Maby we knew each other before..

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Newts pov:

I was sitting on my bed in my small tight room. It wasn't much in it, just some chlothes, a small bed, and a chair.

I suddently hear banging on my door. I jumped and got scared.

I carfully got of my bed amd headed towards the door. I open the door slowly. To my suprise a boy with brown curly hair and a light blue sweater jumped at me. We both fell to the ground and the boy wrapped his hands around me and hugged me tight.

"Bloody hell, you scared me! I yell underneath the boy".

"Sorry Newtie, the boy giggled not pulling away".

I sit up with the boy still over me.

"Let go of me! I yell".

"Never! The boy laughed wrapping his arms around me tighter".

"T, I can't breath! I yell". The boy finally let go of me. The boy smiled at me looking me in the eyes. His beautiful blue  eyes we're sparkling and I wanted to get lost in his eyes.

"Come on Newtie, lets meet the others, he laughed standing up".

"I told you to stop calling me that Tommy, I say upset standing up".

"You call me Tommy, so I think it's fair, the boy answerd".

"That's differant, Tommy is a cute nickname, Newtie is just weird, I protest".

"Are you calling me cute? The boy said winking at me". I started blushing.

"I said the nickname was cute! I exclaim".

"Same thing! The boy answerd dragging me by my wrist out of the room".

"Hey Newtie, I hear a voice say making me wake up".

I open my eyes and see Thomas smiling. I sit up and groaned rubbing my eyes. Thomas was sitting beside me.
I felt really tierd, but I forced myself up.

I sat up and Thomas put his arm around my waist, while I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Good morning, love, he said smiling".

"Morning, I answerd yawning".

"Minho and I are going in the maze soon, he said". "I just wanted to say goodbye to you". I lifted my head and kissed his cheek.

"Alright, I answerd".

"I'll see you later Newtie, he said before he kissed my forehead and left".

When Thomas left I got up and ate some breakfast. After that I went and started to work.

I thought about the dream I had. Was that boy Thomas? I thought. I called him Tommy, and he called me Newtie like Thomas does. I smiled at the thought.

Maby we knew each other before...

"Hey Newt, I hear a voice say behind me". I quickly turn around and see Teresa and Aris standing there.

"Hey Aris, Teresa, I answer".

"When are the runners comming back? Aris asked". I smirked.

"Miss Minho already, yeah?, I say". Aris started blushing.

"W-Well no, he told me he'd start training me when he got back".

"Alrightttt, I answer".

"Uhm, they come back at differant times every day, so I can't really know, I  continued".

"Oh okay, Aris answerd".

"Hey Newt, would you like to hang out with me and Aris when your finished, Teresa asked".

"Yeah sure, I say with a smile".

"Okay, See you then, Teresa continues". She grabbed Aris hand and walked away.

When they we're gone, I got to work again. I was working by the farm with my friend Ben.

After I was finished, I went to look for Aris and Teresa. I found them sitting on a rock in the glade. Aris was braiding Teresa's hair.

I went up to them, said hello and sat down beside Teresa.

"Andddd done! Aris exclaimed finishing braiding Teresas hair".

"Wow thank you Aris, it looks so beautiful, I absoloutely love it! Teresa said exitingly pulling Aris into a hug.

"It's no biggie, I love braiding peoples hair, Aris answerd when they pulled away from the hug"

"Anvantage being in a maze with just girls then? I asked".

"Yes definitely, Aris answerd smiling".

"Did you have a best friend? Teresa asked". Aris smiled sadly.

"I had two, Aris answerd".

"What we're there names? Teresa asked intrested".

"Sonya and Harriet, Aris said looking down at the ground".

"You'll see them again, I said attempting to cheer him up".

"I hope so, he answerd".

We look up and see Minho and Thomas getting back from the glade. Aris smiled slightly and stared at Minho.

"You like him don't you? Teresa said with a smirk". Aris quickly turned to her blushing.

"W-Who, Aris asked faking to be confused".

"Minho of course! Teresa exclaimed". Aris turnd his head and looked at Minho once again.

"Oh my gosh, Teresa started". "You do!".

"Come on let' go and greet them! She yelled exited". She grabbed Aris hand and started dragging him behind her, she gestured with her hands telling me to follow. I quickly stand up and catch up to them.

Newtmas- Remember me..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora