11. You're not alone

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There's not really a song for this one since it continues from the last chapter. But there'll be one in the next chapter.

Derek immediately looked down onto the paper and started reading:
'I promised I'd make you suffer.
Sooner or later everyone you love will die. You along with it'
He dropped the piece of paper and pulled her into a tight hug, "We'll figure this out," he started stroking her hair.
"How?" She cried into his chest.
"I don't know. But we will," he pulled her off of him, "we'll find a way," he said wrapping his hands around her again trying to calm her down.

"They already made a move on my mother," she said.
"They killed her?!" Derek got all freaked out, pulling her off of him and looking into her eyes concerned.
"Almost, Bailey, Webber and all the others were working on her when Cristina paged me," her words started to become clearer and clearer, "Derek I have to go back to him. That's the only way to save the people I love." She finally looked him dead in the eyes trying to hold back the tears. She has showed too much weakness, Derek might change his mind and leave her.
"No you don't. You have to trust me."
"Derek-" she turned away from him. The tears were getting harder to hold back. Her eyes closed as she faced the ceiling before turning back to Derek, "you don't know him like I do. He will do everything in his power to make me suffer. He doesn't like to be blackmailed."

Derek realised what he has done. All he could think that it was his fault. He was the one that endangered her and she now has to pay. "I did this," his hand landed on his mouth as he stepped back.

Meredith stepped right into action, "No, god no. Don't start blaming yourself. You couldn't have seen this coming. Derek you freed me and I can't thank you enough," she got closer to him, rubbing his shoulders. Her hands slid up to his face, "We're in this together. Help me figure this out," she comforted him. Being the on consoling him made her feel better. She doesn't know why, all she knew is that they both needed each other and Derek was there for her, it was her turn.

Derek nodded in response and pulled her in close, "We'll figure this," he whispered.

"How is she?" Meredith came up to Cristina, right outside her mothers room.
"She's going to be okay." Meredith straightened after hearing those words. Like a weight was lifted off her shoulders.

She left Cristina standing outside and walked into her mothers room. Before she sat down, she stroked her face. There was her mother, so helpless and lifeless. All of their differences just didn't matter anymore. As much as she loathed her mother at times, she was still her mother. Her hand interlocked with her sleeping mother. After a few minutes her eyes fluttered open. Meredith stood up in joy, a small smiling growing on her face, "hey," she said softly.
"Meredith?" Ellis managed to say, her voice sounding raspy.
"I'm here," she stroked the top of her head.
"Water," she commanded as usual. Meredith jumped to action and poured her some water, handing her a cup with a straw, "Here," she handed it over to her.
"Did they catch the guys?"
"What?" Meredith was taken by surprise.
"The two guys that attacked me,"
"No, sorry mum." She said, filled with guilt. This was all her fault and she had to stand there acting all innocent.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Ellis was talking out of context.
"Tell you? Tell you what?" Meredith asked.
"That he came to you. Why didn't you tell me?" Her mother repeated herself.
"I don't know what you are talking about," Meredith laughed a little.
"Meredith listen to me. I've worked with this guy. I know everything about him. Now if I taught you anything, you would know to come right out and say what has to be said."

Meredith stopped breathing. Her mouth slightly open as she stared at her mother in shock. "You... ughm," she took a huge gulp, "you worked for him?" Her voice was shaky.
"With him," Ellis corrected her.
"Why?" She said, deciding to sit down. It was too much information to get in 30 seconds.
"That is besides the point Meredith."
"No it's not! Why did you work WITH him?"
"I was young and dumb just like you. Needed a partner and, as you may know, he looks for people who are helpless, so he came to me and helped me out,"
"With what?!" Meredith stood back up again getting a bit angry.
"Meredith sit down," Ellis commanded. Meredith didn't think twice. She sat back down and listened to her mother.
"What I did or did not do is not important anymore. What is important is how he got to you."

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