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Minhos pov (Again yes):

"My name is Aris, the boy answerd".


That's such a cute name, I thought.

"Aris? I said".

"Yeah, I know it's weird-, Aris started".

"No it's not, I said quickly". "It suits you". I smiled.

"Thanks I guess, Aris giggled".

His laugh is so adorable!

"So what job are you intrested in Aris? I asked intrested".

"Well I'm very hyperactive, I have a lot of energy and I have s good memory, he answerd".

"I'm thinking about being a runner, like you, He continued". I gave him a, are you serious look and he just smiled.

"Really? You, a runner? I asked".

"Yeah, I was thinking you could teach me? He answerd".

"I'll tell you what, I began".

"If you can beat me in a race, i'll consider training you, I said smirking".

"Alright, you bet, he answerd".

"Okayyyy, come on then, I said". "We race from here to the other side of the glade".

"Right now? He asked".

"Yes right now, I said grinning".

"Okay, he said".

"3, 2, 1.., I yelled".

We started running and I was ahead of him. I smirked and continued running. To my suprise, Aris caught up and was a bit ahead of me now. I started running even faster running beside him. We we're almost at the other side of the glade now. I took a deep breath and sprinted the fastest I could against the walls, Aris right behind me. I arrived at the wall and hit it with my hand. Aris came to the wall just a second aftef I did.

"Ha, I win! I yell". Then I started dancing a winner dance. Aris rolled his eyes and took of his hood. I stopped dancing and looked at his perfect face, studying every detail of it.

"That wasn't fair, Aris mumbled". I smirked. I went up to him and ruffed his hair around with my right hand. He grabbed my hand and pushed it away. He made a dramatic upset face and crossed his arms. I smiled at his sarcasm and my heart raced.

"You know, your better att running then my friend Thomas, I said". "Even if you didn't win, I'm still going to train you".

Aris smiled and started jumping around exitingly.

It made me feel good to see Aris happy, even though I just met him.

Without a warning, Aris ran and hugged me tight. My heart went warm at that moment. I put my arm around him and hugged him back for a few seconds. I wanted it to last forever, but I knew it wouldn't, I tried enjoying it while I could. Moments later Aris broke the hug. He was blushing a bit, I thought it was adorable.

Hours later me and Aris we're going to meet some people. We went up to Newt, Thomas and Teresa.

"Hey guys, I said when I stopped in front of them. Aris stood right next to me.

"Hey Minho, I see you decided to get to know the new Greenie, Newt said with a smirk".

"I'm Newt, nice to meet you, Newt said shaking Aris' hand".

"Nice too meet you Newt, I'm Aris, Aris answerd politely".

"I'm Thomas, Tomas said shaking Aris hand".

"And I am Teresa, Teresa said with a smile shaking Aris hand".

"You see Aris, Newt and Thomas are a couple, I said smirking at them". Thomas and Newt started blushing.

"Oh alright, and I guess your dating Teresa then? Aris asked". I started laughing. Teresa made a dramatic offended look.

"She wishes, I laughed".

"Why are you so mean, Min Min? Teresa said dramaticly".

"Min Min? Aris asked".

"That's just a stupid nickname these shanks gave me, I said grinning".

"Okay, Aris said nodding understandingly".

"So what job was Aris intrested in? Teresa asked".

"I want to be a runner, Aris answerd". "Minho even said he'd train me".

Newt, Thomas and Teresa looked shocked.

"You're going to train him?! Thomas exclaimed". "You never even considerd training me when I wanted to become a runner". I scrached my head smiling.

"Yeah Minho, you don't like training anyone, Newt agreed". "You must really like Aris, Newt said smirking.

I glanced at Aris, who was blushing. I bit my lip.

"Shut it, shank! I exclaimed". Newt, Thomas and Teresa started laughing and gagging.

"Let's go Aris, I said grabbing his wrist". He turned around and started walking with me.

"So, when are you goimg to start to train me? Aris asks".

"Tomorrow, I answerd with a smile".

"Alright, he answerd".

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