20. Death and all his friends

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Uhm you guys are going to hate me, but it's okay, just let it out and there will be happy scenes

As promised, Derek arrived at the bunk.
"Sorry sir, you're not allowed in here!" One of the guards stepped forward.
"I'm supposed to meet Allison, I'm Derek Shepherd," he took a step forward.
"Do you have any way of identifying that?" He asked.
"No," he crossed his brows, "Get Allison up here,"
"I can't do that sir," he put his hand up.
"Ugh! What do you need me to do? How can I prove it to you that it's me?"
"Identification sir,"
"I don't fucking have one! I told you that!" He screamed, "I was told to come alone and unarmed, a card is me being armed!" He tried to explain to the dumb guard.
"Hey!" One of the others guards poked the first one the shoulders, "it's him, let him in."
"My bad sir," he stepped away.
"Dumbass," he muttered under his breath.

He went down the ladder into a dark empty room. "Great, now where do I go?" He wondered.
"Hello Dr Shepherd," he heard someone say through the intercom.
"Where are you?" He said turning around.
"First I need to know if you're unarmed," she said.
"I am. Nothing is on me. Look," he started taking off his jacket showing every place possible of hiding something.
"Alright then, right this way," a door opened. He started running down the hallway trying to get to Meredith as fast as possible.
"Derek! Hey," he met Allison right in the middle.
"Where is she?" He was impatient.
"I'll take you to her, but you're not allowed to touch, nor get close to her,"
"No! You can't do that!" He got louder.
"Yes- I can," she kept her voice low.
"Just let me see her,"

She led him into a room where Meredith was sitting in a chair, tied up, half naked.
"Meredith-," he started running towards her before Allison stopped him.
"Uh, uh, no. You're not allowed to get to her."
"Why isn't she moving?" Shocked filled his body as tears rolled down his cheeks. His lips trembling from fear. The fear that she might be dead because he didn't get here faster.
"WHY ISN'T SHE MOVING?" He screamed crying.
"Calm down!"
"I didn't kill her, calm down. It's a sleeping pill. I need to talk to you, without any interruptions." She shook her head looking at him like he was crazy. "I'm a woman of my words, not like some-," she looked at Meredith annoyed.
Derek exchanged looks back and forth between Allison and Meredith in despair. "Can I at least put some close on her? I mean look at her?" Tears welled up in his eyes once again.
"No!" She stood her ground. "Now it's my turn to talk and you listen to me, no talking until I say so, understood?" She put her finger up. Derek just nodded.
"It had come to attention that Finn has been lying to me." Derek gave out a loud scoff. "I said no talking." Derek shook his head abruptly meaning he didn't even say anything. "I need to know your side of the story." Derek crossed his brows in confusion. "There are always two sides of a story Shepherd. I'm sure you know that. What happened the day you put Finn in prison?" She took a short pause, "Now you may talk."
"He was very jealous of me since I just waltzed in there without even having some kind of experience of being a detective. Which was far fetched from the truth. He didn't show it but some part of me knew. On my first day, he came up to me and tried to befriend me, in which of course he succeeded. People warned me not to get too close to him. You know given his families past. But I didn't believe them. I believed that people can change. We became very close, we were the best. Everyone wanted to be like us. All of a sudden he became very distant, very secretive. One night I overheard him talking to someone, that someone was Anpu. At first no one new who he was but, as you know his name got worldwide. Anyway. I didn't know what he was planning, not until today, which was killing the Greys."
"Why did you close him up then?" Allison interrupted him.
"There were dead body's discovered everyday. And the more we found, the more distant he became. Now you might ask again, 'how did you know it was him?' The body's that were found, those people that were murdered was his family's famous move. Body in a trash bag with legs and arms cut off. I got suspicious, looked into it more. He had no family left, there's no one else that could've done it but him. So the only way I could capture him is make a murder look like it was his fault," he finished looking at Allison for the first time.
"YoU kIlLeD someone?" She was in shock.
"NO, god no. We we're going to investigate a murder but I got there earlier each day and put evidence down that made it look like it was him." He protested.
"Sneaky, I like that." She smiled at him, "Now I understand why girls throw themselves at you." She looked him up and down.
"Are we free now? Can we go?"
"No. When I invited you over my first intention was to kill you so Finn has his justice and then kill him and then let go of Meredith. But hearing your story, plans have changed. I need your help to kill Finn and then get revenge on my mother and my father." She explained.
"Allison, you're mother died a few years back. She OD." Derek looked at her with sorrow.
"Wha- what," she whispered, pain behind her eyes.
"I'm so sorry," he said.
"No, this- I- this can't be true." Tears welled up in her eyes.
"Can- can ughm can we go?" He asked again carefully.
"No!" She replied abruptly, "you're not going anywhere and neither is she. You guys are going to watch each other suffer like I suffered. No one deserves any justice in this world," she started walking.
"That wasn't what we agreed on!" Derek started following her.
"We didn't agree on anything," Allison stopped all of a sudden. "I called, you came running. Sometimes I wonder how you ever worked for the CIA," she looked at him with disgust.

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