Chapter 51: Linh

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When Tam threw the vase, I was worried. But when he started sobbing, I was freaking out. I pushed off the spot on the wall where I was leaning and rushed over to Tam. What scared me even more was when he leaned into me, and just cried. I glared at Keefe when he got down next to Tam and frantically asked him what was wrong, and if Sophie was ok. But Tam answered him.

"Yeah Keefe, Sophie's fine. Ish."

Keefe's eyes widened. "ISH?"

I glared at him again. Tam looked up. "Crystals in the cave-making her weak-and Biana-"

He broke down crying again and I noticed Alden and Della's faces crumple, and I 

"Shhhh. Tam you don't have to tell us."

He shook his head, and began explaining.

"Sophie came through and told me they were underground, in a cave covered in crystals, and were taken by the man from when the twins were born, and then-then, when-when I asked about Biana, she-she just said, I'm sorry Tam. And then she cut out. What if-what if Biana..."

Della started sobbing, and Alden started shaking. Everyone else just stood where they were, in shock.

Was Biana truly gone?

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