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Newts pov:

I woke up because I heard a loud bang. I quickly looked to the direction of the sound and saw Thomas climbing out of the vents.

"Bloody hell Tommy, what are you doing? I asked confused".

"I don't know what happend! He exclaimed". "W-We we're going to-".

He kept on yelling. I quickly got up and jumped down. I ran up to Thomas and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Tommy, calm down and tell us what happend, I said". He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, I felt his heart beating fast.

"Me and A-Aris, we we're going to see i-if his plan worked, he started". "W-We we're heading back b-but..".

"They c-caught h-him, he continued mumbling the last part".

"What?! Minho exclaimed". "Hes gone?!".

"Hey-hey, it's alright Tommy, I said trying to comfort him".

Minho started pacing around the room.

"Minho calm dow-, Winston began".

"You we're suppost to keep an eye on him! Minho yelled at Thomas".

"I-I..., Thomas stammed".

"You what?! He exclaimed angry".

"Minho, calm down, I said trying to calm him down".

Minho groaned and sat down on a bed. He had his hands on his head, and he looked very upset. I started noticing tears comming from his eyes.

"A-Aris.., he said softly".

"It's alright whe'll find him, Winston said sitting down next to him".

"We should figure this out tomorrow, I suggested".

"Aris is gone Newt, we have to do something now! Minho exclaimed sobbing".

"The doors are locked Minho, besides, they're not going to hurt him or something, I said".

"You don't know that! Minho yelled". I sighed.

Everyone silenced for a moment.

"I-I'm sorry Minho, Thomas said looking at the ground". Minho didn't say anything.

"Like I said, let's figure this out tomorrow, I repeted". They nodded in agreement and lied down in their beds.

I got into my bed and pulled the blanket over me. I soon felt a body laying down beside me, I turn around and see Thomas. I smile and kiss him on the cheek, he wrapped his hands around me and we fell asleep.

That night you could hear silent sobbs from Minho. I felt bad for him, I really did. Minho really likes Aris, I would probably be just as upset as him if they took Tommy.

The next day we woke up when we heard the doors unlocking. I sat up and yawned.

"You look so adorable right now, Thomas said smiling beside me".

"Yeah yeah, I said rolling my eyes but smiling".

He sat up and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back, smiling into the kiss. When we broke the kiss, I climbed over him and jumped off the bed. I went into the bathroom and change clothes. I changed into a white sweater and dark grey jeans, when I was done I walked out and Thomas walked in to change. I sat down beside Winston and talked with him.

A bit later Thomas came back. He was wearing black jeans and a blue shirt. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"You look rather dashing, I said smiling". Thomas shrugged and put his arms around me as well.

"And you look stunning as aways, he said". Then he kissed my forehead and I grinned.

I see Minho entering the bathroom to change his clothes.

"What do you think they did to him? I asked Thomas". "Aris".

Thomas looked down at the ground ashamed, probably because he left Aris behind last night.

"I don't know, Thomas answerd".

"Hey, I said turning his head to me".

He looked at me with a puzzled look.

"It wasn't your fault, I said softly". He smiled slightly and pecked my lips.

Seconds later I see Minho going out of the bathroom dressed in black jeans and a red button up shirt.

"Can we go to the cafeteria? He asked when he reached us". "I have to look for  Aris". We nodded and went out of the room, walking into the cafeteria. The cafeteria wasn't very crowded, only a few people we're there, but Aris wasn't one of them. We sat down at a table where Sonya and Harriet we're sitting. Harriet sat beside Sonya, who was sitting next to me, who was sitting next to Thomas. Minho and Winston sat in front of us.

"Have any of you guys seen Aris? Sonya asked". "I haven't seen him today".

We all looked down at the table not answering, until Thomas decided to speak up.

"A-Aris got caught by a guard last night when we we're looking for a way out, Thomas said".

"What?! Harriet asked worryingly".

"Yeah thanks to that shank, Minho said pointing at Thomas".

"But where is he now?! Sonya asked worryingly".

"We don't know, I answerd". "But we are going to find out".

"We should split up, I suggested". Harriet and Sonya, Me and Tommy and Minho and Winston".

"Sounds good to me, Winston said".

"Okay but if anyone finds him, tell me first, Minho said seriously".

We nodded and walked around trying to find Aris.

"Maybe hes in his room, Thomas said".

"Good idea let's look there, I said".

We walked up the stairs, went through the corridor and to his door. I knocked on the door but no one answerd. I tried knocking once again, but still no answer.

"Where should we go now? Thomas asked".

I shrugged and sighed.

"I don't know Tommy, I answerd".

Suddently we hear someone yell behind us. We both turn around quickly and see a boy running out of a room yelling. Aris..

A bunch of guards grabbed Aris and dragged him back into the room. Before the door shut we heard him yell one thing.

"Help me! He yelled". I looked at Thomas and he looked at me. We both nodded and each other and ran towards the room, but seconds before we got there the door closed and automaticly locked. I looked through the window and saw Aris getting dragged into another room.

"We have to tell the others! I exclaimed".

Me and Thomas ran to find the others. We decided to split up to find the other quicker.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Minho.

"Minho! I yelled". He quickly turned around.

"What is it? Did you find him?! He asked shaking me".

"Okay, first of all stop shaking me, I said dizzy". He stopped shaking me and looked me in the eyes.

"Yes we found him, I said".

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