8. You're okay

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Wanna be king in your story
I wanna know who you are
I want your heart to be for me
Oh, I
Want you to sing to me softly
'Cause then I might run in the dark
That's all our love ever taught me
Oh, I
Call and I'll rush out
All out of breath now

Meredith started crying. The cold hit her body making her shake. Derek tried everything in his power to calm her down but nothing was working. He didn't know her like that, "Meredith... shhhh... it's okay I'm here," he got her a blanket wanting to wrap her into it and pull her close to his body because that's what he would want someone to do when he was hurting.

But Meredith was resisting him, "No, GET... off of me," she pushed him away. "How dare you touch me. Because of you I'm about to loose someone that is important to me. Just... agh... Get OUT of MY house," she screamed at him through her tears.
"Meredith I..."
"NO!!! Get the FUCK out of my house."
All of a sudden she got light headed and dropped to the floor.
"Meredith!" Derek ran towards her. "I am going to touch you now because I want to help you, okay? So don't push me away." He picked her up pulled her into a tight hug, not letting go. "I'm going to stroke your hair, because that's what I want someone to do if were hurting," he placed his hands on her head and caressed her hair. "I'm going to get you out of this, I promise."
"Alive?" Meredith finally spoke.
"Alive..." he kissed the top of her head and pulled her in tighter.

Meredith lifted her head off his chest and looked deeply into his eyes. Glancing at his lips once or twice. "I'm okay,"
"You're okay..." he said sweetly, tilting his head.
"If you want you can sleep here," she stood up, taking the blanket and wrapped it around herself properly. As hard as she tried not showing it, Derek knew she was the one who wanted him to stay. He smiled lightly, "I would appreciate it that."
Meredith looked around, trying to find a place where he could sleep, as she thought he would decline, "Uhm..." she finally turned to him. "Well you can either sleep in the same bed as me or there's a guest room right there. But the bed needs to be done."

Derek smiled at her not saying anything. He took a step closer and touched her arms, "Would you really mind if I slept in the same bed as you?" He tried to be as subtle as possibly.
"Yeah... if that's what you want." Meredith was filled with joy. After the day she had, sleeping alone would have been the worst thing that ever happened to her.

Meredith was looking for clothes that Derek could wear for pyjamas until he interrupted her, "You know, I could easily sleep naked," he suggested with a straight face.
"You are so not going to sleep naked." Meredith threw an old T-shirt of her dads at him. Derek catches it and took he off his shirt, "What's the harm? You've already seen me naked. It's not like it's a surprise." He teased.
"I can easily kick you out of my room and send you down to the guest room." Derek could see she wasn't playing around. She was exhausted, hurt and most of all terrified. He stayed silent and put on the t-shirt she gave him.
"Is it okay if you sleep in your boxers or you need sweatpants?" Meredith asked, walking over to her side of the bed.
"I'm fine thank you." He tucked himself in and turned away from her, falling asleep in an instant. Meredith on the other hand was wide awake. She stared at the ceiling for hours until she heard a noise come from downstairs. She slowly got out of bed trying not to wake Derek.

She felt her heart drop as soon as she saw the man standing before her. A large tall man with huge stomach, who looked and smelled like someone who just came off the streets. Dressed like one too. Her legs felt like jello and her hands were shaking as the man in front of her took a step closer, opening his mouth, "Ellen, it is so great to see you again, How have you been?" said Anpu in a very northern english accent acting as if they were good old friends.
"No, you are not going to hurt anyone. Kill me or do whatever you want with me. But I am not letting my friends suffer because of me," she stood her ground. The man just laughed in her face, "I am not here to kill anyone me dear. Oh no not at all. I'm here to take what is mine. See Addison and I had an agreement. But you loathsome evil little bitch," he took another step closer, "ruined it all. This the problem with women, you guys can be so stubborn and think you're better than us man. Well let me tell you a little secret," he bent down to her ears and whispered, "All you guys are good at is being in the kitchen and pleasure your man." He slapped her ass and took a step back. "You know, you would've been free, but again you let your feelings to that awful man, decide your destiny. Now you have two options, one you give me Shepherd, have sex with and you're free off charge or you have sex with me and I won't hurt your little friends," he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. Trying to push his tongue down her throat but Meredith is not giving in. He cupped her breast making her whimper and giving him access to her tongue. His breath smelled like fish, which was very unsettling for her.

