What we saw was terrifying..

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Newts pov:

We all listened closely when Thomss explained the plan.

"Everyone got it? Thomas asked". We all nodded.

"Alright get ready, Thomas said". Every quickly got ready.

"Now! Thomas exclaimed starting to run". I was running behind Thomas.

A bunch of grievers appeard in front of us. We all fought them. I saw a griever about to sting Chuck. I quickly ran up to them and hit the griever with a spear. It turned around and didn't look to happy.

"Bloody he-, I started but the griever lunged at me". It pushed me to the ground and tried to sting me, but my refelxes we're fast and it didn't hit me.

"Get off of me you bloody tosser! I yelled". Thomas noticed that the griever was attacking me and lunged at it. He distracted it by hitting it from behind. The griever ran against him but Thomas just smirked. When the griever was just about to hit him he moved to the side and the griever fell down the edge of the maze.

Thomas quickly ran up to me.

"Really Newt? In this situation you still use british slangs? Thomas said smiling and reaching out a hand.

"Yes, I answer proudly grabbing his hand and pulling myself on my feet". 

We hear a groan and quickly turn around. I see Aris getting attacked by a griever. The griever grabbed his waist and tossed him into the air. He yelled as he fell down again. It reminded me of the time I was attacked by a griever and was tossed in the air just like now. He was just about to hit the ground but Minho caught him just in time.

"Come on guys! Thomas yelled running backwards towards the door". I followed him. The others we're already all there. Minho didn't have time to put Aris down so he just ran to us carrying him in bridal-style.

Minho quickly put Aris down and ran over to enter the code. He quickly entered the code and it turned green. The walls started moving down in the room in front of us. The grievers we're also comming towards us, but just when one griever was about to get to us the roof smashed it.

"Ew, Teresa exclaimed because the grievers blood squirted all over her". Minho laughed at her but she didn't seem to happy about it. She smirked and hugged him. When she let go, Minho was as well covered in the grievers blood".

"Teresa! Minho said clearly annoyed". Everone bursted out in laughing. Minho just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"You guys are mean, Minho said dramaticly".

"Don't be such a drama queen, Teresa giggled".

Minho have her a "I'm offended" look and everyone started laughing again.

"Alright that's enough we have to keep moving, Thomas said". Everyone nodded anf started following Thomas through a dark hallway. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. He looked at me and smiled holding my hand tighter still walking.

"This seems like a never-ending hallway, I don't like it, I said".

"Why? Is Newtie scared? Thomas said mockingly".

"Oh yes I'm really scared, it's not like I have a limp causing me to have trouble walking, I answerd with a lot of sarcasm". Thomas grinned and looked at me.

"If you get trouble walking, I'll happily carry you, Thomas wispered in my ear grinning".

"Oh please, I said rolling my eyes".

"Ooooo a spooky hallway, Minho said trying to scare Teresa". I turned around to see what they we're doing.

"Oh shut up, Teresa said rolling her eyes but smiling".

"Boo! Minho exclaimed". Teresa jumped and Minho bursted into laughter.

"You stupid Shank! Teresa hissed at him making Minho laugh even more".

Out of nowhere Aris jumped onto Minhos back causing him to jump and stumble a bit.

"What are you doing Aris? Minho asked grinning".

"I'm cold, Aris said softly cuddling into Minhos back". Minho turned red as a tomato and Teresa was smirking at them.

I turn back around and keep walking.

"Well they seem to have fun, I say". Thomss turned around, looked at them and then turned back.

"I guess so, Thomas said shrugging". I moved closer to Thomas and he let go of my hand and wrapped his arm arpund my shoulders, keeping me as close as possible without us tripping. He leaned to me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed him on the lips. He immediately kissed me back and seconds later we broke the kiss.

We look in front of us and see a door. Thomas took his arm off of me and looked at the door. The doorhandle was covered in blood and there was a bit of blood on the door too. He walked up to the door and reached his hand to the door handle. He hesitated a bit but after a few seconds he pushed down the door handle and opened the door. He quickly took his hand off the bloody doorhandle and opened the door completaly. What we saw was terrefying...

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