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Newts pov:

"Hey, Newt wake up! I heard someone yell". I opened my eyes and yawned. My sight was a bit blurry so I rubbed my eyes.

"Come on Newt get up, we are meeting the others in the cafeteria to look for Aris, the voice said". I looked down from the bunk bed and saw Winston.

"Right, I answerd climbing down".

"Come om hurry up, Winston nagged".

"Alright alright, I answerd sleepy".

I went into the bathroom and changed imto a pair of blue pants and a white sweater. I heard the door fly open and a kids voice yell. I quickly went out of the bathroom and saw a boy my age stand by the door opening. He was holding a gun pointed at Winston. Whem he saw me he pointed it at me and yelled something.

"Get over here! He yelled". I slowly headed over to them and stood next to Winston.

"Hey easy, I said in attempt to calm him down".

"Shut up, shut up! He yelled". He didn't seem to calm down so I kept my mouth shut.

"What do you want? Winston finally asked".

"You are going to hide me, they are comming for me, he answerd desperatly".

"Who? Winston asked".

"The guards idiot! He yelled".

"Alright why don't you calm down and stop shouting, I said". He glared at me insanly.

"I do what I want, he answers".

"We aren't going to help you if you threaten us, so put the bloody gun down! I yelled".

"Shut your god damn mouth! He yelled very angry". He pointed the gun at me again and pulled the trigger. We heard a loud bang and I felt a sudden pain in my chest. I looked down and saw blood. I looked back up and saw the kid smirking like a lunatic.

"Newt! I heard Winston yell".

"Don't move or I'll shoot you too, the boy threatened Winston".

I started feeling dizzy and fell down backwards landing on my back. The pain was getting even worse and I started getting trouble breathing. I scream in pain and just moments later a bunch of guards rushes in and grabbed the boy. Two of them ran over to me while I breathed heavily trying to fight the pain.

Minutes pass and I hear a familier voice yell at the guards. My sight was blurry but I could clearly see it was Tommy. He pushed his was through all the guards, ran up to me and sat down next to me looking at me worryingly.

"What the shuck happened Newt?! He asked checking my wound".

"Tommy.., I mumbled". He put pressure on the wound and I flinched in pain.

"I'm sorry love, he apologized looking me in the eyes". He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, I couldn't see very clearly but I saw that Thomas was about to cry.

"We have to move him to the medical room, one of the guards said to the other one. The other guard nodded and they attempted to lift up me. It hurt very much and I knew I had lost a lot of blood.

"It's going to be okay Newt, I promise, Thomas reassured".

"It h-hurts Tommy, I sturrered".

"I know, but I need you to stay awake alright? Please for me, Tommy answered". I felt weaker for every second but I nodded slightly.

The guards carried me into the mediacl room and layed me down on the hospital bed. Doctors rushed up to me and I couldn't see Tommy.

I felt myself slowly getting very tierd and it all went black.

After a few hours I woke up looking at the ceiling. My chest was hurting and I started remembering what had happened. That bloody kid shot me..

I sighed and looked to my left, and there I saw my Tommy. He was sitting beside me on a chair and seemed to be asleep.

Did he stay here with me the whole time?..

"Tommy? I asked". Tommy shot up wide awake and looked at me.

"Newt! Thank god you're alright, he said relieved".

"How long have you been here? I asked". He looked over at the clock behind him and then back to me.

"Uhm about 4 hours or so, he answerd".

"You stayed with me for 4 hours? I asked".

"Of course I did Newtie, he answerd and grabbed my hand".

"Thank you Tommy, I wispered". Tommy chuckled in response and then sighed. He leaned closer and wispered something in my ear

"I love you Newtie, he wispered". I smiled and looked up at him.

"I love you too Tommy, I responded". He grinned and leaned closer kissing me on the lips. I kissed him back smiling.

We heards someone cough and broke the kiss. I looked over at the door and saw Minho standing there, leaning against the wall. He walked over to us and sat down next to Thomas.

"Hey Shank, how are you feeling? He asked".

"Horrible, I answerd with a chuckle". The wound started stinging when I did and I groaned in pain.

"I hate that bloody kid, I huffed". Thomas scoffed.

"Yeah, we heard, what even happened? Thomas asked".

"It was just some psychotic kid, I answerd because I was to tierd of telling them everything".

"Okay if you say so, Thomas answerd".

A nurse walked up to us and asked how I was feeling.

"Still hurts like hell, I answerd".

"Alright, you need to rest so Thomas and Minho has to leave, she said". Minho said bye to me and left.

"I will just give me a minute, Thomas answerd". The nurse nodded and walked away again.

"You'll be okay right? Thomas asked with a weak smile".

"I'll be okay Tommy, no need to worry, I answerd".

"I will always worry about you, Thomas said".

"That's adorable, I chuckled".

"You're adorable, he wispered". I blushed at his comeback.

"Well you are hansome, I mumbled". He gave me a warm smile and grabbed my hand again.

We just stayed like that for a minute, just staring at each other and enjoying each others presence. That was until the nurse came back and told Thomas that he had to leave now.

"I'll come visit you tomorrow again, Thomas said". I nodded and he kissed my forehead, then he stood up and let go of my hand.

"Bye Newtie, he said".

"Bye Tommy, I answerd". Then he left.

"Get some rest now Newt, I will check on you again tomorrow morning, the nurse said". I nodded and she turned off the lights and left.

I closed my eyes and immediately drifted into sleep, thinking about the love of my life. Tommy..

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