Memories of the "attack"..

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Newts pov:

I started to blush like crazy. Did I just call him Tommy?! I thought to myself. Your stupid Newt!
I quickly took my hand of his shoulder.

"Tommy? Thomas asked with a smirk".

"Sorry i didn- I began but Thomas cut me off".

"No, don't be, he said with a smile".

"I like it, he continued". At that moment I got really nervous and tried to hide my blush".

"O-Okay, I answerd softly".

"Anyway, let's get going, I said quickly to change the subject". We walked around the glade and told him about the differant jobs. I glanced at him one moment when I told him about the runners. He looked so hansome with his messy dark brown hair. I quickly looked away when he turned to me.

"Newt can i ask you some questions? Thomas asked me". I turned to him and nodded.

"Why can't we go into the maze? He asked". I silenced. I looked him in the eyes and sighed.

"We can't go there becasue it's dangeous and only runners know their way around the maze, I said at last.

"There are monsters in there which we call grievers, if we get stung we turn into one, I continued".

"Of course only runners have seen grievers, I said".

"How do we know the runners aren't lying? He asked".

"They aren't Tommy, I used to be one myself until i got hurt, I answerd softly".

"You saw a griever?! Thomas asked shocked".

"Yeah, grievers are usally only comming out at night, but not the one that attacked me, I answerd".

"I'm lucky that i didn't get stung, I continued".

"Wow.., Thomas said softly".

"Tommy, I said with my serious voice".

"Mhm, he answerd". I turned to him and looked him dead in his eyes. He looked a little confused.

"Promise me that you won't go out in the maze, I said.

He turned away and stared at the maze. I did the same. I felt his hesitation, I knew he wouldn't promise, hes to curious.

"I can't promise that Newt, he said". I didn't answer. There was a moment of silence.

"I understand, I said at last".

"I have to go, i'll see you tomorrow? I continued.

He nodded. I started walking away from him. When I got further from him I started running, and I didn't stop until I was in the forest. When I was near the wall of the maze I slowed down. I sat down with my back on the wall and curved up into a confortable position. That's when I rememberd something. It was like a memory flashback from the time I was a runner.

I was running around in the maze with my friend Minho. Somehow i zoned out into a daydream and lost him.

"Shit, I wispered to myself". I immediately started yelling for him.

"Minho! I kept yelling out".

Suddently I hear something behind me. I quickly turned around and just stood there in horror. It was a griever..

I was petrified. I couldn't move. As the griever started running towards me I finally got back control over my body. I ran. Just ran. As fast as I could, faster than i've ever ran before. I didn't about where i was headed. When I had turned by a corner in the maze I see Minho.

"Minho! I yelled as loud as I could".

"Newt where the shuck did you go?! He yelled from a clear distance".

"Minho, there's a griever chasing me! I shouted".

"Don't be absurd Newt, grievers only come out at night! He yelled back as an answer".

"I'm not lying, I-, I started but I got interrupted because the griever grabbed me from behind". I started screaming and yelling for help as the griever tried to kill me.

"HELP ME! I screamed as loud as I could".

"NEWT! Minho yelled running towards me".

I kicked the griever in the face and it didn't seem very happy. The griever suddently tossed me into the air and I landed on the hard ground. I lost consciousness at that point.

When I woke up I remember I was in real pain. My leg was hurting so badly I wanted to scream. But just when I was about to, I lost consciousness again.
I don't remember anything more of that incident but I certainly wouldn't forget about it.

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