Chapter 22: Biana

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Yay guys. *please note the sarcasm that I just told you about because you can't hear sarcasm through words* Time for a time skip. I tried to use my heavy sarcasm because I feel like I use time skips a lot. Whatever! Enjoy!

One year later

It was around 10 this morning when Keefe hailed me. I looked at my imparter. Keefe? When did he ever hail me? When I picked up, Keefe looked really worried. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Um, everything ok over there?" I asked.

I shook his head. "I'm really worried about Sophie. She's been sick on and off for two months. She doesn't want to leave the house, and she refuses to go see Elwin. I think she did hail him once, but I can't be sure. You and Dex are her best friends, and she won't tell me what's going on! Maybe she'll talk to you?"

I paused. "Wait. Sick on and off for two months. Won't leave the house. Won't see Elwin. Also won't tell you what's wrong. Is she constantly hungry and wearing baggy clothes?"

Do you get it? Do you know what's going on with Sophie? And omg lol Keefe now it's your turn to be oblivious. 

Keefe nodded skeptically. "How did you know?"

I nodded slowly. "I think I know exactly what's wrong with her. I'll be right over." 

I clicked away and leaped over to OceanGlade. I knocked on the front door and Keefe opened it. 

"Hey Biana. Come in."

I walked inside, and got ready to go to upstairs to where Sophie was. 

"Look, Keefe...if I'm right about what's going on with Sophie, she's not going to tell me anything with you in the house. Why don't you go hang out with my brother or Dex for awhile?"

Keefe nodded, went upstairs to tell Sophie what was going on and leaped away. I walked into Sophie and Keefe's bathroom to find Sophie leaning up against the wall next to the toilet. I gasped.

"Oh you poor thing! C'mon, let's get you out of here." 

I helped her onto her bed and sat down next to her. 

"Are you ok?"

"Ya I guess. Keefe hailed you? Well i'm not going to tell you anything. He's probably eavesdropping right outside that door." 

I smiled. "No. He's not. I asked him to leave for awhile so i could get the truth." 

Sophie looked away. "You already guessed it didn't you? Thankfully for me, Keefe doesn't realize it yet. I'm scared Biana." 

I was shocked. "Why are your scared? He'll be so happy!"

Ok. Please tell me you get it now if you didn't before.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I saw them."

I gave her a confused look. "Who?"

Her lip trembled. "The-The Neverseen. I know it was them! It was their cloak! Who else would wear that?" 

I was so surprised. I put my hand on hers. 

"Sophie. Even if they are back, why are you hiding it from Keefe?"

She sighed. "Because I know him all to well. He'll start to baby me, which could tip anyone off as to why. If anyone knows about it, then they'll be in so much danger. I have to keep it a secret! Promise you won't tell anyone."

It was my turn to sigh. "Fine. But how 'bout this. If you don't tell Keefe tomorrow, I'll tell our whole group. Deal?" 

She rolled her eyes and smiled. 

"You always did know how to help. Thank you so much Bi."

I grinned. "Yup. But remember. You have to tell Keefe tomorrow that you're pregnant."

Yay! I really hope I didn't make it to confusing to figure out what was wrong with her, but for those of you who couldn't figure it out (Sorry 'bout that), I did make sure to tell you at the end! Ha. I just remembered. (Btw of you don't really care, skip the part that's slanted) This story started off as a figment of my imagination that I used to help me fall asleep. I came up with many endings (this one I'm writing, I'm coming up with as I go), and one of the, broke my heart but I did consider writing it. 

Sophie and Keefe had a daughter. Keefe worked for the Council, and Sophie was on temporary leave so she could take care of their daughter. One day, when their daughter was 3, Keefe went away on a diplomatic mission for the trolls, promising to be back in 2 days. But a week passed and Sophie contacted the council. Weeks turned to months and months turned to years. 10 years and one day, because he disappeared on their daughters birthday. The day after Sophie visited Keefe's wanderling, a figure suddenly leaped out onto the front yard of their house. Sophie went to see who it was, and saw a bloody, battered body. So many scars, fresh wounds, broken bones, but what horrified Sophie most of all were the familiar ice blues eyes and blonde hair and the mouth that was blabbering Sophie's their child's name. The only thing that that sound reminded Sophie of was Alden. Not normal Alden. Alden when his mind broke all those years ago. Sophie started to cry, and fell over onto flowers and shattered the vase. Their daughter rushed out to see what was going on, and saw her father. She actually remembered him from when she was three because of her inherited photographic memory, and she could never forget the last thing her father had said to her. "Goodbye my little princess. I'll see you soon. She started to cry to, but dragged him into the house. Everything went by so fast, but when everything was normal again, the Fosters daughter simply couldn't help resenting her father just a tiny bit for leaving them. But she came to forget that anger and they became a family. But everyday of the rest of her life, their daughter couldn't help but wonder how much different her childhood would've been if her father had been there. 

Butttttt anywayyyyy. After I've successfully spent 20 minutes writing a short story I came up with a long time ago, bAcK on topic. So, Sophie. Make sure to tread carefully. There's a plot twist coming up in your very, very near future. Btw - remember to comment what you think plz!


Something Immortal (A Sokeefe Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon