Bloody shucking hell..

26 2 0

Thomas' pov:

I open the door and I see a dead body lying on the floor, there was a pool of blood under his head and blood on the walls around too. I'm guessing the person got shot in the head or something.

"Bloody shucking hell, Newt says with his british accent".

"Let's hurry, I say". We all walk past the body and enter another room. That room was even worse. There was a bunch of dead bodies lying on the floor, blood everywhere.

"I think I'm gonna throw up, Aris said disguested".

I walk to a computer and studied it. It looked awfully familier. I reached my hand out and pushed a button.

Suddently a screen appears in front of me, and a woman started talking. Everyone walked up beside me and watched.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Ava Paige, she started". She explained what had happend and why we we're here. As soon as she was done talking, she put a gun to her head and shot herself. I looked at everyone, and everyone was looking shocked.

"What now? Minho asked". I looked at the exit.

"Let's get out of here, I answer starting to walk towards the door, with everyone starting to follow me".

"No, we hear a voice say behind us".

Everyone jumped and quickly turned around. Gally..

We saw Gally in front of us, he was holding a gun and his eyes we're blood shot red.

"What do you mean Gally? I asked". "We made it, we're free".

Gally chucked a bit.

"Free? He answerd". "You think we're free out there?". He lifted the the gun and pointed it towards me.

"Gally, what the hell are you doing?! I practicly yell".

"It's all your fault.., he said".

"Hes been stung, Aris wispered".

"Gally, put the gun down, you're not thinking clearly, I say". "We can help you, just put the gun down".

"You can't help me, Gally started". "No one can".

He pulled the trigger and there was a loud bang, the same second Minho threw a spear through Gallys chest". He tumbled to the floor.

I look in front of me and realize that Chuck had jumped in front of me a second before Gally pulled the trigger. Chuck falls to the floor gasping for air. We all fall to the floor to help him.

"Chuck, Chuck! I yell". My eyes started to tear up". At that moment a bunch of guards rushed in and started dragging the gladers out of there, but I stayed by Chuck.

"Chuck, get up, you can't leave! I yell sobbing". "Not yet!"

A guard grabbed me and pulled me away from Chuck.
"Chuck! I yell while the guard pulls me out of the building". I turn around and see a helicopter, all the gladers we're jumping in it. When I finally got there I jumped into it and sat beside Newt.

Seconds later the helicopter took off and flew away from the area, away from Chuck, away from the maze. I look out the window and see the maze and the glade.
We made it.., I thought. Newt probably noticed me thinking and squeezed my hand. I looked at him and he placed his head on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, you're safe now, a guard said".

"Where are you talking us? Teresa asked".

"A safe place, don't worry, everything' going change, the guard answerd smiling".

A while later I look over at all the other gladers. Aris had fell asleep with his head against the window. Minho was talking to Teresa. Newt fell asleep cuddled up to me.

I wake up after who knows how long, I'm guessing I fell asleep as well. I wake up by someone shaking me. I quickly open my eyes and see Minho shaking me and yelling.

"We got to go now! He yelled". He jumped out of the helicopter and I quickly got up. I jumped out of the helicopter and saw everyone running towards a large building, so I followed them.

Once we entered the building the large door behind us was shut. I quickly look around to find Newt. I find him a few feet away. I went up to him and grabbed his hand, in purpose to keep him safe. He looked at me when I grabbed his hand and smiled slightly.

A bit later two guards and a man walked uo to us.

"Hello, my name is Janson, the man said". "Please follow me". We all followed him hesitatingly.

"We will show you to your room and after that you'll head over to the cafeteria, Janson said when walking".

"But first, let's get you cleaned up and get you some new clothes, he continued". A guard showed us to the shower room. We all took a shower and changed clothes. I changed into some grey joggers and a black t-shirt. Then we we're escorted to our room. First we followed Teresa to her room and then the guard escorted us to our room. When we got there, there we're a bunch of bunkbeds there.

"Mine! Minho exclaimed when climping up and sitting down on one of the top bunkers". "To slow".

I looked around a bit.

"This is nice I guess, Newt said".

"Yeah, I answer". Newt climbs up to one of the other top bunkbeds and sits down.

"Alright, let's go to your room now, the guard tells Aris".

"I don't stay here? Aris asked confused".

"Yeah, why isn't he staying in the same room as us? Minho asked".

"Hes staying in another room since was wasn't suppost to be in your maze in the first place, the guard answerd".

"Now come on, the guard continued". Aris nodded and followed the guard.

Newtmas- Remember me..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora