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Thomas' pov:

"Bye Tommy, Newt answerd". I smiled at him and left.

I carfully headed back to my room. When I arrived everyone was already asleep. I changed my clothes and crawled under the blanket in my bed. I tried to get some sleep but my thoughts kept me awake. I was worried about Newt so badly. I thought about the plan we had to get out of here too, how was it going to go now that Newts hurt? We are suppost to escape tomorrow, but I'm not sure if Newt is strong enough for that. I wish that shucking kid didn't shoot him. Who even was that kid? He really looked insane, he was yelling like crazy when the guards dragged him out of the room. He kept yelling the same sentence over and over again. "We will all die!". The thought of his words sent shivers through my spine.

Another reason that I couldn't sleep was because of Minho. That Shank was snoring loudly like a pig all night, it drove me crazy. I had to resist the tempation to get up and hit him in the head with a pillow.

Next morning

I was the first person to wake up, I immediately climbed out of bed and changed clothes. I wasn't even feeling that tierd. I didn't even bother waking up the others, I just wanted to see how Newt was doing. If he was okay.

I opened the door and quickly headed over to the medical room. When I entered Newts room I saw him laying on the bed sleeping. He looked so peaceful, like an angel from heaven. Well of course he did, he was an angel, my angel. Ever since I met him I knew he was the one for me, and I truly believe that we are soulmates.

I walked over and sat down next to him. I didn't want to wake him up, so I just sat there staring at him.

Wow, I must look like a creep right now, staring at someone while they're sleeping, but I just couldn't resist. I admired all of his beautiful features. His soft dirty blond hair, his perfect skin, his cute little nose, his lips that I wanted to kiss, and the list goes on. I'm certain that if I wrote one it would be going on for infinity.

I closed my eyes and imagined hus brown chocolate colored eyes, those who sparkled brightly everytime I looked at them. I felt like I was drowning in an ocean of peace and happiness when I looked in them. I imagined his warm smile, it made my heart flutter everytime I saw it, an the fact that I make him smile and laugh, oh his adorable laugh, I get butterflies in my stomach when I hear it. I imagined his angelic voice, with his charming british accent. Oh he makes me crazy, I can't get enough of him. He was like an addiction, I needed him, it was like I was going to die if he wasn't with me or left. Well, I probably would die if he ever left me. The thought of him leaving me makes me want to throw up, It makes me feel bad.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the love of my life again.

I have to keep him safe, I need to keep him safe and I will keep him safe. I would never forgive myself if I let him die. I won't let him die.

Suddently Newt began to wake up, he opened his eyes and yawned.

No no no, why does he have to be so adorable-

"Tommy? Newt asked as he turned his head to me".

"Hey Newtie, I answerd with a smile". I grabbed his hand and he smiled warmly at me.

"How are you feeling? I asked".

"Better than yesterday I suppose, he answerd tierdly". We sat there in silence for a minute not saying anything, but it was a comfortable silence.

"You know, we we're actually suppost to escape from here today, I started". "But since you're hurt whe'll have to come up with a new plan-".

"No no no, I'm fine, Newt interrupted me". "We're still going". I sighed.

"Newt, you're badly injured, I told him".

"Tommy, if we don't escape now, we might not get another chance, Newt argued".

"Newt-, I started but got cut off".

"No Tommy, we are going, Newt said firmly". There was a moment of silence.

"I don't want you to get hurt again Newt, I said."

"Tommy, I won't, The blond answerd". "I promise". I sighed again.

"The others will come soon, whe'll discuss it with them, I stated". Newt nodded. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly. Newt smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Can I get a kiss?, Newt asked".

"Of course Newtie, I responded smirking". I leaned closer to him kissed him on the lips, when we pulled away we rested our foreheads against each others.

"You're so adorable, I wispered". Newt chuckled a bit.

"You're so sweet' he answerd".

A second later someone bursts through the door, Newt and I quickly pull away and look towards the door to see Minho, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, Teresa and Winston head towards us.

"Hey Shanks! Minho exclaimed sitting down next to me".

"Hey Min Min, I responded".

"How the blondie doing? Minho asked".

"Better, Newt answerd". "We are still going to escape today".

"Newt no, I said".

"Thomas, if Newt says hes okay then it's fine, Minho said quickly". I turned to Minho.

"What if he gets hurt?! I exclaimed".

"Thomas, what do you want to do? wait until another perfect opportunite come up? Minho answerd". I sighed and looked over at Newt again.

"Tommy, I'll be alright", Newt stated. I thought for a second and looked down at my feet.

"Fine, I sighed".

"Great, now let's go over the plan, Teresa said happily".

"There aren't any doctors or nurser around right? she asked".

"No, I checked their schedule, no one should be here in halv an hour, Aris responded".

"Alright good, I stated".

Sheesh, I've been gone for a while. I apolagize deeply, but I'm starting to lose confidence to writing this. I will still write though, and I'll try to update more often.

I've been working on ther fanfiction storys and stuff like that. Also, I'm really stressed about math. I'm so frickin' tierd of it, but I will get my grades up, mark my word😤

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