Blond hair, I think..

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Sonyas pov:

I can't believe they didn't believe me. I know Aris more then anyone! I'm going to prove them wrong.

I was walking to my room, I knew it was empty since my friend Beth in the cafeteria and Rachel was missning.

When I got to the metall door, I shoved it open and shut it behind me. I went towards the vent next to my bad and kneeled down in front of it. I tried pulling the vent open but I wasn't that strong. I groaned and looked around trying to find something to get the vent open. I couldn't fins anything and I started getting impatient. I turned back to the vent furiously and desperatly tried getting the vent open. I pulled as hard as I could and actually got it open. The metall vent cover flew back and I nearly fell onto my back. I quickly but the vent cover to the side and looked inside the vent. It was rather dusty and I saw a spider, but I was determinded to find them so I ignrored it and carfully crawled into the vent. It was a very right space, so I had to crawl on my stomach.

A bit later I got into a place in the vents we're I had more space. My eyes widened when I saw the scenario in front of me. Minho and Aris we're sitting in the vents kissing. Aris was on Minhos lap with his hands around Minhos neck.

"I knew it! I exclaimed without thinking". They both jumped and Aris quickly jumped off Minho before looking at me. When they saw me they we're both blushing.

"I-It's not what i-it l-looks like Sonya, Aris stuttured". I smirked at them.

"Really? Cause it seems to me that you two we're kissing in the vents, I said".

"Okay, maybe it was what it looked like, Minho said".

"Minho! Aris snapped glaring at the asian boy".

"Alright, I started". They both looked at me.

"You guys should have told us you we're back, everyone's on a friggin' search party right now, I continued".

"Oh-Sorry, we should have told you guys, Aris said".

"It's okay, but you better tell everyone else that, I answerd". "Let's go". They both nodded and I turned around crawling back towards my room, they quickly followed me. Once we arrived at my room again we climbed out, I put back the vent cover before brushing the dust off me.

We all went out of the room and looked for the others. We found Teresa firstly.

"Hey Teresa! I exclaimed when we saw her". She quickly turned around and her eyes widened when she saw Minho and Aris. She ran up to us and quickly pulled Aris and Minho into a hug.

"Where the shuck have you Shanks been?! She asked when they pulled away". They both started blushing furiously and Teresa looked at them confused.

"Uhm, let's talk about that later, I said". "Let's go tell the others that we found Aris and Minho". They all nodded in agreement and headed down to the cafeteria. I spotted Thomas and Harriet in the crowed and dragged Aris and Minho over to them.

"Hey Thomas, Harriet! I yelled". They both turned to me and their eyes widened when they saw Aris and Minho.

"You found them! Harriet exclaimed happily running over to Aris and hugging him".

"Of course I did, I answerd proudly".

"Where we're they? Thomas asked".

"In the vents, like I told you, I answers".

"We're so sorry for douting you Sonya, Harriet apologized".

"It's okay, I sighed". She gave me a smile and gave me a quick hug.

"I think we should go and find Newt and Winston and tell them we found you, Thomas said".

"Yeah you're right, Minho answerd".

We all walked out of the cafeteria and headed to Newt and Winstons room. We we're taken by suprise when we saw a bunch of guards standing outside the door and kids our age staring at them.

"What's going on? I asked a girl".

"Some kid started acting crazy and went in and shot someone, she answerd".

"Huh?! I exclaimed".

"Someome got shot?! Harriet asked worryingly". The girl nodded.

"It was a boy who got shot, he had uhm..blond hair, I think, she said".

I saw Thomas eyes widen in horror and a second later he sprinted towards the room.

"Thomas wait! Minho exclaimed but Thomas didn't listen".

I'm evil..🤭

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