A new person..

45 2 0

Thomas' pov:

I've been in the glade for about a month now. Newt and I are officially dating. Teresa told Minho that she liked him, but Minho told her that he didn't like her that way. She got really sad but, they remained close friends and Teresa doesn't like him anymore.

I was sitting with Newt on the grass talking.

"A new Greenie is comming today, Newt mentiond".

"Really? I asked".

"Mhm, he answerd".

"As long as they don't take you away from me then it's fine, I said jokingly". Newt giggled a bit.

"That won't be happening, he said smiling at me".

I put my arm around Newts shoulder and kissed his forehead. Newt smiled and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Hey lovebirds! We heard a voice yell" We turned around and saw Minho walking towards us.

"I'm about to go into the maze, he started when stopped in front of us". "Thomas, do you want to come?"

"Yeah sure i'll be right behind you, I answerd". Then Minho walked away. I turned to Newt and smiled.

"I'll see you later Newt, I said smirking". He nodded and I took my arm off his shoulder. I stood up and walked after Minho.

"Bye, Newt I yelled".

"Bye Newtie, I yelled back waving him goodbye".

I quickly went to Minho who already was standing by the maze opening. We nodded at each other and sprinted into the maze.

We kept running around in the maze a while until we decided to take a break.

I sat down against a wall of the maze and was panting. I lookes at Minho, who was just standing there nearly out of breath. After a minute or two I stood up again.

"Let's go this way, Minho said pointing into a direction to the right.

"Alright, I answerd". Soon after we started running again.

We ran around the maze but didn't find anything new. Suddently when we turned a corner we saw a dead griever..

We both jumped when we saw it.

"Holy shit, Minho exclaimed supprised". We slowly went up to the griever. We looked at it for a while studying it in silence.

"What could've killed it? I asked confused". I looked at Minho who was bending over the griever inspecting it.

"I don't know, but one thing I can tell you for sure, he began". "It hasn't been head for a long time".

"What do you mean? I questioned".

"It lookes like it was killed just moments ago, he answerd". Then he looked as if he realized something.

"What? I asked".

"Shit, he answerd worringly".

"We have to to back now! He yelled". He ran to me and grabbed my wrist dragging me after him while running. I finally got out of his grip and stopped. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to back.

"Why are we running?! I yelled confused".

"Thomas, he started quickly". "If that griever was killed moments ago, what killed it must be near". I realized what he was saying and my eyes widened.

Suddently we heard a growl behind us. We quickly turned around and saw a giant griever heading towards us. I froze. Minho yelled and grabbed me, pulling me behind him. I quickly caught up to him and started running fast.

I started to panic so bad. The giever was just in our heals. I started running even faster when I heard it growl for the second time. Minho was about 5 feet ahead of me and I struggled to keep up. When we couldn't hear the griever anymore we slowed down, stopped and turned around. We griever was gone.

We realized that we we're close to the exit and quickly ran into the glade again. When we came out, we we're both out of breath panting.

Teresa and Newt came towards us.

"Bloody hell, what happened? Newt exclaimed when he finally stood in front of us".

"A-A griever chased us, I stammed".

"What?! Teresa said worried".

"I think it ain't safe to go out there, even in daytime, Minho said looking at the ground". No one said anything.

"I-I'm gonna go, Minho stammed". Then he quickly walked away. I looked up at Newt and he looked towards Minho with a worried expression.

"What happend to Minho? I asked confused". Newt turned around and looked at me.

"Minho, loves running, Newt said softly". "Not running is going to break him". I glanced at Minho who already was very far away.

"Well- I started".

Suddently we hear the sirens go off.

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