Remember Me.. (Final)

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Thomas's pov:


Love can make you do crazy things. It's the only thing that's been on my mind since we arrived at safe haven.

Yeah, we made it. Well, most of us at least. Everything seemed to be worth the wait. We also met some new people, everyone had sacreficed something.

Minho got struck by lightning and got kidnapped, but he made it..

Aris had to leave his friends for the other maze, but they reunited in safe haven..

Gally "died" but it turned out he wasn't actuallt dead. He made it..

A girl named Brenda, who we met in the scorch got infected, but she was cure, she made it..

A guy named Jorge, who we as well met, helped u safe Minho, he made it..

I got shot multiple times, but I made it..

Others, didn't make it....

Teresa helped W.I.C.K.E.D, but she ended up saving my life. Though, she didn't make it..

Winston got infected my the flare, and took his life so he wouldn't kill us..

Alby was taken by the grievers in the maze..

Chuck was shot by Gally, and died..


A tear fell down my cheek at the thought of him, my love, my soulmate.


He got infected by the flare, asked me to kill him. I couldn't, he was my soulmate and I loved him so much. was his last wish.

I remeber everything so clearly, everything..


"Tommy, kill me! Newt yelled"

"I can't, Newt I love you so much! I tried".

I felt so bad, seeing him like this broke my heart into a million pieces. I was shaking as I looked him in the eyes.

"Please Tommy, please, Newt begged".

I leaned closer to him and kissed his forehead. I knew he was in so much pain, I knew he wanted to end it. I sighed as tears rolled down my cheeks, and pulled the trigger..

End of flashback

I closed my eyes and wiped away my tears, I know he wouldn't want to see me cry.

He saved us, he saved me. He deserves to be here. With me..

I can't, I really can''s to much for me to handle. It's been a day since his death, and I'm barely getting by. All i want to do is be with him, but that will never happen!

It feels like a part of me is missing without him. It's like an endless stinging pain in my chest, and it doesn't go away.

People keeps telling me it will, but I know it won't. He was my better halv, my soulmate, he was mine.

And now...I've lost him forever, there's no point of trying anymore, life didn't seem to matter when he was missing.

I suppose this was always meant to be...

I always bad this feeling inside me, ever since we escaped from the maze, it felt as if someone I loved was going to die...

but I never imagined that it could've been Newt..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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