leave me alone but nothing worked. I can't believe i'm saying this but i sorta like all the attention i'm getting, but it's getting annoying!!!!!

The BetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon