They are gone..

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Newts pov:

"I want to become a runner, Thomas said quickly".

At that point I was just staring at him in shock. I looked away because I didn't want to make eye contact. I felt my eyes starting to tear up.

"I know you don't want me to become a runner, he continued". "But I just have to know what's behind these walls".

I didn't answer. I just kept looking away. I didn't want him to see me cry. I didn't even know why I was crying. I didn't cry when Minho wanted to become a runner!

"Newt-, Thomas started". I cut him off.

"Could you just leave? I asked trying not to sound like I was sobbing". I didn't succeed.

"Are you crying?! Thomas asked me worried". He grabbed my head and turned me to him.

"Newt.., he said with a worried voice".

I didn't want to see him anymore. I wanted to be alone!

I quickly stood up and started running away. I could hear Thomas yelling my name from a distance.

"Newt! He yelled".

I was tierd of running, I sat down against a tree beside the opening of the maze. At that point I bursted into tears. I don't know why. Why did I care about Thomas so much?! I was worried but angry at the same time. What if he gets stuck in that stupid maze?! I thought to myself.

The next day went by pretty normal, but I just couldn't get Thomas out of my head. That was until I realized that Minho and Alby should've been back from the maze my now.

I went to the opening of the maze and waited. After a while almost everyone was gatherd around the opening waiting for them. One of the people I however, couldn't see was Thomas. I didn't think much of it because I was worried for Minho and Alby.

After a few minutes Thomas finally arrived. He stood beside me and asked what was going on.

"Minho and Alby should've been back by now, I answerd".

"The maze is about to close, I continued".

"What if they don't make it in time? Thomas asked".

"Then they will be stuck in the maze for the night, Chuck answerd".

"Is that bad? Thomas asked". I turned to him.

"No one has survived a night in the maze, I answerd with my serious voice". Thomas silenced.

"Newt, about yesterday, Thomas started".

Is he really thinking about that now?! When Minho and Alby could die?!

"It's fine, I interrupted".

"Yeah but I'm sorr- he continued".

"Thomas do you really want to talk about this now?! I asked him shouting a bit". He nodded and turned to the maze again.

I looked at him and he seemed awfully familier. I didn't notice until now. Then suddently I got some kind of a flashback.


I was sitting alone, eating at a table. I saw all the other kids sitting with their friends, talking and laughing. I actually didn't mind sitting alone. I liked the quietness.

"Hello! A boy in front of me said". I quickly turned to the boy. He had dark brown, curly hair and a blue shirt. I just stared at him. I pointed at me wondering if he was talking to me.

"Yes you, the boy answerd laughing".

"Do you mind me sitting here? He asked with a smile". I didn't exactly want him to sit here but I didn't want to be rude. I shaked my head quickly.

He sat down beside me and looked at me. I looked down to not make eye contact with the boy.

Why would he sit here? I thought. There are plenty of tables he could sit at. Did he choose to sit here with me? I was confused. I glanced at the boy only to find that he still was looking at me. I quickly look back down in embarrassment.

The boy started laughing. I looked up at him. For some reason, the boys laughing made me happy, I smiled slightly.

There they are! Someone in the crowed yelled". I snapped back to reality and saw Minho draging Alby.

What happend?! I thought. At that moment the walls started closing.
Everyone started yelling and screaming for them to hurry up.

They aren't going to make it, I thought really worried. I as well started yelling. The maze was just about to close. Then something unexpecting happend. Thomas ran into the maze towards Minho and Alby. I tried grabbing him but I reacted to late. The maze closed and Thomas was on the other side of the wall. I was terrefied.

"They are gone, I said".

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