1. New Beginning

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And in time
As one reminds the other of the past
A life lived much too fast to hold onto
How am I losing you?
A broken house
Another dry month waiting for the rain
And I had been resisting this decay
I thought you'd do the same

The whole hospital went silent as they heard Addison and Derek bickering and shouting at each other, "Derek I am not moving to Seattle!"
"I don't care what you want, we're going. You owe me this."
Derek turned around furiously. Addison ran before him, stopping him from walking away, "You have a perfectly fine job right here. Besides our whole life is here. I'm due in a few weeks, the baby's doctor is here. Do you know how much work it is to transfer everything to Seattle?" she had an anxious look on her face.

Derek stared into her eyes not saying anything for a few seconds. "We're moving to Seattle!" Bumping into her shoulder he went down the stairs, the hospital still watching in silence.
"All right everybody show's over, go back to your miserable life," Addison shouted at everyone and left soon after.

Meredith's alarm went off as she laid on the bed already awake thinking about not going to work today. As much as she loved being a surgeon, she hated working under her mother. The constant gossiping and staring about her getting special treatment because her mother is The Great Ellis Grey.

Finally she got herself up and she went to have a shower. Coming out she could hear Izzy and George fighting over the shared bathroom again. Ignoring them she went downstairs, got herself something quick to eat, and went off to the hospital.

Another long hard day with people constantly whispering about her in the corridors. Sometimes she forgets why she even became a surgeon, she knew she could never live up too her mother's potential, so why make herself go through all this? 

She arrived at the hospital, taking a deep breath, she got out the car and could already feel her coworkers' eyes on her. She shook her head and went to change in the locker room.

"If it isn't Ellis Grey Jr." Alex pointed at Meredith as she walked in.
"Oh shut up Karev, you're just jealous because you know Meredith is better then you," Cristina defended her, tying her hair up.
"I don't need Mommy dearest to get me in the Programm."
"At least I didn't fail medical board exam," Meredith finally cut in, changing into her scrubs.

Alex stood there speechless not knowing what to say to her.
"Hey look, it's like at his exam, not knowing what to say," Cristina smirked and left the room. Alex shook his head and slammed his locker in. Meredith just smiled to herself putting her bag into the locker.

Everyone joined Dr Bailey at the nurses station.
"Where's O'Malley and Stevens?" Bailey asked looking up from her paper work. Meredith looked around to see where they could be, thinking maybe she should've waited for them this morning. Everyone turned around as they heard shouting from the distant, "We're here," George and Izzy shouted running towards them. "You're late," Bailey said annoyed looking back at her paper. "We're terribly sorry, we got caught..." Izzy tired explain but was interrupted, "Shut up, I don't care what you were up too. Next time don't be late, because you're making me late. Now let's go," she started walking as everyone followed.

It was finally lunch time and everyone sat down at their usual seats.
"Did you guys here about the chief of neuro getting fired?" Izzy asked
"He deserved what he got. I never liked that guy," Cristina said eating a piece of her sandwich.
"What, what, what happened?" Meredith was eager to find out.
"How do you not know?" Izzy leaned back into her chair.
"I tend to block out the gossip that surrounds me."

Everyone went silent for minute before George started talking.
"Well, uhm, they say he was drunk and he just lost control."
"Yeah, he slammed the tray on the floor and pushed one of the residents to the wall because he was asking questions," Cristina cut into George's sentence.
"So who's going to be the new chief of neuro?" Meredith sat up straight.
"Some dude from New York," Izzy shrugged her shoulders.

All of them stood up instantly from their table as their pagers went off, 911 to the ER.
They were all racing trying to get the best patient. "Mine's the dude with the tree sticking out of him," Cristina said running towards the patient.
"Oh come on," Izzy slapped her hands on her sides, getting there just a little bit later than Cristina.
"Well don't just stand there people! Move, Move, Move!" they heard Bailey shouting from behind them. The rest of the group jumped up at the sound of her voice and went straight to help patients.

Cristina came into the locker room with a huge smile on her face, leaning against one of the lockers.
"Oh take that smirk off your face?" Izzy sounded annoyed.
"I can't. You wouldn't either if you'd had the day I just had." Cristina turned to her locker getting her stuff. Everyone just shook their heads.
"Anyone hear who the new Neuro attending is?" Alex came in looking specifically at Meredith.
"Why are you looking at me?"
"You're the chief's daughter," Alex lifted his hand as if she didn't know that already. Meredith rolled her eyes and walked out of the room bumping into Alex's shoulders on the way.
"Someone's in a mood," Alex laughed going to his locker.
"You really are an ass," Izzy closed her locker.
"Oh come on, it's not like you guys don't think it. I'm just brave enough to actually say it."
"Were you dropped on your head when you were younger?" George asked getting annoyed with Alex. Cristina and Izzy started laughing as the three of them left Alex there alone in the locker room.

Meredith was in no mood to go home yet. On her way out she decided to go across to Joes. She sat down to the bar ordering two shots of tequila.
"Rough day, huh?" Joe asked pouring her two shots.
"You have no idea," Meredith said downing one of the shots.

"Is this seat taken?" asked someone pointing to the chair next to Meredith. Not even looking she just murmured, shaking his head no.
"So is this a good place to hang out?" The man asked. Meredith didn't even bother to answer. She was in no mood to flirt with a lonely guy at a bar.
"Hmm... you're ignoring me," the guy smirked.
"Uhh trying to," Meredith turned to him for the first time, getting a bit a lost in his ocean blue eyes.
"You shouldn't ignore me," he smiled.
"Why not?" tiny smile appeared on her lips as he looked at her with his mischievous smirk.
"Because I'm someone you need to get to know to love," he took a sip of his drink.
"Really," sh tried to hold back her laughter.
"Oh yes,"
"So if I know you I'll love you?" Meredith was playing around with the empty shot glass.
"Oh yes," he started to actually smile knowing he has finally got her attention.
"You really like yourself, huh,"
"Just hiding my pain," Meredith started laughing, the man joining her.
"So what's your story?" he asked.
"I don't have a story, I'm just a girl in a bar," Meredith turned back to him.
"I'm just a guy in a bar," he raised his glass before taking another sip.

They both stared into each other's eyes, smiling, before he broke the silence, "So what's your name?" Meredith didn't answer for a while, "hoping you have one," he said jokingly. Meredith giggled, "Meredith," she put her hands out. "Derek," he shook her hand. Meredith didn't let go of his hand, getting lost in his eyes, forgetting she's still holding it. Coming back to reality she let go, clearing her throat, looking at Joe for another shot of tequila.
"You're going to be sorry tomorrow," Joe said.
"I'm always sorry," she said taking the glass downing it like the first two. Derek just laughed still smiling at her with his McDreamy smile.
"What?" she asked seeing that Derek's eyes never left her.
"Nothing," he shook his head.

Slowly he started to lean in closer to her looking down at her lips, smelling her perfume as he got closer. Suddenly everything went silent and it was just him and her in sight. As his soft lips touched hers the people around them became silent. He could taste the tequila on her lips as his tongue brushed across it begging for an entrance. She opened her mouth letting his tongue slide in slowly, meeting hers. Meredith's legs got weaker as she felt Derek's tongue colliding with hers. Neither of them wanted to pull away. His hand travelled to her cheeks, pulling away to catch his breath and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Their foreheads leaned against each other, eyes still closed, not wanting this moment to end.

I hope you guys are going to enjoy this series. Feel free to give me some pointers on the way and don't hesitate to share ideas! :)
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