14. You don't know?

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I have a thing I'd like to say to you
Put down your guns and listen to... Me
I am unarmed and I have no fear
I will not budge or steer clear... Of you

So just save your words and I'll fade away now
Give me a match and I'll burn it all down
Pick up your feet and take me home now
'Cause it's dark inside, and I'm all alone

Your heart is filled with superficiality
I don't quite know what has come over me

So just save your words and I'll fade away now
Give me a match and I'll burn it all down
Pick up your feet and take me home now
'Cause it's dark inside, and I'm all alone


"So what happened between you and Shepherd last night?" Cristina came up to Meredith in the locker room.
"You heard about that?" Meredith asked.
"Everyone heard about it. You're the talk of the Hospital." She sat down beside Meredith.
"People should really keep their noses out of other peoples business." Meredith sounded annoyed, but she meant it as a joke. There was a minute of silence when Cristina snapped at her, "Don't just sit there, tell me what happened!"
"Alright, alright," Meredith laughed, "keep your pants up. I'll tell you what happened."


Derek lifted her out of the car and brought her up to her bedroom, their lips never parting. Not bothering that everyone who lived in that house was watching them. He threw her down on the bed and laid on top of her. Her hands ran through his hair as his went under her shirt and caressed her all over. His lips made their way behind her earlobe, leaving little red marks all over her jawline.

*end of flashback*

"Oh god please stop. Just spare those details. I don't need to know how your sex life is going," Cristina interrupted her, her face showing disgust like she was about to throw up. Meredith just laughed and continued with her story.


They were laying in bed, Meredith on his chest and Derek running his fingers through her hair, massaging her head. "How would you like to come away with me this weekend?" He asked.

"He asked you what?!" Cristina disturbed her again.
"He wants me too go away with him this weekend." She repeated herself.
"What did you say?" Cristina sounded impatient.
"If you would let me finish you would know," Meredith snapped at her. Cristina just rolled her eyes and listened to her continue.

"What do you mean?" Meredith rolled on top of him, their hot naked body touching. Making them feel more safe and loved. Derek tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Will you come with me to the wine country this weekend?" He smiled politely back at her.
"That sounds very romantic and expensive and something kinky couples would do," she stared politely right on through.
"Well lucky for you, you chose an amazing boyfriend who happens to have two jobs that pay so well," he teased.
"Derek-" she warned him.
"Just come with me. You'll love it, believe me. Trust me. Do you trust me?" He asked.
"I want to," She said while playing with his hair.
"Then come away with me this weekend." He tried to make eye contact with her but she wouldn't look him in the eye. Her head laid on his chest again, "I'll think about it," and soon after she was sound asleep.

*end of flashback*

"So are you going away with him?" Cristina asked.
"Should I?" Meredith looked at her for the first time.
"Yeah," Cristina looked at her like she was dumb, "Free food, fancy place to sleep. You'd be an idiot if you didn't."
"That can't be the reason I choose to go with him and you know that,"
"Still, I think you should go," Cristina stood up and got the snack out that was in her locker.
"Yeah maybe." Meredith got lost in her thoughts. "Enough about me. What's up with you and Burke?" She got interested again.
"Oh we don't have to talk about him," she said closing her locker.
"Hey, that's not how it goes. You know stuff about me I know stuff about you."
"Technically you know stuff about me. Two days ago I knew nothing about, probably still know nothing about you," she teased her. Meredith sat there astound. What was she supposed to say to that?
"I'm kidding," Cristina lightened the mood.
"Oh," Meredith had no expression on her face. "So you and Burke?" Meredith asked.
"I guess he didn't love me that much." Cristina said with a mopey face.
"That bitch. Do you want me to plan his murder? I can totally do that. I know people," Meredith stood up, staring into Cristina's eyes dead serious.
"No god Meredith." Cristina laid her hands on her shoulders, "Do you realise what you just said?" Cristina questioned her. "I thought you wanted to get away from all this?" Cristina took a step back.
"I mean, yeah, well, you know. Oh come on. You know I would kill anyone for you." Cristina gave her a light smile, "I know. But you don't have to plan a whole crime scene," she chuckled.
"Just know im here for you. Even if I'm MIA sometimes,"
"I know."

