I can't believe that he actually likes me back..

22 0 3

Minhos pov:

Aris walked out of the room following the guard. Our eyes met for only a second before he left.

A while later, we we're all doing random stuff. Newt and Thomas we're making out, you heard me right, Winston was sleeping and I was lying on my bed, just thinking. A bit later I got board, so I was going to ask if we should go over to the cafeteria. I quickly sat up and looked over to Thomas and Newt.

"Alright, stop making out in front of us, I said". They stopped and rolled their eyes.

"How about we go to the cafeteria now? I ask".

"Sure, Newt answerd". "But you have to wake up Winston". Newt smiled and got up from the bed. Thomas also did and I jumped from the top bunk bed I was laying in. I turned around and started shaking Winston.

"Wake uppp! I exclaimed". Winston jumped a bit and sat up annoyed.

"What? He asked".

"We are going to the cafeteria, you comming? I asked".

"Since you woke me up I guess I'll have to, he answerd standing up".

We walked out of the room and looked for the cafeteria. When we finally found the cafeteria, we we're shocked. There we're a lot of other kids our age sitting by the tables. We walked over to a free table and sat down. Newt sat Next to Thomas and I sat in front of them beside Winston. They started talking about something, I didn't really pay attention. I looked around the cafeteria trying to spot Aris somewhere, but I couldn't find him.

A while later I see two girls and a boy entering the cafeteria. One of the girls had blond hair and was wearing a purple sweater. The other girl had brown curly hair and was wearing a dark green t-shirt. I couldn't really see the boy since he was walking behind them, well that was until they sat down at a table in a corner of the cafeteria.


I smiled when I saw him. He was talking to the two girls.

"Hey guys, I said turning to the other".

"I'm going to go over to Aris, you know, check on him, I continued". Right when I had said that we heard a voice beside us.

"Worried about Aris? The voice said". We turn to them and see Teresa smirking.

"Hey Teresa, Thomas said smiling".

"Hi, she answerd".

"Scooch over! She exclaimed shoving me to the side and sitting next to me".

"I'm still going over to Aris, I said". They nodded and I stood up. I walked over to the table Aris was sitting at.

"Hey Shank, I say when I reach the table". Aris shot his head up when he heard me, and smiled when he saw me.

"Min Min! He yelled while getting up and running up to me". He practicly tackled me and we both fell to the floor. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I was a bit shocked but I immediately hugged him back smiling.

"So, I guess this is the famous Minho, the blond girl said looking at us grinning". We quickly stood up and sat down at the table.

"Aris had been talking about you, a lot, The brunette said". I looked at Aris who looked a bit flustered.

He was so adorable...I just want to cuddle him to death! Wait was that to much? Yes YES Minho it definetly was.

"Uhm anyways, Aris started".

"This is Sonya and Harriet, Aris said pointing at the blond and the brunette".

"Nice to meet you, I said smiling at them".

"They we're in the same maze as me, before I was put in the same maze as you, Aris said".

"Oh alright, I answer".

We we're all talking for a while, until Sonya and Harriet had to go.

"So, where is your room? I ask".

Did I just as ask that? Minho you idiot! You can't just ask where his room is! Hes gonna think your a weird stalker!

"Oh it's on the second floor, Aris answerd".

"It's actaully pretty nice since I don't have to share it with someone, he continued". "It get's a little lonely though".

"I can show you if you want, the blond suggested".

"Alright sure, I answer". We get up and walk out of the cafeteria. We went up some stairs and reach the second floor, we walk through the corridor a minute until Aris stopps. He walked up to the door to the right and unlocked it. Then he opened it up and went inside. I followed him, and he fell onto his bed.

"This is it, he says sitting up right on the bed".

I look around a bit studying the room. The walls we're white, the ceiling was pretty high, and the bed was average size and the sheets we're dark blue.

"This is nice, I say".

"Yeah I guess so, Aris answerd".

I went up to him and sat down on the bed beside him. We looked at each other a while in silence.

His face was so adorable and he looked so innocent, and his lips looked so soft. I couldn't help myself anymore. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. When I realized what I did I quickly pulled away. I tried to read his reaction, but I coouldn't tell.

"S-Sorry, I said standing up". I was just about to leave but Aris grabbed my wrist and pulled me back so I sat beside him again. He looked at me and I was confused.

"Aris I'm sor- I started". Aris interrupted me putting his finger in front of my mouth. Then he leaned in slowly and kissed me. I immediatly kissed him back. The kiss was filled with a lot of passion, I wanted it to last forever, but I knew it wouldn't, I just waited for him to pull away, but he didn't. We kept kissing until we had pull away to catch some air. When we pulled away I looked him in the eyes.

"W-Why did you do that? I asked". The looked down.

"Because I like you Minho.., he answerd softly". I smiled.

"I like you too, I said ginning". He looked back up and smiled. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him. He cuddled into my chest, and kissed my cheek.

I felt really happy. I can't believe that he actaully likes me back..

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