29. You're drunk

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"Meredith," he stood up so quick. He hasn't seen her for months. He dreamed about the day they crossed path just to see her. Her smile, her laughter. Everything that made her Meredith.
"You two know each other?" Tom was confused.
"Wait that's Meredith?" The girl roommate started to get jealous.
"What are you doing here?" He got closer to her ignoring the other two.
"That's a dumb question," she rolled her eyes and walked over to Tom, passing Derek. His eyes closed for a little bit as he got whiff of her hair. It wasn't her usually smell. It made him wonder why she changed her conditioner.
"How do you guys know each other?" Tom asked again.
"We used to-," Derek started explaining but Meredith cut into his sentence before he said something she didn't want to be told.
"We used to work together. He was my boss at the hospital I work at until he got a better offer in DC, isn't that right Derek," she smiled at him with hatred.
"Ughm, yeah, yes that's right," he kept his head low.
"Oh so this is not that Meredith? The one who you cried over for weeks and couldn't sleep for days," Babe started explaining.
"Babe seriously?!" Derek looked at her warning her with his eyes.
"You cried over her for weeks," Meredith looked up at her all innocent. Derek started blushing from embarrassment.
"I'm sorry to hear that man," Tom tapped him on the shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"Yeah," he lifted his head up.
"Uhm," Derek cleared his throat, "Meredith can I speak with you, in private?" He asked.
"No," Meredith shook her head. She didn't want to go through that pain again, falling for him and then getting her heart broken because he can't commit. It took her months to get over him. She didn't trust herself with him. If he says the right words she might just fall on him and kiss him.
"It's about the hospital," he lied.
"I'm sure you can talk about that in front of everyone," Meredith didn't give in.
"I can't, it's a patient we had back when I was working there. Doctor patient confidentiality," he tried to come up with something real quick.
"Ugh fine," she rolled her eyes.

"Do you think there's something off with those two?" Tom whispered to Babe.
"Yeah there's something they're not telling us," she nodded as they walked away.

"So about that patient?" They walked into Tom's room.
"You know there's no patient," Derek closed the door behind him.
"Derek what do you want?" She was annoyed. And so mad.
"I wanted to make sure you're okay," Derek rubbed her shoulders.
"Don't touch me!" She pulled away. It's like a knife was stabbed in his heart. Guilt rushed through him as he remembered the last time she jumped up like that.  "Are you safe?" He asked.
"Pfff, wouldn't you like to know," she rolled her eyes.
"I would actually," he talked back with his smug face.
"Too bad," she gave him a quick smile and started walking out the door when Derek grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back.
"Derek you're hurting," she tried to hold her tears back
"Good, at least now I know you'll listen to me," he said through greeted teeth.
"Derek," she whimpered.
"Stop fucking whining," he shook her. This sent her to edge. All that built up anger she had for him over the past month just came out all at once as her hand slapped across his face. Derek's face turned so red as the mark of her hand was on it. Without even thinking Derek turned back around and slapped her too.
"Ahh," she fell back a bit as tears rolled down her face.
"Oh my god!" His lips began to tremble, his whole body shaking. "What have I done," he started having difficulties to see as his tears welled up. "Mer- Meredith please- you have to-," he stopped as the next thing she did was unexpected.

She went over to do the door, locked it and pushed Derek on the bed, "What's going on with you?" She stood in front of him with her arms crossed.
"I-," he wiped his eyes trying to see right, "I, there's nothing wrong," he avoided eye contact.
"Derek-," she lifted his face with her hands, "Wait," she all of a sudden smelt something.
"Are you drunk?" She looked at him shocked.
"No!" He quickly dove out from under her.
"Derek blow on me," she commanded.
"No," he shook his head.
"Derek! I said blow on me,"
Derek didn't disobey. He went up to Meredith and blew on her. "Ugh Derek your breath is horrendous," she scrunched her nose up in disgust. "It's 9 am in the morning. How are you drunk?" She asked.
"Babe told me to drink some when we got on the plane," he blushed in shame.
"Oh yeah, Babe, the woman who you told me not to worry about," Meredith teased him.
"Hey you're the one who ended it remember?" He got all defensive.
"Yeah because I was mad at you not because I stopped loving you!" Meredith voice cracked.
"You still love me?" He straightened up.
"No," Meredith looked away real quick trying to get out of this situation. This can't really be happening, she thought to herself.
"Oh my god," he said almost as whisper, "You still love me," his eyes sparkled.
"Yeah well you still love me," Meredith snapped back at him.
"No- n- uh, hmm," he wanted to lie to her but he couldn't. He could never lie to Meredith. Whenever he did it just broke him into pieces. "So, wha- what does this mean? Do you want to get back together?" He asked.
"No, yes, no Derek I still can't trust you. We brake up and here you are with the girl you told me not to worry about. I mean who knows if we weren't to break you wouldn't have cheated on me," she started fiddling with her thumbs, "and Tom is just so great. He's perfect for me." She explained.
"I would have never cheated on you, I could never do that to you." She flinched under his touch once again. "Sorry," he put his hands up.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too," she shook her head and left the room.

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