
Mina, tsu and sero who watches her because of their breaks.

"Wow.... She's so serious about this..." Tsu said as they were hiding behind trees. 

"Yeah, I mean she's related to Deku. It's no question actually..." Sero added, as they looked at the girl trying to fly while using her butterflies to carry a large bolder. 

"hiangggghhh !" She struggled as she uses her butterflies to throw the bolder to a near tree, as it broke. 

"Fuhhh, now try to only use three butterflies...." She mumbled. 

As the three students sweat dropped, "she's pushing herself so hard, WE SHOULD BE GOING TO TRAIN !"

"YEAH !"


After eating dinner they were ready for that night's 'game'.

"Perfect ! We filled out bellies with dishes, and now It's time for the awesome courage test !" Pixie Bob cheered.

Sero, mina and denki cheered.

"Except for the ones who has remedial classes tonight..." Aizawa remind, as the three of them groaned.

"AWWWWW MAAAAAAAAN....." Mina groaned.

They were gathered at a field they were using, as the pussycats explain to them about the 'courage test'.

Class 1-a will go into the small forest Infront of them in pairs and grabb a card in the middle of the forest according to their number, and head back. Sounds easy right ? Yeah....... No.

Class 1B will be Inside the forest and will try to scare the students that came near them . Like pixie Bob said, "the ones who makes the most people pee their pants, will have the most score !".

And only by that class 1-b grinned, but with an exception.

They only can scare them, but no physical contact with the students only scare them.

"You will decide your partners by taking numbers from my hand !" Pixie Bob announced, as each of the students from class 1-a took a number.

8 ?

Ara... That means iam last then !

Tsuchiro thought, as she scrambled with her classmates to search her partner.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned around. "Chiro-chan, what number did you get ?" Asked her brother .

"Ara~ ara~ I got 8, and you ?" She asked back . "8 too, I guess we're partners..." He said .

"HEY DEKU ! SWITCH WITH ME ! I DON'T WANNABE PAIRED UP WITH ICYHOT !" Bakugou growled as he approaches Deku while todoroki stood behind him clearly confused.

"Kacchan ! I think that's not aloud...."

"Yup ! You can't switch your partners !" Pixie Bob said. 


"FIRE ! THE FOREST IS ON FIRE !" Someone said .

"Kota ! Where's kota ?!" Izuku asked. 

"Nee-san ! I think Kota is on one of the mountains ! I'll search on our friends !" Tsuchiro said as izuku nodded. 

She opened her jacket that shows her wearing a black crop top.


Tsuchiro was flying above the forest, when unknown gas was seen Infront of her. 

She gust it so it won't reach her, "what is this ?!" She panically said.

She saw some students under her who was struggling.

She used two butterflies and dragged both of the students a head and far from the gas, she adjust her wings in mid air before she landed and saw who was the ones she save. 

"JIROU ! HAGAKURE ! ARE YOU OKAY ?!" She worriedly asked .

"Thanks to you We're okay" Jirou said as she coughed. 

"I'll see the others, I think it's not just you on the one who is in the gas" tsuchiro said before her butterflies attached back to her wings as she fly once again. 


She saw her brother all bloodied, carrying the little boy. 

"NII-SAN ! KOTA ! oh my goodness what did you do ?!" She panically asked her brother. 

"H-hey fought the muscular guy, a-and won, h-hey saved me...." Kota cried. 

"Can you deliver him to the camp chiro ?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, but you need to be treated nii-san, it's dangerous ! And your hurt !" She said. 

"No ! I'll be fine !" He argued as he stood up. 

"Go ! Hurry !" He said as chiro hesitantly nodded. 

As she fly to the air carrying Kota, "w-will he be okay ?" Kota asked.

"He is my brother, of course he will be okay" she assured smilling. 

"W-why are you doing this ? Why are you risking your life's ?!" He asked. 

"Cause that's what's a hero do" she smiled as she landed, and saw aizawa almost being burned. 

Without hesitation she uses her tounge and take him of his place. 

"Thank you tsuchiro, villains has entered the camp and is aiming on your classmates" aizawa said. 

As aizawa wrapped the burnt chicken nugget as it turn Into mud. 

"Wrong .. person..." The guy said. 

"STUDENTS ! villains has entered the camp grounds, please head back to camp safely and do not engage to battle !" Mandalay's voice was heard. 

"Get Kota in, I'll help the others" tsuchiro said before flying again. 


She was flying as she saw the Pussycats at handling villains, "where are the others ?!" She asked frustratedly.

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