30. Dont worry

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Tom was driving Meredith home from the hospital. There wasn't much talking. He really wanted to ask if Derek was something else to her but he didn't want to cross any boundaries.

"Uhm Tom?" Meredith broke the silence.

"Yes?" He replies immediately.

"There's something you need to know," she started playing with her watch as she got nervous. Usually she wouldn't tell this to a guy so early on in the relationship but Tom was different from any guy she has dated.

"I'm all ears," he chuckled a bit. Meredith gave him a forced smile and continued, "I lied, Derek and I weren't, I mean Derek wasn't just my boss. He was the first man I truly loved," she confessed.

"Okay-," Tom had no idea what to say. He kind of knew there was something more there and was wondering when she'll tell the truth but to be fair he had no idea what to say to that if she did tell him.

"Are you mad that I didn't tell you immediately?" She got really nervous and started playing with her thumbs. Her heart started racing as Tom stopped the car and looked at her.

"Meredith," he touched her thighs making her flinch a bit. That made him question so many things. Why is she jumping so much when someone touches her? "I am not mad. Look," he turned in his chair, "I don't know what you have gone through, what men did to you, what Derek did to you but when you're with me you don't have to be scared to be yourself to be scared to tell me stuff. I totally understand the reason you thought you didn't need to tell me you dated Derek. I wouldn't have either. I much rather forget about that part of my life," he finished. He saw her still shaking, scared of what he might do next. "Meredith," his voice was low, "Can I touch you?" he asked politely trying not o trigger anything. She nodded lightly. "Okay?" he nodded with her, "Come here, sit in my lap," he told her. Meredith obeyed and went over. Tom pulled her in close and started stroking her hair. His other hand wrapped around her waist. He was so gentle with her, trying not to hurt her more, "I want to help you, so if you're ready you can tell me what Derek did to you or what someone else did to you. But for now I'm just here for you, a shoulder to cry on. I won't be asking any questions not until you're ready. I just want you to know that when you're with me you don't have to be scared." he pulled her in close to his chest.

"Thank you," she whispered wrapping her hand around his neck.

After a few minutes they started driving again and finally got to Meredith's house.

"Thank you for everything," she hugged him around his waist when they got to do the door.

"Don't be silly, gladly do it anytime," he breathed in her scent. They pulled away from each other and stared into each others eyes when Izzy opened the front door.

"Meredith I thought I heard noises outs- oh well you're new!" Izzy looked at Tom smirking.

"Yes hi, I'm Tom." he put his hands out.

"British!" she sounded surprised, "kind of hit the jackpot with this one Mer," she whispered to her.

"Izzy," she stomped on her foot. Meredith looked back up at Tom blushing, seeing him trying to hold back his giggles.

"Auu, what was that for?" Izzy acted all innocent. Meredith just gave her, her death stare making her realise it was a bit out of line.

"So Tom," she looked back up at him, "care for a drink?" she asked.

"I would love to but I have to get to work, rain check?" he asked.

"Yes definitely."

"Okay well bye Meredith," he gave her smile before leaving the front porch. "Bye Tom," she watched him walk away.

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