Chapter One Hundred Five

Start from the beginning

"Here's the plan.", Gideon grinned.

the order- tunnel

"No missions today. Practice and other notes.", Dumbledore said, folding his hands. Baby Kingsley began crying, as a struggling Stanley cradled him, giving him his milk.

"Sorry- Aresha's coming to get him, she'll be here any minute.", Stanley whispered.

"Do you need some help?", James asked quietly, nudging him. "Please. Let me just go to the washroom.", Stanley sighed, as James took the baby, cradling him.

"Hi, Kingsley.", James cooed, making faces at him. He tickled him, making him giggle in delight. James looked up, and the whole table was looking at him with amusement.

"What?", he asked, reddening. "Nice baby talk, Jimmy.", Fabian grinned.

"Oh, like you weren't baby talking your nephews two days ago.", James shot back, rolling his eyes.

"Evans!", he called, as she looked over, "I want multiple of these.", he grinned, winking at her. "Potter!", she hissed, laughing as she smacked his shoulder. Sirius and Remus looked at each other, almost remorsefully, before looking down.

a few hours later

Aresha had taken baby Kingsley, thanking James. Fabian and Gideon looked at the four boys, smirks on their faces. "Now, Jimmy.", Fabian whispered, as James nodded at Alice.

"I brought cupcakes.", Alice smiled sweetly, turning around. "Why, that was sweet of you.", Dumbledore said, reaching for one.

Alice shot a panicked look to the boys, who waved her on. She handed out the rest of the cupcakes, sitting down at her seat nervously, as they began to take the first bites.

"This is really nice, Alice, you must tell me where you got the-"


The sound filled the room as the cupcakes exploded into gold confetti, one by one, zooming out of everyone's mouth. Chaos filled the room.

McGonagall stared at the confetti raining down on everyone, and then narrowed her eyes on the pranksters, who fought hard not to laugh.

"Detention. My office.", she shook her head. "We're not students, Minniekins, you can't do that.", Sirius grinned, his eyes glinting.

James high fived Fabian, who smirked at the other aurors. "Good job, Jimmy.", Gideon grinned.

"James. It's not hard to say."

"Think I'll stick with Jimmy.", Gideon snorted, and James rolled his eyes.

"They've corrupted Alice too?", Dumbledore shook his head. "Yes, yes we have.", James grinned, as the pranksters ran out of the tunnel, laughing.

the burrow

Fabian and Gideon Prewett knocked on the door to the Burrow, grinning at each other as the door was thrown open, and three redheaded children ran at them, Percy wobbling on his feet, shrieking in excitement.

"Uncle Fabian! Uncle Gideon!", they cheered, dragging them into the living room, where Molly was holding a baby, and Arthur holding the other one.

"Molly and Arthur!", Fabian said, grinning at the parents. Fabian took George, from Molly, and Gideon took Fred.

"Who's your favorite, Uncle Fabian?", Charlie asked, clutching a stuffed dragon. "I don't have a favorite.", Fabian grinned.

"What about you, Uncle Gideon?", Charlie asked, looking to his other uncle.

"Can't pick. You all are little demons.", Gideon smirked, ruffling Bill's hair.

"Mum made me cut my hair.", Bill said remorsefully, looking up at him. "Molly! It looked so cool. I like the long hair.", Fabian protested, looking at his sister.

"Don't you start.", Molly groaned, smacking him.

"Why aren't you here as much?", Bill asked, his eyes big. Fabian and Gideon looked at each other guiltily. "Sorry, bud. We've been really busy.", Gideon responded, looking at Molly as he cradled Fred.

"Busy with what?", Charlie asked, cocking his head. No one answered, the sound of the crackling fire filling the room. "Are you fighting Voldemort?", Bill asked.

"How do you know about that?", Arthur asked, picking Bill up, and setting him in his lap.

"I heard you and Mum.", he said solemnly, looking at his uncles. "Who's Voldemort?", Charlie asked curiously. Fabian looked at him, setting George in the cradle. He kneeled down, looking into Charlie's eyes.

"He's a very, very bad man. We're trying our best to defeat him.", he said quietly. "I want to help.", Bill exclaimed, his eyes sparkling.

"No, Bill. He'll be defeated by the time you're our age.", Gideon said, looking at Molly and Arthur.

"You're never here to play dragons with us anymore.", Charlie said, his lower lip trembling.

"Charlie, they're busy.", Molly said, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "We can play dragons for a little.", Fabian concluded, "If that's okay with your mum and dad, of course.", Gideon added.

"Please! Mum, PLEASE? Dad, PLEASE?", Charlie said, Bill joining in with him. Even Percy screeched loudly, as Molly quieted them. "Just don't wake the twins.", she sighed, leaning back into Arthur. Fred and George were asleep in the cradle, and the three boys followed Fabian and Gideon to one of the rooms, laughing.

a few hours later

The hairclip flashed in Gideon's pocket, and he shifted Percy over, looking at it. It flashed in Fabian's, and they looked at the two boys, a frown etching on their faces.

"We have to go, boys.", Fabian said, setting down the dragon toy. "NO!", Charlie shrieked, hugging Gideon's legs. "Sorry, I wish I could stay.", Gideon said gently.

"Why don't you love us anymore?", Bill asked quietly, his lower lip trembling. "Bill.", the twins said in unison, hugging him. "We love you so much.", Fabian said firmly. "Don't you ever forget that.", Gideon added.

"Are you mad at us?", Charlie asked, swiping at his eyes. "Why would we be mad at you?"

"Because you always look sad when you come here.", Charlie said, latching on to his uncle's leg.

Molly walked in, Fred in one hand, and George in the other. "You have to leave?", she asked, as Gideon took George.

"Sorry, Molls, we do.", Fabian apologized, taking Fred, and twirling him around, Fred giggling with him.

"Charlie, Bill, it's time for you to go to bed.", Molly said tiredly. "I don't WANT to!", Charlie shrieked, as Percy stirred in the rocking chair.

"Five more minutes?", Bill pleaded. Fabian sighed, but then relented.

"Five minutes won't do any harm."

five minutes later

Fabian and Gideon looked at their watches, and then back at their nephews. "I want to go with you.", Bill pleaded, tugging on Gideon's robes. "It's too dangerous, Billy.", Arthur said, picking him up.

"I'll bring you boys back something.", Fabian said, in an attempt to please them. Charlie sniffled, burying his face in his mom's shoulder.

"We have to go, I love you boys.", Gideon said, pressing a kiss to all of the boys' head.

"Go away.", Charlie said, not looking at them. "Charlie.", Fabian trailed off. Molly hushed him, looking at the twins apologetically. "Apologize to them.", Arthur said kindly.

"No. I hate you!", Charlie sobbed, jumping out of his mother's grip, and running to the top of the stairs. Bill hugged his uncles again.

Molly hugged them, "Be careful.", she whispered, as they hugged Arthur.

"Always are, Molls.", Fabian grinned, as the two of them left the Burrow.

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