Love and affection..

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Minhos pov:

"Yes we found him, Newt said".

"Where?! I asked desperetly gesturing with my hands".

"We saw a bunch of guards drag him into a room, Newt answerd".

"Why didn't you do anything?! I asked angry". I was losing my temper, I missed Aris so much.

"Bloody hell Minho, calm down, Newt continued". "When we got there the door locked itself".

"Where?! I asked".

"The second floor, five doors to the left of Aris room- he started".

I began running towards the stairs. I heard Newt call my name, but I ignored him being determinded to get back Aris. I ran up the staird and almost tripped because I was going so fast.
I ran through the corridor and didn't think of anything else then getting back Aris.

A few seconds later I reached the door. I grabbed the handle, pushing it down attempting to open the door, but the door was indeed locked like Newt said. I was so angry, I started banging on the door. A bit later a guard showed up in the window of the door. They opened the door so it stood ajar.

"This is a restricted are young man, I'm going to have to ask you to leave immediately, the guard said".

I snapped and kicked the door wide open. The guard pointed a gun at me but I wasn't afraid. I ran up to them snatched the weapon from them pointing it at them.

"Put the gun down! The guard yelled".

"Show me to him! I exclaimed".

"Who? The guard asked".

"You know who! Aris! I yelled". The guard sighed and pointed to a room.

"Hes in there, they said".

I slowly made my way across the room and ran into the room beside slamming the door shut behind me. I look inside the room looking for Aris, I spotted him sitting in a corner of the room. I ran up to him and threw my arms around him. He flinched but when he saw it was me he hugged me back. He held onto me like he wad afraid that I would disapear if he let go, it didn't matter since I probably was doing the same. When we pulled away I smiled brightly at him, but my smile quickly faded away when I saw that he had a black eye. I started to get filled up with anger.

"Who did this to you?! I yelled quickly". He flinched when I yelled and I immediately regretee yelling at him.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell.., I apologized". "I'm just worried about you".

Aris looked up to me and slightly smiled.

"A guard did it, he said". "I was fighting back and a guard hit me so is to keep me from fighting".

I looked at him in disbelief.

"I'll kill them, I said instantly changing my mood from worry to anger".

"Don't, I'm fine Min Min, Aris said softly".

I cupped the side of his face with my hand an pulled him in for another hug. We sat there for a while, him in my arms and his head on my shoulder.

"Maybe we should go back, I suggested". Aris shaked his head.

"They won't let me out, he answerd".

"I'll force them to, I said firmly". He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

We stood up and walked up to the metall door. We quickly opened the door and to our suprise four guards and Janson stood in front of us.

"Hello boys, Janson said". "Minho, you can leave, Aris however". He chuckled.

"I'm afraid he has to stay, he continued".

"Shuck off, I said irritated".

"We are both leaving right now, I continued firmly".

Janson turned to the guards.

"You two, take Minho to his toom, he said".

"And you two, take Aris back to the test room".

I got furious.

"What do you want from him?! I exclaimed grabbing Aris' hand".

"Aris tried to escape, so as a punishment we will run some tests on him, Janson answerd".

"No you won't! I yelled".

"Guards! Janson exclaimed".

The four guards started moving towards us, when they reached us two of them grabbed me and the other two grabbed Aris, separating us.

"Let me go you Shanks! I yelled trying to get out of the guards grip".

I got out of their grip and ran up to Janson.

"If you're going to take him to run tests I'm comming too! I exclaimed".

"Fine, Janson answerd". "Guards, escort them to the test room".

I ran up to Aris and took his hand, holding it in a tight grip. The guards took us to a room and told us to wait. We sat down on two chairs, still holding Aris hand but a little more gentle.

A woman came up to us, she had blond hair and she was wearing a lab coat.

"Follow me Aris, she said".

"I'm comming with you, I said". She looked over at me and sighed.

"Very well, come on, she answerd".

Me and Aris stood up and followed her to a hospital bed. She told Aris to sit down so he did, I was standing beside him.

"My name is Ava Paige, the woman said". "We are going to run three tests".

The woman took a syringe from the tabke standing next to the hospital bed. It had a blue liquid in it.

"W-What's that? Aris asked nervously".

"It's nothing to worry about, Ava answerd with a smile".

She grabbed Aris' hand and injected the blue liquid into his arm, I could see Aris flinch. When the woman was done she put back the syringe and told us to wait. Aris rubbed his arm. I look his hand and squeezed it smiling a warm smile at him. He turned to me and returned a smile.

After Ava Paige had done the tests she told us we could go. Two guards came and escorted Aris to his room.

"Alright, you come with us now, one of the guards said after we arrived at Aris' room.

"Wait, can I please stay with Aris, to comfort him? I asked kindley".

The guards looked at each other before nodding, then they left. Aris opened the door and we walked into his room. We sat beside each other on the bed.

"Thanks for staying with me, Aris thanked".

"Well, I wouldn't want to leave you alone, I answerd". Aris smiled. Then he leaned closer to me, and kissed me on the lips. I immediately kiss him back and put my hand on the side if his head, getting it tangled into his hair. Aris put his arms around my neck. The kiss lasted for less then a minute before we pulled away for air, but it was passionate. Our foreheads we're resting on each others.

"I love you Minho, Aris wispered".
I quickly pulled away in shock.

"O-Oh I'm s-sorry was t-that t-to soon? Aris stammed".

"No not at all, I was just a bit shocked, I answers".

"I love you too Aris, I continued before crashing our lips together again". Aris smiled into the kiss and so did I".

More Newtmas will come soon, I will do more of Thomas' and Newts pov. Patience..😁

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