27. What about us?

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meredithgreyswife this is just for you since you've been longing for it to happen! Everyone else try to enjoy! 😬 Also there are huge time jumps in this chapter. Probably in the next one too!

Thankfully it was a sunny day in Seattle making Meredith wake up with huge smile on her face to the chirping of the birds. She turned over to Derek, his mouth slightly open, taking in long deep breaths, almost as if he were snoring. Meredith tried to hold back her laughter. All she wanted to do is smush his little face and give him a smooch on the lips.

She gave him about ten more minutes of sleep before she ran her fingers through his locks and then squished his face, waking him up with a kiss on the lips. He snorted a little bit before his eyes opened. His ocean blue eyes being lighter then ever as the sun shined right on it, "Good morning," he said in his morning voice which made Meredith fall for him even more.
"Morning sleepy head," she frizzed up his hair, "how did you sleep?" She asked.
"You by my side, like a baby," he turned over on his back and closed his eyes again. This gave her a perfect opportunity to go and lay on top of him. "Oh hi!" Derek was taken by surprise. "Hey," she said softly, snuggling into the crook of his neck. "Thank you for last night," she said her face smushed by his shoulder.
"Gladly do it again," he embraced her in a hug.

Over the past few days Derek and Mark have gotten closer. He forgave him for sleeping with his wife, because to be truthful, if he didn't he would have never found Meredith.

"So what you do with Grey when she got discharged?" Mark asked as they got into the elevator.
"None of your business," Derek looked up from his phone.
"Lot of steaming hot sweaty sex?" he leaned in and whispered into his ears.
"Not that it's any of your business but yeah pretty much," a small grin occurred on his face.
"Nice," Mark laughed.
"This conversation never happened," Derek said before leaving the elevator.

"How are things with you and Shepherd?" Cristina asked as they were changing in the locker room.
"Given that we had the best sex yesterday I'd say we're doing all right," Meredith gloated a little.
"I need to get laid," Izzy leaned against the lockers eating her snacks.
"I'm always free," Alex smiled leaning up close to him.
"Ew!" Izzy bent down out from under his arm, "Over my dead body Karev." They all started laughing. Alex turned to Cristina maybe she'll give him a shot, "And I'll be using her dead body as a shield," she stood up and walked away quickly. Meredith was just so happy. Everything finally back to normal like it should be. She was safe with her friends. This moment right here is what she was dreaming about for a long time.

Although everything was going great and life has never been better. Meredith was still screaming in her dreams from the nightmares. The only person that could calm her down was Derek. He would roll over to her side, if he wasn't there all ready, and pulled her close over her chest and started caressing cheeks, giving out sushing sounds. It seemed to calm her down all the time. The warmness of his body wrapped around her, as his hot breath was sending shivers down her spine. Sometimes she would be crying and trembling from fear. But the minute those hands wrap around her pulling her close to his body and his fingers gently wiping away her tears always put a smile on her face and she could easily fall back to sleep and sleep like a baby all the way through the night.
A huge time jump (a year later)

Everything was going amazing. Derek finally moved in with Meredith, her nightmares have slowly faded away.

"Hey," Derek turned her away from the charts by her waist.
"Hi," she smiled kissing his lips.
"I have big news for you," he smiled with teeth.
"Can it wait?" These stupid interns can't tell their lefts from there rights. And I have to fix all these charts," Meredith started rambling as she turned back to continue going over the charts.
"It won't take five minutes, come," he grabbed her hands and pulled her into an on call room, "So I just got a call from DC and they want me to do some trial for 8 months," he said with some worry in his voice, wondering what Meredith is going to say.
"Oh my god that's amazing!" She hugged him with glee.
"So you're okay with it?" He sighed from relief.
"Of course I'm okay. This is a big opportunity for you," she pulled away, her hands palming his face.
"Would you come with me?" He asked.
"I can't. I have to stay here," she pouted her lips, "but I'll come visit you and you come visit me and we'll Skype," she softly started scratch the back of his neck. "When are you supposed to leave?" She asked.
"Tomorrow," he added real quick.
"Wha-," she pulled away, feeling tears rushing up. It was too early. How is she supposed to prepare, "Derek tomorrow?" Her lips trembled.
"I can ask if I can go later," he took her hand.
"No, no I can't ask you to do that," she shook her head, "I just wish, we could've had more time to prepare," she looked down.
"I know," he laid his forehead against hers, "but," his hands lifted her head up to his eyes,"we'll get through this. I love you and I'll never stop loving you," he grazed her cheeks, wiping the tears that rolled down. Meredith wrapped her hands around him and pulled him in for a long elegant, loving kiss.

"How long have they been standing there?" Alex finally joined the group. They were standing outside the airport looking at Meredith and Derek who were leaned against each other, their hands interlocked. Neither of them wanting to let go first. They were each other's safe place.
"20 minutes now," Cristina answered.

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