27-professor snape x reader

Start from the beginning

your friend jumped and squicked as they saw the blood drip down your face, and now half of the {Y/H} table was looking at you with a few starys of other tables looked as you stood up, your friend standing up infront of you.

you started waving your hand and containing your laughs as the people around the table panicked, your friend confused and panicked as they watched what looked like a horror film come to life infront of them, the blood poured out of your mouth like a river.

"n-no-" you gave up on trying to explain whats happening because the blood almost bubbled in your mouth and gave a hearty smile, pressing your hand to your lips and turning around, leaving the great hall out to the corridors on your way to the washrooms.

as you turned a corner, you bumped straight into professor snape, blood dripped on the marble floors. "where are you running to miss {L/N}?" he asks as he dusts down his robe and finally looks up at you again to find your hands covered in blood, your mouth over flowing with blood.

before he asks he grabs onto your shoulders and pulls you into the washrooms, uses his wand to make the paper into a guaze and wets it, pushing it into your mouth-a rathet weird move-and presses his palm to your mouth, shutting you up.

you stand there silently, his hand over your mouth holding the guaze between your gums and lip, keeping your mouth shut. you stared up at him with your hands both holding onto his wrist, and silence.

cold washrooms, no sounds at all except for water flowing through the tubes, and nothing else. its just you, him, his hand over your mouth and his other hand on the back of your head, big hand and fingers in your hair as he pressed the guaze inside your bleeding mouth.

eyes staring up at him, his own staring down at yours, no words are spoken as he holds your head and stars at your eyes. it was the first time he noticed your eyebags, and those {E/C} eyes that show him to the deepest parts of your soul, the happy, the sad, the unspoken.

time passed, neither of you know how much exactly, but you heard the door of the washrooms open. snape jolts and lets go of your head-cold envelops you and his hands, his right one having blood staining it.

your hand takes a hold of your jaw gently as you keep your eyes up at him, innocent, curious and questioning. he clears his throat and looks away from you finally, "the-the bloo-skin! on your lips and inside your mouth is very gentle, stop bruising it". he says quickly before he flicks his robe and leaves in a hurry, walking past your friend as they walk over.

let me take care of you my gentle angel, your whole body is gentle skin that should be handled with care and love, decorated with kisses and praises instead of your bruises.

"you ok there?" they ask, walking over and holding your shoulder, your hand on your jaw and your eyes following snape as if enchanted, "a-huh" you hum, nodding slowly as you stared at snape leave. "what happened?" they ask, but you were trained on snape, considering that he might have hypnotized you.

the desk you sat at had blood staining it, your notebooks and quills had blood staining them, nails and fingers stained with blood, lips stained in blood, and often your homework and papers you turn in have blood drops decorating them.

but as time passed, and snape found himself thinking about you more-caring and worried-he started to understand you more and watch you more, he felt that something was off, and one day it all clicked.

so back now, he just excused you to the washrooms to tend to your bleeding lips. without saying anything to the class, he simply takes and leaves the classroom, walking to the washrooms were he finds you leaning against the sinks, one hand wrapped around your waist and the other pressing to your bleeding lip, sighing deeply and boredly.

snape lowers his pace as the door creaks closed behind him, and he walks over to the sinks, his face muscles relaxing, he feels as tension leaves his body and relaxes, his body immediatly reacting to your presence. you stand up straight and look up at him until hes just above you, staring down at you. he sighs, shakes his head gently.

he raises his hand slowly and moves your hand from your mouth, setting his own hand over your mouth once again-like he did the first time-and presses gently with a warm hand over your mouth once again, the other one going to the back of your head once again, his hand pressing to your soft hair.

hands falling to your sides you fall into the same trance you fell into the first time, staring up at him as if hypnotized and voulnrable, knees buckling under you as you swam in his black eyes.

he sighs once again and raises his hands a tad, fingers brushing on your cheek gently, thumb rubbing your gentle soft skin as his eyes let go of any lingering tension.

"it'll be ok" he says lowly, his voice dancing into your ears as your eyes grow wider, pupils pulsating open. he goes ahead and wraps his hand aroumd you, his other hand still on the back of your head, gently stroking your hair as he feels you sinking closer and closer to his heart, and finally your hands that raise up and wrap around his back, pressing further into him.

he hums and lifts his cheek from your head, pressing his lips in a lingering long kiss down on your head, when he lets go he lays his cheek down on the top of your head once again with a sigh and a soft hum, swaying gently.

standing in the middle of the washroom, pressing to each other in a gentle but still tight way, marveling in the feeling of skin on skin and warm body heat enveloping each other, he holds you close to him and hopes to help you drowen your trubles away and your bleeding lips to calm down, hoping that it could help.


any of you bleed from your mouth/lips?
this is in celebration of me being falsly arrested lmao.

comment, vote and follow!!

yours, the red demon♧

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