A confession..

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Thomas' pov:

I was walking around the glade, showing Teresa around. At some point Teresa grabbed my hand. I turned to her when she did but I didn't want to seem rude so I didn't pull my hand away. Maby she was just scared?

When we passed the farm I noticed a blond boy standing, leaning against a tree by the mazes opening.
Newt, I thought..

Newt was looking at me but when I turned to him ge quickly looked away. Hes so cute, I thought to myself smiling. I quickly got back to reality when someone wayved their hand in front of my face.

"Hello, Thomas? Teresa asked". I jumped a bit.

"What, yes? I said quickly turning to her".

"What's wrong with you? She said confused". "You're acting weird".

"It's nothing, I answerd". I quickly glanced to Newt. He was still standing at the same spot leaning on the same tree. He looked so peaceful.

Teresa looked where I was glancing, and noticed that I was looking at Newt.

"Newt, seems like a kind guy, Teresa said".

I looked back at her and then back to Newt.

"Oh yeah, hes nice, I answerd quickly".

"Uhm, are you two, you know? She asked". I quickly turned to her and my face started to heat up.

"H-Huh?! I asked".

"Are you and Newt- She paused".

"You know, like a couple? She continued". I stared at her.

Newt and I?! I thought. She thinks we're a couple. I mean, I do like him but she doesn't have to know. That's none of her buisness, right?

"What, no! I answerd quickly".

"Okay, I just thought, because if the way you looked at him, she continued".

"N-No we're just friends, I said". Teresa looked at me with a smirk.

"But you like him, don't you Thomas? She asked continuing to smirking".

My eyes widened and I knew I was blushing.

"N-No, I answerd".

"Mhm, well your face says otherwise, she said walking away". I stopped and stayed where I was.

"I'll see you later, you should go talk to him, She said continuing to smirk".

I just stood there, like an idiot minutes after Teresa was gone.

She knows, I thought. But she whouldn't tell him right? No she's kind, she wouldn't. I quickly glanced where Newt was before to see if he was still there. He wasn't.

I decided to go look for him. But where could he be?

"The forest, I wispered". Chuck said he likes to go there if I'm not totally mistaken.

I quickly went into the forest. I walked around for a bit. I knew one spot in the forest Newt could be at, but I had forgotten where it was. Everything i saw was forest, forest and even more forest.

Just as I was about to give up for today and go back I see a blond boy sitting against one of the mazes walls. Newt.., I thought. It looked like he was sobbing.

I quickly walked over to him and slowly sat down beside him. He jumped a bit when he felt me sitting down beside him but when he saw it was me he quickly turned around again.

"Are you alright Newt? I asked with a soft voice". He didn't answer.

"Hey- I started but I got cut of by Newt gesturing with his hand".

We sat there for a while it silance. The silance was so loud, before I decided to break the silance.

"Newt, why are you crying? I asked turning to him".

"I'm not, Newt answerd certainly".

"I know your lying, I said". I reached for Newts hand but he quickly pulled away his hand. Without thinking, I grabbed Newt and held him tight in my arms. Newt jumped at that and tried getting out of my arms, but I wasn't going to let go. Seconds later Newt gave up and let out a sigh. He turned to me and rested his head on my chest. I continued holding him in my arms while he cuddled into me more. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

Newt didn't seem to be sad or upset anymore. He just sat in my arms cuddled up to me. I wanted to say something but I was afraid to say something stupid to make Newt leave.

"Tommy? Newt suddently asked".

"Yes? I answerd softly".

Newt sat up normally but I was still holding him in my arms. He looked up in my eyes.

He had such beautiful brown eyes...They we're sparkling like diamonds.

"I think I fancy you..,Newt said".

I was so shocked and confused at that moment. Newt had liked me this whole time?!
I started to feel my cheeks burn up and I was really nervous at that point.

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