24. A Day Just With You

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You guys can possibly hate me after this chapter!!
It was a beautiful sunny day in Seattle. The sun shining through the blinds, showing Meredith's beautiful features.

As always, Derek woke up before Meredith. Hovering over her, smiling at her as she's laying there peacefully snoring lightly.
She abruptly woke up giving out a loud snort.
"Good Morning," Derek greeted her with his raspy morning voice.
"Good Morning," she turned over to him, "Was I snoring again?" As he was about to answer Meredith stopped him, "Actually don't answer that, I just remembered you don't lie to me." She giggled. Derek let out loud sigh and kissed her blissfully.

"How did you sleep?" He pulled away from the kiss, as he stared lovingly into her beautiful emerald green as eyes that sparkled from the sun shining onto it. The same sparkle he's been missing.
"For the first time in months, like a baby," she scrunched her nose up, scratching the hair under his chin. "What would you like for breakfast, pancakes oooorrrr eggs?"
"Whatever you want is dandy?" He through himself on his back.
"Oh come on," she moved on top of him, feeling his bulge get bigger as she sat on it, "you must have some preference," she giggled.
"Are you an option?" He teased.
"Derek...!" She slapped him on his chest.
"Ow," he acted hurt, "Did I say something wrong?" He was acting all innocent.
"Shut up," she smiled leaning down, linking their lips together.
"God I wish we could stay like this all day," Meredith snuggled into his chest.
"Then why don't we? Call in sick," Derek couldn't wait to be with her all day. To hold her, laugh with her, make out with her, like were little kids again. Anything just to be with her, trying to get back the time they lost.
"You think I should?" She lifted her head, crossing her arms over his chest and resting it on it. He looked down on her, gently stroking the smooth skin that was still bruised. "Totally," he smiled.
Filled with ecstasy, she jumps up from the bed and calls the chief.
"Good Morning Chief," she greets him over the phone.
"Is everything okay," she hears through the phone.
"Yes everything's fine, I would like to call in sick today," she said with a little worry on her face hoping he'll say yes.
"Okay, take all the time you need," Richard agreed.
"Thank you Chief," she jumped up from joy. She threw the phone on the bed and crawled back into bed on top of Derek. "So what's your plan for today?" She asked once she was wrapped around by his warmth again.
"Pretty much just staying at home," he nodded.
"Well then let the day full of snuggling begin. But first let's eat because I'm starving," she rolled off of him.
"Can you even cook? He got out of bed with her.
"Technically," they walked over to the kitchen.
"Technically?" He looked at her a bit scared.
"I mean I know how to make pasta and possibly cook eggs. I'm a surgeon, how hard can it be?" She giggled.
"Okay then, I'll take those from you," Derek took the pan and the wooden spoon away from her as soon as he heard her compare surgery with cooking.
"Wha-?" Meredith was shocked, "idiot," she mumbled under her breath trying not to laugh.
"Excuse me?" Derek slowly turned his head to her like he was about to do something bad.
"Nothing! Nothing," she straightened up, scared of what he might do next, trying to hide the smirk that was hiding on the edge of her mouth.
"What did you say?" He got closer and closer to her as a huge grimace occurred on his face.
"I didn't say anything," she turned around trying to run away but the only place she could run to was the bed. So she jumped and grabbed a pillow trying to defend herself. Giggles filled the room when Meredith turned around and saw Derek standing right in front of her ready to catch her. She immediately slapped him across the face with the pillow as an impulse. This was Derek's last drop in the cup.
"Oh god hahaha," Meredith slapped her hand across mouth, giggling as she realised what she has done. Derek slowly turned his head back with a death stare, "Oh you're getting it now Grey!" He jumped off the bed making it easier for him to drop Meredith on the bed. He wrapped his hands around her thighs and let her fall. Derek leaned over her and started to tickle her. "Okay hahaha, okay Derek hahaha please hahaha please stop," she laughed out loud trying to catch her breath.
"Say you're sorry," Derek told her as he continued tickling her.
"Okay hahaha I'm sorry I'm sorry hahaha," she shouted. Derek pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her cheeks. "I love you," he said, while Meredith was still trying to catch her breath.
"Well I don't," she pouted, crossing her arms, still angry at him.
"Oh but you do," he said seductively as he started to kiss her behind her ears, slowly. The hot air from his mouth touching her cold skin. Adrenaline rushing through her body. Derek moved his way down her jawline to her collarbone.
"Derek..." she said almost as a whisper.
"How about now?" He said as he continued kissing her neck.
"Getting there," she closed her eyes, biting her lips, trying not to give any sounds.
Derek draw circles around her neck with his tongue, as he sucked on it lightly leaving purple marks behind. Before kissing her lips his thumb brushed across her lips, admiring how soft and red it looks, he then slowly moved in closer opening his mouth and sucking on her bottom lip. Meredith couldn't take any longer and moved her tongue into his mouth. Their tongues eventually meeting. It was slow and delicate, dancing around in each other's mouth. Both of them moving in deeper. Meredith brushed her fingers through his curls, trying to do something with her hands.
"How about now?" He asked pulling away.
"No, no don't go, come back," she begged, her eyes still closed. Derek chuckled to himself and leaned back in, kissing her lips again, softly. Interlocking their tongues as they waged war this time. Meredith turned around, having Derek under her. Derek rushed his fingers through her luscious hair, getting it out of her face. "I love you," she pulled away and cuddled into his chest once again, hearing his heart, beat faster then usual.

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