Derek was watching from the top of the staircase, trying to come up with the best idea to help her.
"So honeybun, pick one," he winked at her as he licked his lips. Meredith tried not to show the disgust on her face, "I..." she tried to swallow but the taste in her mouth was too disgusting, "I guess I'll choose the second one. No one needs to be hurting because of me."
"Excellent choice my darling," he grabbed her ass and started to lead her out of there when Derek grabbed the nearest thing and threw it at him, hitting him straight in his head, which made him collapse on the floor.
"Come with me," Derek ran downstairs, grabbing her arm and was out the door in minutes.
"What are you doing?!"
"Getting you out of here!" Derek ran to his car and got in.
"Where?!" Meredith was freaked out.
"We're going to the trailer. No one knows about that place just you. And of course the interns you told it too." He sounded a bit annoyed.

They stayed silent for the whole ride there until they arrived, "Well we're here," Derek took out the car keys and turned to Meredith, who was playing with her thumbs between her thighs. She turned to him with sad eyes, "Did you know he was Addisons brother?"
"No idea," he said gently and shook his head. All of a sudden, tears started rolling down her eyes, "He kissed me, I...we...he kissed me," her voice trembled. Derek pulled one of his knees up and laid his head on the car seat. He wanted to comfort her but at the same time he didn't want to trigger anything. The say there silently until Meredith spoke again.

"What I'm about to ask you can never leave the trailer, okay?"
"Okay...?" Derek agreed.
"As cheesy as it sounds I would like for you to not say anything and just cuddle with me."
Derek reached out and cupped her cheeks, "No one will ever know."
They both got out of the car and went up to the trailer. Derek handed her one of his shirt so she can get out of the pyjamas that man touched her in. "I don't have any underwear," she said a bit freaked out.
"Oh that's okay, don't worry. Here's a pair of my sweats. You can put this on," he handed the first pair out of his cupboard. They slid into bed and Derek gently wrapped his arm around her chest, pulled her close to his body. He breathed in her flower scented hair, "Hmmm...your hair smells nice. What's that flower scent?"
"It's lavender," she turned over to face him. He took a strand of hair between his fingers and played around with it. Meredith was staring into his eyes as he was busy fiddling with her hair. When he finished he tucked it behind her ears and lifted her chin slightly. He caressed her cheeks and looked at her lovingly. She gave him a light smile and snuggled into his chest.
"Why is your heart racing so fast? Are you scared or something?" she looked back up at him. Derek of course knew why his heart was beating so fast. The woman that he may or may not have feelings for, is snuggling with him. Every mans dream. Of course he didn't want to scare her away so he came up with the best thing he could think of, "Oh I'm still just a bit worked up about today."

Meredith stroked his cheeks and smiled at him, "Thank you," and snuggled back into his chest, feeling safe at the scent of him. Memories came flashing back from the first night they met and how hot and amazing the sex was. Even though it was hard to admit for the both of them they were head over heels for each other. If they wouldn't be so stubborn and one of them took the guts to just accept the fact that they love each other, they could be happy. For once. For once they wouldn't be so miserable in all this and help each other out. Help each other through the difficult times.

They slowly started to fall asleep as their breathing got in-synced. Derek felt Meredith's heartbeat as if it were his own, which made him smile. All of a sudden he got this weird feeling in his stomach which he never felt before. It wasn't a bad feeling. It wasn't like someone punched him. It was... quite a delightful feeling. This feeling in his stomach made him realise what it meant. For a while he was contemplating on telling her how he felt or he should just bottle it up as usual. Few minutes later he decided this is a risk he's willing to take. Meredith was someone he didn't want to hide his feelings from, "Meredith? I uhm, I think I love you," he blurted out. His heart started racing again. Waiting for her answer, wether she freaks out or says it back. But all he got was a snore. A cute little snore. For some odd reason that snore was a huge relief for him. He hugged her tighter, hoping the next time he confesses his love for her she's awake.

I don't know how I feel about how this story is going, so if you have any suggestions please write to me or just comment!! :) and don't forget to vote please!!! :):)

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