I want to become a runner..

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Thomas' pov:

" Thomas, help me! I hear a voice yelling in front of me".

"Let him go! I scream with tears in my eyes".

"You know we can't do that Thomas , a lady said beside me". The guards we're trying to drag the blond boy in front of me into another room.

I held onto his hands tight as I tried getting him out of the guards grip. Suddently another guard comes up behind me and grabs me, forcing me to let go of the blond boys hands.

"Tommy! The blond boy yelled whilst getting draged into a room".

The door closes, causing the boy to be on a seperat side of the door.

"Please, let him go! I cried".

"Tommy! The blond boy yelled again with tears in his eyes".

"Thomas? I hear a voice saying.

"Thomas! Someone yelled snapping their fingers causing me to wake up from the dream".

I gasped and rubbed my eyes. I look up to my right and i see Alby standing next to me.

"Come on Greenie, get up, he said".

"We have work to do, you know, he continued".

"Yeah i'll be there in a few minutes, I answerd". He walked away.

What was that dream? I asked myself. Or was it a dream? Maby it was a memory.. a memory from before I got to the glade? And who was that blond boy? The boy who I cried for because he was taken away from me.

My head was aching and I was tried of thinking at anything at all. I got up, got dressed, went and eat some breakfast and got to work.

I was working with a boy named Winston. Or at least I think his name was Winston. I didn't really pay much attention because I was tierd and all of my thoughts went to that dream, or memory that i had.

Then I got interrupted in my thoughts because someone snapped their fingers in front of me.

"Hey, are you even listening? Winston asked.

"Oh, yes of course, I answerd even though I haden't heard a word of what he had said".

"If you say so, Winston said". I could tell he wasn't convinced but i didn't bother saying anything.

Hours later I was finally finished with my work. I didn't have much to do so I just went walking around the glade.

A bit later I see two boys running from the maze into the glade. They we're runners, I thought. Newt had told me about all the jobs here, including being a runner. I know Newt didn't want me to be a runner but, I couldn't stop thinking about what's beyond the maze.

Then suddently, all of my thoughts went to Newt. I hadn't talked to him today. I looked around but I couldn't find him. I then saw Chuck, a boy I met yesterday who seemed nice. Maby he knows where Newt is, I thought. I started walking against his direction.

"Hey Chuck, I said when i arrived".

"Oh, hey Thomas, Chuck answerd with a smile".

"Have you by any chance seen Newt? I asked him".

"I don't think so, he answerd". "But I think I have an idea of where he could be".

I nodded.
"Where? I asked him".

Chuck pointed to the forest on the left side of us.

"He goes there a lot, Chuck said".

"He likes climbing trees, he continued laughing a bit.".

"Thanks Chuck, I said giving him a smile before i headed to the forest".

The forest was actually pretty nice. No wonder Newt likes it here.

After a bit I see a boy sitting against the maze wall at the edge of the forest. It was Newt.

"Hey Newt, I said as I got closer". Newt lifted his head and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Tommy, he answerd".
Great. Just great. I had forgotten about this british accent. I started blushing a bit.
I sat down beside him and looked into the forest.

"So, what are you doing here? I asked him".

"This is just a place where i spend much of my time at, he said".

"I find this place peaceful, he continued".

I turned my head to him and he did the same.

"Do you ever wonder what's beyond the maze? I asked curious". At first he didn't answer.

"Sometimes, he at last answerd".

"How do people become runners? I asked him while turning away my head to avoid eye contact".

"You get chosen, he answerd".

"Why are you asking? He then asked worried".

"Because, I started". I look a deep breath.

"I want to become a runner, I said quickly".

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