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Newts pov:

"Thomas, Newt! I heard a voice yelling beside me". Me and Thomas turned around and saw Chuck yelling, running towards us.

When Chuck reached us he was out of breath and rested his hands on his knees.

"Wow, calm down buddy, I said patting Chucks back".

"The-she-awake-come, he said quickly".

"Hey, breeeeath, I said". Chuck calmed down and took a few deep breaths before continuing talking.

"The girl, she's awake, Chuck exclaimed". "You guys have to come".

"Why? Thomas asked confused".

"You'll see, follow me, Chuck continued".

Me and Thomas followed Chuck to an area near the box. Chuck pointed to the left, and our eyes widened when he looked that way. The girl was throwing stuff at all the boys from a distance. The boys tried calming her down, at the same time protecting themselfs from everything she threw. It didn't work, she kept throwing stuff.

"Girls are awsome, Chuck said with a smile". I started laughing a bit when she threw something at Gally. He got it in his face and fell down. To be fair, it actually looked really funny.

"We should stop her, I said".

"Or we could watch her throw stuff at Gally for a while, Thomas chucked". I turned to him and laughed a bit.

"Come on, I said rolling my eyes".

As we approached, the girl noticed and quickly turned to us.

"Stay away from me! She hissed". She threw something at us but missed.

"Calm down, we aren't going to hurt you, I said trying to calm her down".

"Where am I?! Why am I the only girl here?! And why can't I remember anything?! She hissed at us".

"We will answer all your question, If you stop throwing suff at us, I answerd". She hesitated a moment but then she nodded.

"Okay, off to a good start, I said softly while walking slowly towards her".

The girl gestured with her hands to stop me from comming closer. I stopped about 5 feet from her. Thomas started walking toward her too and stood beside me.

"Who are you guys? She asked".

"My name is Newt and this is Thomas, I said pointing at Thomas".

"Thomas.., the girl said". "Why does that seem familier? Ske asked confused".

"I recognized you when I saw too, Thomas answerd". The girl looked questioning at Thomas.

"You yelled my name when you came up in the box, Thomas continued".

"Why can't I remember anything?! She asked thretening".

"None of us can, Thomas said quickly".

"I got here just a few days ago and I don't remember pretty much anything from before, he continued".

"Is your name Teresa? Minho asked from a distance walking towards us".

"How do you know my name?! She asked".

"Thomas, said he knew your name was Teresa when he saw you, Minho answerd". He was now standing on the other side of me. Teresa looked over at Thomas, then back to Minho.

"Who are you? She asked".

"My name is Minho, nice to meet you, he said with a smile reaching out a hand". Teresa hesitated but then quickly shook his hand.

"Thomas, Minho said turning to Thomas".

"Could you show Teresa around? He continued". Thomas nodded.

Then they started walking away. Then Thomas turned around and looked at me.

"I'll see you later Newt, he said with a smile". I nodded and Thomas turned back.

A few hours later I was leaning against a tree at the edge of the glade. I saw Thomas and Teresa walking around together. They we're laughing.

What was this feeling?..

I felt annoyed. I don't like seeing them together.. Stupid Teresa..

Wait, I just met Teresa. I shouldn't judge her. See actually seems kind..

Then it hit me. I was jealous.. Of Teresa. Bloody hell Newt, I thought. Why are you jealous? They are just walking around, laughing and-.......HOLDING HANDS?!

They are holding hands. I just noticed. I got really angry. I wanted to run up to them, punch Teresa right in the face and yell that Thomas was mine!

Of course I couldn't do that, Thomas would think im a psycho, that's the last thing I want..

I am so overwhelmed with anger and jelousy.

"Calm down Newt, I said to myslef in order to calm down". I started tearing up, and just seconds later I found myself sobbing.

I started running towarts the forest. I didn't want anyone to see me crying, to see me weak. When I finally arrived at "my" spot at the edge of the forest by a wall of the maze, I collapsed. I fell onto my knees putting my hands over my face.

"Why? I asked myself"...

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