"Yang, Grey. Pit. Now!" Bailey came through the doors, ordering them.
"Pit, really?" Cristina moaned. Bailey decided not to hear that and left the room, rolling her eyes.

"Have you decided yet?" Cristina asked as they were stitching up a patient.
"What?" Meredith looked up.
"About this weekend?" Cristina reminded her.
"Oh that. I, I don't know," she shook her head and continued stitching.
"What do you mean you don't know? The day is almost over. You should have an answer by now,"
"Cristina! I just don't know!" Meredith snapped at her.
"That's embarrassing," she rolled her eyes.
"Cristina!" Meredith felt a bit hurt.
"Well I'm sorry Meredith, but what does that man need to do to get your trust?
Tell you he loves you in front of everyone? Because I think he covered that pretty well yesterday. That man basically saved you from going down a dark path. Was there to hold you when you tried to kill yourself."
"I didn't try to kill myself," Meredith defended herself.
"That is not the point Meredith. Look, that man basically gave you his heart now do you want to rip it apart or do you want to give him yours?"
"The last thing I want to do is hurt him," Meredith said.

"Hurt who?" Derek came up behind them, startling them both.
"Er, no one," Meredith answered quickly.
"Okay." Derek was a bit suspicious. She turned to Meredith and stared lovingly in her eyes.
"What?" She smiled.
"After your finished, would you meet me in my office?" He asked.
"I just need to talk to you."
"Sure," Meredith was a bit confused.
Giving a kiss on her lips he fled the room.

"I think you should go," the patient interrupted them.
"Sorry?" Meredith looked at her surprised.
"Terribly sorry to interrupt, but from what I heard and saw, that man is madly in love with you. Now why would you give up a lad like that." The patient said with a Scottish accent.
"I agree with our patient," Cristina said.
"Oh Margaret," the patient introduced herself.
"Whatever," Cristina crossed her eyebrows and looked back at Meredith.
"We'll see what happens when I talk to him." Meredith went back to stitching Margaret's arm and ending the conversation with it.

Derek heard two knocks on his door as he was reading through a patients file. "Come in," he said. The door slowly opened. A blonde headed girl walked through the doors. "Hey," he said softly, seeing Meredith's face peek through the doors. "Hi," Meredith tried to say but no sound came out. Derek pointed to the chair in front of his desk. "Look," Derek watched Meredith sit down in front of him. "I know I freaked you out this morning and-"
"Uhm," Meredith interrupted.
"Let me finish," Derek pointed a finger at him raising his voice. "And I know this is not what you do but-," he stared into her eyes for the first time. "Two days," he said with a cute baby voice, his lips pouted.

Meredith couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. "48 hours of this," she leaned in and kissed him, "I'm in," she smiled at him before giving him another kiss.
"Uhm," she pulled away from the kiss, "Move in with me," she said out of the blue. Everything around him went silent. Did he hear her right? Meredith, the closed up, dark and twisty Meredith Grey with trust issues just asked him to move in with him?
"What?" Derek finally muttered.
"I, well, I didn't mean too- you know, only if you want to-"
"Meredith," Derek stopped her from rambling. "Are you sure that's what you want?"
"No," she sat back down, "but I do know, that I don't want to loose you and what's life without taking huge risks, right?" She looked back up at him.
"Being with me is a risk? Being with me is making your life difficult?"
"No, that's not what I meant. Derek-" she took a deep breath. "Please, don't twist my words. You saved me from going down a dark path you know that and I can't be more thankful."
"I saved you?"
"Of course you did. But Derek my problems, my fears don't just go away like that. It takes time. As a doctor you should know, that wounds need time to heal. The more severe it is the longer it takes. Now do you want to twist my words and bail or do you... do you want to-" Meredith stopped as she felt Derek's hands on her chin. He lifted her head up, palming her face, "I want to stay. I'm sorry," he pulled her into a hug. Meredith clasped him so tightly they were nearly one person. His hug was like a big soft bear. If hugs could heal, she'd hold him all night.

Sorry for updating so late. The next two chapter will also be a bit late because I want it to be really good and I don't want to rush things.
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