22. Dead or Alive?

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I just want to say, don't kill me and please enjoy!!

When you're young you're always told, there's hope, when you mess up, there's always a second chance. Just have faith. But at this point Meredith lost all her hope. It's been three days ever since Derek died.

Everything she thought she knew, just shifted. He promised her a lifetime, a happily ever after. And then he goes and dies. How was she supposed to wake up every morning? Derek was the person who helped her through everything and after what she went through after what she experienced, she needed him. How was she supposed to forgive him, he left her!

"Meredith you need to eat something," Izzy stood in the door frame. But Meredith didn't say anything.
"You need to have a shower," Cristina said sitting on the chair under her window. But again, Meredith didn't answer.

"I used up all your hot water, you have to wait!" Allison came out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her as she was cleaning her ears. This made Meredith sit up straight. What on earth was she doing in there.
"While you wait maybe we can get back to our previous activities, sugerplum," Finn grinned at her as he walked up to her.
"How did you get in?" Meredith was all freaked out, curled up in a ball.
"We're married. Awww did you forget again honey," he squeezed her arm as strong as possible.
"What is going on?" She started moving away from him.
"Don't go away, you're not allowed to, you know that," he smirked at her, forcefully yanking her back under him.
"GUYS HELP ME!" She shouted for help, but nobody did anything. They just stood there and stared.
"GUYS PLEASE HELP!" She screamed again but nobody answered.
"Guys?" She realised no one is moving. All of a sudden Derek shows up in her room, "I die and this is the person you replace me with?" He shook his head. Meredith laid there confused as Finn started to do things to her. Everyone else stood up in a line next Derek and shook their heads the same way as they watched Finn do unimaginable things to her.

She started crying. She had no idea what was going on. Nobody would listen to her, nobody was doing anything? Why wasn't anyone helping. Her screams got bigger as soon as Finn entered her.

"Meredith," she heard a voice come from somewhere. "Meredith!" She heard it again a bit louder. She was trying to figure out where this mysterious voice was coming from.
"MEREDITH!" She could hear it loud and clearly as she was stirred awake by Cristina shaking her.

"AHHHH! Wha- what- what? What's going on?" She screamed as tried to get awareness as to where she was.
"You were having a nightmare," Cristina told her, who was sleeping in the hospital just to make sure she was okay.
"De- Derek is he- is he okay? Is he alive?" Meredith got worried after the dream she just had.
"Nothing changed since yesterday," Cristina reassured her.
"Oh o- okay, okay," she shook her head up and down, trying to calm her heart rate down.

"What time is it?" Meredith asked.
Cristina looked down on her watch, "4am," she said.
"Do you think I can go see him?" She asked.
"I can maybe sneak you in," she tried to do everything to make sure Meredith was happy.
"Really?" Her eyes were full of hope for the first time in a while.
"Get in the wheelchair," Cristina smiled at her.

They quietly went down the hallways making sure nobody who has authority over them could see them.
"I'll leave you to it," Cristina left her there in the room with Derek once again.

"Hey Derek," she held his hand. "It's been three days." She took a short pause, "I really need you to wake up because I really don't want to be the one who decides to pull the plug on you. So Derek if you listening if you're aware of where you are, just please give me some kind of sign," a tear that's she's been trying so hard to keep in, rolled down her cheeks.
She sat there for a few minutes, about to give up hope when she felt a light squeeze. "Derek?" She looked back up at him. She didn't know what to do, where to put her hands, "Oh my god Derek," tears rolled down her cheek as softly touched his face. "Can you do it again?" She whispered.

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