17. Bad timing

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"So where is she?" The same man who was on the phone could be heard from behind the bushes as Addison was going out for fresh.
"Holy mother of-. You scared the shit out of me," Addison got startled.
"Where's Meredith?" The man asked again.
"Her friend was just hurt, let the woman grieve."
"There's no time for grieving. You are so soft Montgomery. No wonder your sister left her whole family. You guys are bunch of pussies," he insulted her.
"Okay! That is enough. I am not a pussy. Let's just make that clear. Second of all. Where do you get off from ordering me around. I checked and you hold no power over me. So I suggest you shut up and let me do what I think is the best. And if Grey needs to grieve then I'll let her grieve. I know where she lives. I got her once, won't be hard the second time." Addison left the man dumbfounded. She wasn't wrong. He turned around in shame and left her there. Addison let out all there air that was stuck inside her, "Holy shit!" She whispered to herself. "That was the most scariest thing I ever did in my life. Fucking hell! Hoo," she let herself breathe and went back into the hospital.

"How is she?" Meredith came up to Cristina's room.
"Stable for now. We'll know for sure in a few hours," said the nurse who was going over her charts. "Would you like to go in?" She asked.
"What? Oh no. I'm good thanks," Meredith kindly declined and just stared at her friend through the glass. She was brought back to reality when Addison tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey," she said softly.
"Hi," Meredith could only mouth the word.
"I know this isn't the best moment, but if you want to be free from this for once, we need to proceed with our plan," Addison said while rubbing her shoulders.
"Okay," Meredith sounded weak, "where do we have to go?"
"We need to get Derek first."
"He's probably in his office,"

"Come in," Derek heard two knocks on the door. "Hey," he said in a soft soothing voice.
"Derek it's time," Addison said coming in from behind Meredith.
"Okay, I'll call the back up team."
"And then what?" Addison asked. Derek started explaining as everything around Meredith became quiet. Things started to become blurry.
"Cristina look! Here's a cute one," Meredith shouted to her from across the bar, drunk.
"To tall," she shouted back downing a shot of tequila. Meredith just shrugged her shoulders, "Well then you're coming home with me." As she was about kiss him Cristina came over.
"No you don't!" she pulled her away from the man.
"What the hell?" Meredith asked drunk.
"You'll thank me later." They moved back the stools and sat down. "You're pretty," Meredith scrunched her nose looking at her.
"Tell me something I don't know," she joked.
"I work for the maffia," Meredith blurted out. They both sat there silently for a moment, then bursted out laughing.
*end of flashback*

"Meredith what do you think?" Derek asked.
"Huh?" She looked at him stirred.
"About the plan?" He repeated.
"I- uhm- it's- I think- you know- yeah, it's great," she finally said.
"Are you okay?" Derek got worried.
"Yeah I'm fine, totally fine."
"What's the plan then?" Addison asked.
"It's a good plan," Meredith had no idea what to say.
"Oh my god," Addison looked annoyed.
"I'm sorry, I'm listening. What's the plan," Meredith took a step closer to them.
"Addison takes you to their lab. Our team follows you as quietly as possible. Then, if everything goes right, you'll be sleeping in your bed tonight." Derek explained again. Meredith nodded.
"You'll need to put a tracker on in case we loose the direction you go in, if that's okay." Meredith just nodded again, not saying anything.

Once the team arrived, the got all suited up they were ready to go out the door when Addison felt water going down her thighs.
"Oh fuck me!" She shouted.
"Why what's wrong?" Derek got worried.
"My water broke," she said.
"Oh that is such a horrible timing."
"You think?"she said pissed-off. "We have to call the operation off."
"We can't do that," Derek refused.
"For gods sakes Shepherd. There's an actual living thing trying to crawl his way out of my vagina. I'll be dammed to run around with the baby's head flopping between my thighs," she raised her voice.
"Alright okay, sorry," Derek felt bad. "Let's get you on a gurney and page OB."
Meredith went over to her trying to calm her down. "Long deep breaths" she said.
"I- I have to, oowwww, I need to call, aghhhhh, my boss," she tired to say but the pain was to unbearable. "Get me my phone Grey." She commanded. Meredith didn't think twice. She got her bag and took out her phone, "Here," she gave it to her.
"Hello?" The man asked through the phone.
"My water just broke! I can't give you Grey today." She screamed in pain.
"Unacceptable!" The man got angry.
"Don't you fucking tell me it's unacceptable, I'd like to see you try and run around while an infant is ripping your penis apart!" Addison got mad.
"Uhm- I-" he stuttered.
"That's right! Now if you don't mind, I need to go push a baby out of my vagina, GOODBYE," and like that she hung up the phone.
"Badass," Meredith said.
"Oh god," Addison held her stomach.
"Oh right, deep breaths," Meredith comforted her.

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